Multi-AUV multi-regional coverage path planning based on coevolution
摘要: 针对多自主水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, AUV)水下覆盖任务过程中的突发情况,研究了多AUV的覆盖路径重规划问题,提出了一种多机器人−多区域覆盖路径规划(Multi-robot Multi-regional Coverage Path Planning, M2CPP)方法,为可用AUV重新分配未覆盖区域并规划覆盖路径。首先,通过割草机算法确定每个区域中的内部路径和候选入口位置。然后,采用协同进化方法求解最优的区域分配、区域顺序及各区域的最优入口,3个种群协同进化,共同决定所有AUV的完整路径,保证种群多样性,避免陷入局部最优。仿真结果表明,本文方法在根据初始位置和剩余能量为多AUV重规划较短路径的基础上,优化路径结构,保证多AUV工作量均衡,可以较好解决该背景下的路径重规划问题。
- 多机器人多区域覆盖路径规划 /
- 覆盖路径重规划 /
- 多AUV系统 /
- 协同进化 /
- 任务分配
Abstract: In response to contingencies that arise during the underwater coverage missions of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), this study addresses the problem of coverage path replanning for multiple AUVs. A multi-robot multi-regional coverage path planning (M2CPP) method is proposed to reassign uncovered areas to available AUVs and plan their coverage paths. Initially, the lawnmower algorithm is employed to determine the internal paths and candidate entry points within each region. Subsequently, a coevolutionary approach is utilized to solve for the optimal region allocation, region sequence, and the best entry points for each region. Three populations coevolve collaboratively to determine the complete paths for all AUVs, ensuring population diversity and preventing convergence into local optima. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method not only replans shorter paths for multiple AUVs based on their initial positions and remaining energy but also optimizes the path structure to ensure a balanced workload among the AUVs, effectively resolving the replanning issue under such scenarios. -
表 1 参数设置
Tab. 1 Parameter settings
分类 变量 数值 基本
参数区域个数(Nr) 6 AUV个数(Na) 3 AUV剩余能量(E) {0.39, 0.89, 0.65} AUV位置(P) {(800, 2200 ), (1200 200), (4600 1000 )}声呐量程(Ws) 200 合作
参数种群规模(Np) 100 种群个数(NP) 3 最大迭代次数(maxIte) 400 交叉概率(Pc) 0.2 变异概率(Pm) 0.2 表 2 各AUV的路径长度对比
Tab. 2 Comparison of the path length of each AUV
本文方法 GA BiCC AUV $A_1 $ 2248 5540 10180 AUV $A_2 $ 9738 12640 1133 AUV $A_3 $ 5978 9218 5978 总长度 17964 27398 17291 表 3 本文方法得到的各AUV预期工作量、实际工作量和工作量偏差
Tab. 3 The expected workload, actual workload and workload deviation of each AUV obtained by the proposed method
预期工作量 实际工作量 工作量偏差 AUV $A_1 $ 0.202 0.125 0.077 AUV $A_2 $ 0.461 0.542 0.081 AUV $A_3 $ 0.337 0.333 0.004 表 4 平均工作量偏差和平均
$ {H}_{3} $ 对比Tab. 4 Comparison of average workload deviation and average
$ {H}_{3} $ 本文方法 GA BiCC 平均工作量偏差 0.0540 0.0002 0.2637 平均$ {H}_{3} $ 0.1360 0.4553 0.1564 AUV $A_1 $ 0.067 AUV $A_2 $ 0.127 AUV $A_3 $ 0.214 -
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