Risk assessment of coastal erosion in the Fujian Province
摘要: 海岸侵蚀和淤积一直存在于海岸带系统内并塑造着现在的海岸线,近年来不当的人类活动以及全球气候变化加剧了海岸侵蚀,导致沿海土地流失,威胁人类生命财产安全。本文构建了海岸侵蚀风险评价理论体系,阐述了海岸侵蚀风险评价的方法,为海岸侵蚀风险管理提供有效指导。运用层析分析法确定评价指标权重;根据模糊集理论合成海岸侵蚀风险等级。以福建省海岸带为例,进行了海岸侵蚀风险评价,编绘了风险评价图,评价结果与客观情况比较吻合,验证了文中理论方法的适用性。本文构建的海岸侵蚀风险评价理论体系可以推广到其他区域,但应根据实际情况适当调整指标个数以及指标权重。Abstract: Coastal erosion and accretion has always existed in the coastal zone systems,and sculptured the present coastlines. However,with increasing human activities and ongoing global climate change,the coasts have been suffering more and more erosion,leading to severe land loss and aggravating financial burden. This study presented an integrated methodology for risk assessment of coastal erosion,and described the methods for coastal erosion risk assessment,and provided some helpful guidances for coastal erosion risk management. The analytic hierarchy process and the fuzzy set theory were adopted in the study to establish the methodology. Taking the Fujian coast as an example,this study assessed its coastal erosion risk and compiled the risk map,and the results obtained were consistent with the actual situation and confirmed the applicability of the method mentioned above. The system established for coastal erosion risk assessment in this study can be applied to other regions after slightly adjusting the values of the assessment indicators.
Key words:
- coastal erosion /
- risk assessment /
- analytic hierarchy process /
- fuzzy set theory /
- Fujian Province
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