Analysis on the community characteristics and potential ecological risk of jellyfish in the Qingchuan Bay of Ningde, Fujian Province
摘要: 根据2018年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、7月(夏季)和11月(秋季)在宁德晴川湾海域浮游动物调查的4个航次数据,分析该海域水母群落结构和季节变化特征,讨论了水母对宁德晴川湾核电站安全生产潜在的风险。结果表明:宁德晴川湾海域水母类种类组成、丰度分布和优势种演替均存在季节变化,春、夏、秋、冬该海域水母种数分别为7种、16种、9种和3种,丰度均值分别为(45.48±8.24)个/m3、(50.26±12.13)个/m3、(3.68±1.91)个/m3和(0.18±0.07)个/m3,首要优势种分别为印度感棒水母(Laodicea indica)、球型侧腕水母(Pleurobrachia globosa)、双生水母(Diphyes chamissonis)和耳状囊水母(Euphysa aurata),优势种类组成季节演替明显。春季和夏季水母的丰度与浮游动物的总丰度呈极显著相关,在夏季其数量与浮游动物中的桡足类数量呈显著相关(p<0.05,R=0.363),秋季和冬季水母群落的丰度主要受盐度的影响。秋、冬季该海域盐度、温度均较低,水母的丰度也较低。根据宁德晴川湾核电站附近海域水母分布特征,以水母丰度50 个/m3为风险阈值考虑,夏季为潜在高风险季节,需重点关注距核电站冷源取水口5~20 km海域;其次是春季,重点关注距取水口2.5~5 km海域;秋季和冬季基本不会因水母而引起核电站冷源安全事故发生。Abstract: Based on the data from the zooplankton survey in the waters around the Ningde nuclear power plant in January (winter), April (spring), July (summer) and November (autumn) 2018, the structure and seasonal changes of jellyfish communities in the area were analyzed. The potential risks of jellyfish to the safe production of nuclear power in Ningde were discussed. The results showed that there were seasonal changes in the species composition, abundance distribution and dominant species succession of jellyfish in the Ningde nuclear power plant area. The numbers of jellyfish species in the spring, summer, autumn and winter were 7, 16, 9 and 3, respectively. The mean abundances were (45.48±8.24) ind./m3, (50.26±12.13) ind./m3, (3.68±1.91) ind./m3, and (0.18±0.07) ind./m3, respectively. The main dominant species were Laodicea indica, Pleurobrachia globosa, Diphyes chamissonis and Euphysa aurata. The seasonal succession of dominant species was obvious. The correlation analysis between the change of jellyfish abundance and environmental factors showed that the abundance of jellyfish in spring and summer was significantly related to the total abundance of zooplankton, and its number was significantly related to the number of copepods in zooplankton in summer(p<0.05, R=0.363). The abundance of jellyfish communities in autumn and winter was mainly affected by salinity. The salinity of the sea area was relatively low in autumn and winter, and the temperature is also low, so the abundance of jellyfish was also low. According to the distribution characteristics of jellyfish in Ningde, the jellyfish abundance of 50 ind./m3 was considered as the risk threshold value, and summer was the potentially high-risk season for ecological disasters. It was necessary to focus on the 5−20 km away from the intake area in summer; followed by the spring, the focus was on the 2.5−5 km away from the intake area; in autumn and winter, the safety of nuclear power sources was basically not caused by jellyfish.
Key words:
- jellyfish /
- zooplankton /
- community characteristics /
- ecological risk /
- Qingchuan Bay of Ningde
表 1 宁德晴川湾海域调查站位基本信息
Tab. 1 Basic information of survey stations in the Qingchuan Bay of Ningde
站号 纬度 经度 距取水口距离/km 1 27°02′37″N 120°17′23″E <2.5(取水口附近) 2 27°02′32″N 120°17′19″E <2.5(取水口附近) 3 27°02′32″N 120°17′10″E <2.5(取水口附近) 4 27°02′27″N 120°17′11″E <2.5(取水口附近) 5 27°02′21″N 120°16′58″E <2.5(取水口附近) 6 27°02′23″N 120°17′04″E <2.5(取水口附近) 7 27°03′09″N 120°17′23″E 2.5 8 27°02′37″N 120°17′36″E 2.5 9 27°02′21″N 120°17′03″E 2.5 10 27°01′53″N 120°16′29″E 2.5 11 27°02′19″N 120°16′03″E 2.5 12 27°02′19″N 120°18′12″E 2.5 13 27°01′39″N 120°17′31″E 2.5 14 27°01′04″N 120°17′47″E 2.5 15 27°05′23″N 120°17′16″E 5 16 27°05′11″N 120°18′53″E 5 17 27°04′09″N 120°20′05″E 5 18 27°02′43″N 120°20′24″E 5 19 27°01′14″N 120°19′57″E 5 20 27°00′11″N 120°18′50″E 5 21 26°59′52″N 120°17′17″E 5 22 26°56′12″N 120°16′23″E 10 23 26°56′52″N 120°18′33″E 10 24 27°00′10″N 120°22′44″E 10 25 27°02′41″N 120°23′18″E 10 26 27°04′23″N 120°23′15″E 10 27 27°08′04″N 120°27′44″E 20 28 27°02′41″N 120°29′23″E 20 29 26°57′16″N 120°27′44″E 20 30 26°53′15″N 120°23′15″E 20 31 26°51′50″N 120°17′13″E 20 32 26°48′35″N 120°26′09″E 40 33 26°54′32″N 120°32′59″E 40 34 27°02′37″N 120°35′24″E 40 35 26°51′50″N 120°38′09″E 50 表 2 宁德晴川湾海域不同季节水母种类组成名录
Tab. 2 Species composition of jellyfish in different seasons in the Qingchuan Bay of Ningde
序号 类别 中文名 拉丁名 冬季 春季 夏季 秋季 1 水螅水母 多管水母属 Aequorea sp. + + 2 水螅水母 半口壮丽水母 Aglaura hemistoma + + + + 3 水螅水母 和平水母属 Eirene sp. + 4 水螅水母 耳状囊水母 Euphysa aurata + 5 水螅水母 束手水母属 Gossea sp. + 6 水螅水母 印度感棒水母 Laodicea indica + 7 水螅水母 厦门隔膜水母 Leuckartiara hoepplii + 8 水螅水母 四叶小舌水母 Liriope tetraphylla + + 9 水螅水母 薮枝螅水母属 Obelia sp. + 10 水螅水母 钩手水母属 Scolionema sp. + 11 水螅水母 似钩手水母 Scolionema suvaense + 12 水螅水母 两手筐水母 Solmundella bitentaculata + + 13 管水母 华丽盛装水母 Agalma elegans + 14 管水母 双生水母 Diphyes chamissonis + + + 15 管水母 拟细浅室水母 Lensia subtiloides + + + 16 管水母 五角水母 Muggiaea atlantica + + + 17 管水母 双小水母 Nanomia bijuga + 18 钵水母 灯塔水母 Turritopsis nutricula + 19 栉水母 刺胞栉水母 Euchlora rubra + + 20 栉水母 球型侧腕水母 Pleurobrachia globosa + + + 备注:+表示检出,空白表示未检出。 表 3 不同季节水母优势种的优势度、平均丰度和出现频率统计
Tab. 3 Dominances, average abundance and frequency of the dominant jellyfish species in different seasons
季节 优势种 优势度(Y) 平均丰度/个·m−3 出现频率/% 春季 印度感棒水母 0.15 18.65 37.1 双生水母 0.08 11.02 34.3 球型侧腕水母 0.07 12.74 25.7 夏季 球型侧腕水母 0.60 42.12 71.4 薮枝螅水母 0.04 4.78 37.1 双生水母 0.03 2.50 62.9 秋季 双生水母 0.07 2.69 20.0 球型侧腕水母 0.03 0.45 51.4 冬季 耳状囊水母 0.08 0.14 20.0 表 4 宁德晴川湾海域不同季节水母丰度与环境因子相关性分析
Tab. 4 Correlation between jellyfish abundance and environmental factors in different seasons in the Qingchuan Bay of Ningde
季节浮游动物丰度 浮游动物湿重生物量 桡足类丰度 水温 盐度 pH 春季 0.477** 0.269 0.247 0.032 −0.131 −0.091 夏季 0.620** 0.078 0.363* 0.029 −0.158 −0.157 秋季 0.243 0.331 −0.019 0.078 0.494** 0.096 冬季 −0.173 −0.025 −0.183 0.298 0.460** 0.307 注:**表示在p=0.01(双尾)水平上相关;*表示在p=0.05(双尾)水平相关。 -
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