Primary analysis of current condition and seasonal variation in southern Zhejiang
摘要: 为了揭示浙南海流特征及其季节和垂向变化规律,于2006—2007年在浙南岸外一固定点(平均水深约32 m)利用ADP潜标进行了春、夏、秋、冬季4次多个潮周期分层海流流速流向观测。结果表明:(1)测点最大流速为148.9 cm/s,相应流向为75°,出现在春季表层大潮落潮阶段;垂向平均最大流速为106.2 cm/s,平均流向为81°,出现在夏季大潮落潮落急阶段。(2)剖面各层流速垂向差异明显,表层流速(28 m层以上)受海况影响明显,秋季平均流速最大(65.4 cm/s),冬季最小(42.8 cm/s),20~28 m层冬季最强,春季最弱,20 m层以下夏季最强,秋季最弱(仅小潮);垂线平均流速夏季最强(46.5 cm/s),春季最小(33.7 cm/s)。(3)夏季海流基本上为(偏)北向流;秋、冬则基本上为(偏)南向流;春季具往复流特点,但以北向流为主。(4)垂向上夏季和春季流向较一致,冬季和秋季流向分异明显(20 m和10 m层)。(5)垂线平均余流为12.8~29.8 cm/s,夏季最强春季最弱;夏季和春季各层余流均为东北向,冬季为西南向,而秋季11 m层(包括11 m层)以下为E-NEE向,11 m层以上为西南向。结论:测点海流受到潮汐、季风和台湾暖流的共同制约。季风的影响夏、冬两季大于春、秋两季;季风的影响自表层向底层减弱(主要限于表层以下10 m)。Abstract: To research the current character,seasonal variation and pattern in vertical profile,vertical current speed and direction were observed using ADP,in summer,winter,spring and autumn from 2006 to 2007,in a fixed site of east China Sea southern Zhejiang Province. The results show: (1) The biggest speed was 148.9 cm/s,with the direction 75°,occurred in spring ebb peak in spring during the four observation periods. The biggest average speed in vertical reached 106.2 cm/s,occurred in spring ebb peak in summer. (2) Significant difference presented in vertical speed profile. In the surface (above 28 m),the current was interfered evidently by sea conditions with the biggest and least average speed in autumn and in winter,respectively; between 20m and 28 m layers,the current was strongest in winter and least in spring season; while below 20 m layer,the current was strongest in summer. The average speed in vertical profile was strongest in summer and least in spring,with the speed of 46.5 cm/s and 33.7 cm/s,respectively. (3) The current direction varied from season to season. In summer the direction was north,while in autumn and winter was south on the whole. However,in spring the current was periodic alternating,and the north current was dominated. (4) In vertical profile the current direction was consistent in every layer,while in winter and autumn the current direction varied clearly from bottom to surface. (5) In vertical profile the average residual flow speed was 12.8~29.8 cm/s in the four seasons and the residual flow was strongest in summer and least in spring. The direction of residual flow in summer and spring was northeast in every layer,in winter the direction was southwest. However in autumn the flow direction was complicated relatively,11 m above the seabed was east to north-east-east and below 11m layer the direction was southwest. Conclusion: In the study area,the current was controlled by tide,monsoon and Taiwan warm current together. The monsoon influence to the current in summer and winter was stronger than in spring and autumn,meanwhile the influence became weaker from surface to bottom.
Key words:
- current /
- season variation /
- monsoon /
- East China Sea
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