Study on the evolution of the tidal morphodynamic processes in south-western Laizhou Bay based on numerical simulation in the past 50 years
摘要: 根据1959、1984、2002年测量的海图,基于二维浅水方程分别构建了3个年份的莱州湾潮流场模型,研究了最近50 a来莱州湾西—南部潮流动力演变规律,揭示黄河河口沙嘴形成演变对莱州湾西—南部潮流动力的影响。结果表明,最近50 a中在沙嘴外围一直存在弧形高流速带,在弧形高流速带外围又有潮流剪切锋,潮流剪切锋包括内涨外退式和内退外涨式两类。随着河口沙嘴的不断向海延伸,莱州湾西—南海域的等潮位线呈以沙嘴为中心的辐射式格局;弧形高流速带整体向外海移动,其范围和流速也随之不断增大;剪切锋历时变长、间隔时间变短、南北跨度变大;但弧形高流速带和潮流剪切锋始终位于青坨子以北海域。对照同期海岸地貌演变,在弧形高流速带、潮流剪切锋等共同作用下,大部分黄河入海泥沙的输运路径和沉降范围仅限于青坨子以北,导致海岸地貌以此为界呈现显著的差异性演化。Abstract: Using the two-dimensional shallow water equations,the paper simulated the tidal field of Laizhou bay based on three charts surveyed in 1958,1984 and 2002 respectively. The models were used to study the evolution rule and to reveal the effect on the tidal dynamics by the Yellow River Sandspit formation and evolution over the past 50 years. Results show that,the high-velocity zones have developed outside of the sandspit,and on the periphery of the high-velocity zones,there are the tidal shear fronts which can be divided into inner-ebb-outer-flood type(IEOF) and the inner-flood-outer-ebb type(IFOE). Acompannied with the sandspit extension toward the the Laizhou bay constantly,distribution of the tide field have converted to the rayonnant model with the sandspit as the center,the arc high-velocity zone moved to the open seas with the increases of range and velocity,the tidal shear fronts lasted longer,spaced shorter,and its length from north to south had clear growth too. But the high-velocity zones and tidal shear fronts are always in the north of the Qingtuizi. Under the combined action of the arc high-velocity zone and tidal shear front,compared with the results of the coastal geomorphology evolution in the same period,a majority of the Yellow River sediment migrated and settled in the north sea area of the Qingtuozi merely. It is the main driving factors that lead to the different geomorphical evolution between the south and west coast.
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