1979 Vol. 1, No. 2
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1979, 1(2): 177-191.
Nondimensional equatians for dissipative trapped-waves over a continental shelf on an f-plane and solutions with out considerationof forced functions, namely solutions of free waves are obtained; nondispersive shelf waves and edgewaves are investigated, particularly the poroperty of dissipative nondispersive shelf waves of broad width and the effect of bottom stress on edgewaves.
Nondimensional equatians for dissipative trapped-waves over a continental shelf on an f-plane and solutions with out considerationof forced functions, namely solutions of free waves are obtained; nondispersive shelf waves and edgewaves are investigated, particularly the poroperty of dissipative nondispersive shelf waves of broad width and the effect of bottom stress on edgewaves.
1979, 1(2): 193-211.
Based on the three-dimensional zero-order model of the ultra-shallow water storm surge theory proposed by Qin and Feng(1975),a numerical investigation of the Pohai Sea wind tide is made. As a preliminary numerical experiment the model wind fields are designed for computations. Computational reauits are compared with the principal characteristics of observations as well as with some conclusions of the classical theories on storm surges presented lzy P. Groen (1962) and ethers.
Based on the three-dimensional zero-order model of the ultra-shallow water storm surge theory proposed by Qin and Feng(1975),a numerical investigation of the Pohai Sea wind tide is made. As a preliminary numerical experiment the model wind fields are designed for computations. Computational reauits are compared with the principal characteristics of observations as well as with some conclusions of the classical theories on storm surges presented lzy P. Groen (1962) and ethers.
1979, 1(2): 212-218.
By using the method of the angular power spectrum for shallow-water averaged sound field, the vertical coherence of shallow-water long-range reverberation was calculated.The relations between the cross-correlation coefficient of the reverberation and relevant parameters such as boundary reflection and scattering, distance(or time),hydrophone separation and signal fregnency etc are given. The results would be helpful for analysis of the angular dependence of bottom(or surface) scattering at low grazing angle in shallow-water environmen.
By using the method of the angular power spectrum for shallow-water averaged sound field, the vertical coherence of shallow-water long-range reverberation was calculated.The relations between the cross-correlation coefficient of the reverberation and relevant parameters such as boundary reflection and scattering, distance(or time),hydrophone separation and signal fregnency etc are given. The results would be helpful for analysis of the angular dependence of bottom(or surface) scattering at low grazing angle in shallow-water environmen.
1979, 1(2): 219-226.
In situ observations were conducted to verify the nrechanisrn and geochertrical pattern proposed previously by the authors. her ies of samples of suspended matter in estuarine waters wore collected along Jiulong River, Fujian. The part which can be dissolved by hot 0.43 N HCl was considered as the "anthigenie" inorganic silicate constituent of the suspended matter, and the filtrates were analyzed for reactive silicate, Fe and Al. the part of the residue whicki can be further dissolved by concentrated HNO3and then by 0.48 N HCl was analyzed for reactive silicate and considered as the organic Si content of the suspended matter. It is assmned that the "authigenic" inorganic silica comes from the inorganic chemical removal of the reactive silicate from the water phase.
In situ observations were conducted to verify the nrechanisrn and geochertrical pattern proposed previously by the authors. her ies of samples of suspended matter in estuarine waters wore collected along Jiulong River, Fujian. The part which can be dissolved by hot 0.43 N HCl was considered as the "anthigenie" inorganic silicate constituent of the suspended matter, and the filtrates were analyzed for reactive silicate, Fe and Al. the part of the residue whicki can be further dissolved by concentrated HNO3and then by 0.48 N HCl was analyzed for reactive silicate and considered as the organic Si content of the suspended matter. It is assmned that the "authigenic" inorganic silica comes from the inorganic chemical removal of the reactive silicate from the water phase.
1979, 1(2): 227-242.
This paper makes a kinetic study of the ructions of inorganic ion exchange of minor elements in seawater. The mam results obtained follow:1. Under conditions of ecncentrated U(Ⅵ).
This paper makes a kinetic study of the ructions of inorganic ion exchange of minor elements in seawater. The mam results obtained follow:1. Under conditions of ecncentrated U(Ⅵ).
1979, 1(2): 243-251.
This article reviews briefly current data and ideas on back-arc basins and suggests that such basins in the Western Pacific might indeed owe their origin to back-arc spreading as postulated by D. Karig(1971).Those basins commonly have an oceanic curst, recognizable magnetic lineations, and high heat-flow. However, not all back-arc basins are so characterized. The Caribbean basins, for example, have neither magnetic lineation nor apparent crustal ages as predieted by a spreading model(Edgar, Saunders, et al., 1973).Recent multi-channel seismic data suggest that the previous deep-sea drilling there has only reached mid-Cretaceous basalt extruded during mid-plate volcanism;the drilling has failed to sample the true oceanic basement(e.g., L. Montadert, personal communication).Current speculations regard the Caribbean as a fragment of the Pacific curst that has incidentally been trapped behind the Caribbean Arc,(e.g., E. L. Winterer, personal communication);the geological history of the Caribbean crust might be comparable to that of the Nauro Basin of the South Pacific(Larsen, Schlanger, et al., 1980).
This article reviews briefly current data and ideas on back-arc basins and suggests that such basins in the Western Pacific might indeed owe their origin to back-arc spreading as postulated by D. Karig(1971).Those basins commonly have an oceanic curst, recognizable magnetic lineations, and high heat-flow. However, not all back-arc basins are so characterized. The Caribbean basins, for example, have neither magnetic lineation nor apparent crustal ages as predieted by a spreading model(Edgar, Saunders, et al., 1973).Recent multi-channel seismic data suggest that the previous deep-sea drilling there has only reached mid-Cretaceous basalt extruded during mid-plate volcanism;the drilling has failed to sample the true oceanic basement(e.g., L. Montadert, personal communication).Current speculations regard the Caribbean as a fragment of the Pacific curst that has incidentally been trapped behind the Caribbean Arc,(e.g., E. L. Winterer, personal communication);the geological history of the Caribbean crust might be comparable to that of the Nauro Basin of the South Pacific(Larsen, Schlanger, et al., 1980).
1979, 1(2): 252-268.
The Holocene sand bodies in Changjiang River delta area may be classified genetically as river mouth sand, marine sand and river channel-fill sand, which are different in external geometry, internal characteristics, spatial distribution and contact with overlying and underlying beds. Their areal distribution forms a complicated complex that may be considered as a typical sand distribution model of tide-dominated deltas. In Holocene, Changjiang River delta area were subjected to transgression caused by the postglacial rise of sea level, and regression resulting from delta progradation. As a consequence of the alternative transgression and regression sand bodies have the characteristics of two-storeyed beds in vertical sequence. The transgressive sands are overlain by regressive ones, and there is a wedge of marine clay between them.
The Holocene sand bodies in Changjiang River delta area may be classified genetically as river mouth sand, marine sand and river channel-fill sand, which are different in external geometry, internal characteristics, spatial distribution and contact with overlying and underlying beds. Their areal distribution forms a complicated complex that may be considered as a typical sand distribution model of tide-dominated deltas. In Holocene, Changjiang River delta area were subjected to transgression caused by the postglacial rise of sea level, and regression resulting from delta progradation. As a consequence of the alternative transgression and regression sand bodies have the characteristics of two-storeyed beds in vertical sequence. The transgressive sands are overlain by regressive ones, and there is a wedge of marine clay between them.
1979, 1(2): 269-281.
Along the coast of Eastern China and on the adjacent shelf, geomorphological, sedimentological and biological evidence, related to ancient strandline, was found, and dated by radiocarbon method. In this paper, the model of sea level changes during the past 20000 years is established as follows.
Along the coast of Eastern China and on the adjacent shelf, geomorphological, sedimentological and biological evidence, related to ancient strandline, was found, and dated by radiocarbon method. In this paper, the model of sea level changes during the past 20000 years is established as follows.
1979, 1(2): 282-291.
This paper presents the results of a study of the morphology and larval development of Filogra.na. implexa Berkeley collected from the coast of the Yellow Sea. Filograna implera Berkeley is a species of Serpulids. These are small gregarious worms whose twisted, calcareous tubes are very small and slender and are crowded in aggregate fenestrated, coralliform masses. Filograna implexa Berkeley is most abundantly distributed in the Yellow Sea. Judging from its geographical distribution, it can be considered as a temperate, subtropical and tropical species.
This paper presents the results of a study of the morphology and larval development of Filogra.na. implexa Berkeley collected from the coast of the Yellow Sea. Filograna implera Berkeley is a species of Serpulids. These are small gregarious worms whose twisted, calcareous tubes are very small and slender and are crowded in aggregate fenestrated, coralliform masses. Filograna implexa Berkeley is most abundantly distributed in the Yellow Sea. Judging from its geographical distribution, it can be considered as a temperate, subtropical and tropical species.
1979, 1(2): 292-298.
Cpral reefs studies of the Xisha Islands have been carried out largely in recent years by our Institute and others. It is well known that the algal-ridge is absent from reefs in monsoonal and doldrum areas. Field ecological observation and laboratory analysis of biotic composition of recent accretionary sedimenu and coral limestone indicates that scleractinian coral plays a significant role in the reef formation of the Xisha Islands. Corallinaceous algae is extremely rare and the algal-ridge is absent as a topographic feature in Xisha Islands reefs.
Cpral reefs studies of the Xisha Islands have been carried out largely in recent years by our Institute and others. It is well known that the algal-ridge is absent from reefs in monsoonal and doldrum areas. Field ecological observation and laboratory analysis of biotic composition of recent accretionary sedimenu and coral limestone indicates that scleractinian coral plays a significant role in the reef formation of the Xisha Islands. Corallinaceous algae is extremely rare and the algal-ridge is absent as a topographic feature in Xisha Islands reefs.
1979, 1(2): 299-310.
An ecological investigation of marine fouling and boring organisms in the Zhoushan waters, Zhejiang Province, China(fig. 1) was carried out during 1974-1976. Four sites i.e. Shengshen, Zhangtu, Dinghai and Yangdo were selected, representing different environmental conditions, from coastal or estuarine to oceanic waters. Three series of test panels were set at each site. The first series was immersed for 1 month and then removed and replaced. The second series for 3 months(and then removed and replaced) the third series for 1. year. Test panels, with an area of 8×14 cm2 were submerged at 2 levels:i.e. slightly beneath the water surface and at a 2-3 m depth. In addition, a survey of fouling on various ships, buoys and wharfs was carried out.
An ecological investigation of marine fouling and boring organisms in the Zhoushan waters, Zhejiang Province, China(fig. 1) was carried out during 1974-1976. Four sites i.e. Shengshen, Zhangtu, Dinghai and Yangdo were selected, representing different environmental conditions, from coastal or estuarine to oceanic waters. Three series of test panels were set at each site. The first series was immersed for 1 month and then removed and replaced. The second series for 3 months(and then removed and replaced) the third series for 1. year. Test panels, with an area of 8×14 cm2 were submerged at 2 levels:i.e. slightly beneath the water surface and at a 2-3 m depth. In addition, a survey of fouling on various ships, buoys and wharfs was carried out.
1979, 1(2): 311-322.
Simultaneous observations of both water level elevations and wave prescures upon a vertical breakwater in a harbour was made in the years 1973 and 1977. The data were analyzed statistically. Based on the analysis and linear theory, a technique is developed for calculating the spectrum of total pressure exerted on the vertical breakwater from the spectrum of incident waves.
Simultaneous observations of both water level elevations and wave prescures upon a vertical breakwater in a harbour was made in the years 1973 and 1977. The data were analyzed statistically. Based on the analysis and linear theory, a technique is developed for calculating the spectrum of total pressure exerted on the vertical breakwater from the spectrum of incident waves.
1979, 1(2): 323-337.
In six experiments, observations were made on 22 healthy male adults for total 36 times. The results were as follows.
In six experiments, observations were made on 22 healthy male adults for total 36 times. The results were as follows.
1979, 1(2): 338-341.
The present paper describes two fossil polychaetous tubes Serpula shandongensis sp. nov. and Gitonia jiyangensis sp. Nov., found in the lower Tertiary Shahuojie Formation in the Jiyang district of Shandong Province, China.
The present paper describes two fossil polychaetous tubes Serpula shandongensis sp. nov. and Gitonia jiyangensis sp. Nov., found in the lower Tertiary Shahuojie Formation in the Jiyang district of Shandong Province, China.