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翟晓辉 王华伟 夏天 高建华 聂天亦 游子骏 宋秀青 李芯芯

翟晓辉,王华伟,夏天,等. 渤、黄海表层沉积物有机碳的分布特征及影响因素研究[J]. 海洋学报,2025,47(1):1–12 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2025012
引用本文: 翟晓辉,王华伟,夏天,等. 渤、黄海表层沉积物有机碳的分布特征及影响因素研究[J]. 海洋学报,2025,47(1):1–12 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2025012
Zhai Xiaohui,Wang Huawei,Xia Tian, et al. Spatial distribution and influencing factors of organic carbon in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2025, 47(1):1–12 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2025012
Citation: Zhai Xiaohui,Wang Huawei,Xia Tian, et al. Spatial distribution and influencing factors of organic carbon in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2025, 47(1):1–12 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2025012


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2025012
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42076029,42276045),深圳市海洋发展研究促进中心项目(SZDL2023000925),上海佘山地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站开放课题项目(SSKP202202)。




Spatial distribution and influencing factors of organic carbon in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

  • 摘要: 了解海洋沉积物有机碳的分布特征及其影响因素对深入探究全球碳循环机制并应对气候变化意义重大。本研究通过渤、黄海表层沉积物碳、氮、硫元素及其同位素(TOC、TN、TS、S2‒、δ13C、δ15N、δ34S)测定,结合比表面积、色素生物标志物、热重分析等,阐明了沉积物有机碳的来源组成、分布特征及其主要约束机制。结果表明,受水动力条件控制,TOC和TN含量呈现近岸低、远岸高的分布特征,且受沉积物比表面积显著影响。同位素端元分析结果表明沉积物中混合了陆地植物、土壤和海洋藻类有机碳。其中黄河口及辽东半岛近岸海域土壤输入影响较大,有机碳碳反应指数较小;而南黄海海洋藻类影响较大,有机碳碳反应指数较高。渤海及北黄海沉积物TOC与TS的显著相关性表明有机碳降解与硫酸盐还原过程密切相关,较负的δ34S表明沉积物-水界面的硫酸盐还原-硫化物氧化-海水硫酸盐补充的循环过程,暗示了该区域有机质有氧到无氧的降解过程,其中色素降解潜在导致其与表层沉积物TOC之间相关性较弱。随着日益频发的藻华和水体缺氧效应,未来研究需进一步关注海水水体氧化还原条件与表层沉积物元素循环的耦合关系,这对理解大陆架沉积物有机碳埋藏具有重要意义。
  • 图  1  渤、黄海表层沉积物采样站位示意图

    Fig.  1  Sampling sites of the surface sediments in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

    图  2  渤、黄海表层沉积物的比表面积(a);TOC含量(b);TN含量(c);摩尔C/N(d);δ13C(e);δ15N(f);TS含量(g);S2‒含量(h)和δ34S(i)的空间分布

    Fig.  2  Spatial distributions of specific surface area (a), TOC content (b), TN content (c), molar C/N ratio (d), δ13C (e), δ15N (f), TS (g), S2‒ content (h), and δ34S (i) in the marine sediments from the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea investigated in this study

    图  3  渤、黄海表层沉积物色素生物标志物、热重分析参数及来源贡献的空间分布

    a. 色素含量(nmol/g);b. 归一化色素含量(nmol/g OC);c. OMTotal含量(%);d. OML含量(%);e. OMR含量(%);f. CRI;g. 土壤贡献;h. 陆源植物贡献;i. 海洋藻类贡献

    Fig.  3  Spatial distributions of pigment, thermo-gravimetric analysis parameters, and source contributions of the surface sediments in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

    a. Pigment content (nmol/g); b. normalized pigment content (nmol/g OC); c. OMTotal content (%); d. OML content (%); e. OMR content (%); f. CRI; g. soil fraction; h. terrestrial vegetation; i. marine fraction

    图  4  渤海(a)、北黄海(b)和南黄海(c)表层沉积物色素生物标志物组成及相对比例

    Fig.  4  Pigment composition and relative proportion in surface sediments of Bohai Sea (a), northern Yellow Sea (b), and southern Yellow Sea (c)

    图  5  渤、黄海表层沉积物中TOC和TN含量关系(a);C/N与δ13C关系(b);TOC含量和比表面积(SSA)间关系(c)。两条黑色实线分别代表有机碳载荷为1.0 mg/m2和0.4 mg/m2

    Fig.  5  Correlation between TOC and TN contents (a); relationship between molar C/N and δ13C (b); correlation between TOC content and specific surface area (SSA) (c). Solid lines represent organic carbon (OC) load of 1.0 mg/m2 and 0.4 mg/m2, respectively

    图  6  渤、黄海表层沉积物中TOC含量与比表面积的相关关系(a);C/S与C/N的相关关系(b),以及有机碳的δ13C和δ34S的相关关系(c)

    Fig.  6  Relationship between TOC content and specific surface area (a), relationship between C/S and C/N (b), and relationship between δ13C and δ34S(c) of organic matter in the surface sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

    图  7  渤、黄海表层沉积物各参数的主成分分析

    Fig.  7  Principal component analysis of the bulk organic carbon parameters in surface sediments of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

    表  1  渤、黄海表层沉积物有机碳端元分析结果

    Tab.  1  Endmember mixing model results of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

    海区 陆源植物/% 土壤有机碳/% 海洋藻类/%
    渤海 20 ± 8 54 ± 16 28 ± 11
    北黄海 21 ± 7 37 ± 16 42 ± 10
    南黄海 18 ± 11 39 ± 36 53 ± 25
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