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符清露 董志远 李宝泉 陈莉 孙德斌 倪艳梅 唐永政 陈琳琳

符清露,董志远,李宝泉,等. 基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的黄河三角洲典型潮沟单元秋季无脊椎动物多样性及共现网络分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(11):75–90 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024122
引用本文: 符清露,董志远,李宝泉,等. 基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的黄河三角洲典型潮沟单元秋季无脊椎动物多样性及共现网络分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(11):75–90 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024122
Fu Qinglu,Dong Zhiyuan,Li Baoquan, et al. Analysis of invertebrate diversity and co-occurrence network based on environmental DNA metabarcoding in autumn typical tidal creek units of the Huanghe River Delta[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(11):75–90 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024122
Citation: Fu Qinglu,Dong Zhiyuan,Li Baoquan, et al. Analysis of invertebrate diversity and co-occurrence network based on environmental DNA metabarcoding in autumn typical tidal creek units of the Huanghe River Delta[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(11):75–90 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024122


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024122
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42176160和42276142);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2021MD084);山东省水文中心黄河三角洲水文连通及其对湿地生态系统健康驱动研究(SDGP370000000202302007881A 001)。




  • 中图分类号: Q959.1

Analysis of invertebrate diversity and co-occurrence network based on environmental DNA metabarcoding in autumn typical tidal creek units of the Huanghe River Delta

  • 摘要: 潮沟系统作为滨海湿地中活跃的地貌单元,不同级别潮沟水文环境变化显著,进而导致生物群落的空间分布出现差异。本研究选取黄河三角洲典型潮沟单元,利用环境DNA宏条形码(environmental DNA metabarcoding,eDNA)技术检测不同级别潮沟无脊椎动物多样性,采用生物共现网络分析和冗余分析(RDA)分别揭示典型潮沟无脊椎动物关键种与驱动因素。结果表明:该潮沟单元共检测到无脊椎动物127个分类操作单元(Operational Taxonomic Units,OTUs),隶属于9门24纲53目103科87属90种。无脊椎动物门水平和属水平分别以节肢动物门(43.9%)和围沙蚕属(Perinereis )(25.2%)为优势类群。群落综合多样性指标(Comprehensive diversity index,CD)分析显示,三级潮沟综合多样性最高,一级潮沟无脊椎动物综合多样性最低。生物共现网络分析显示,线围沙蚕(Perinereis linea)和双枝薮枝螅(Obelia dichotoma)为关键种,对维持该潮沟无脊椎动物群落结构稳定起关键作用。RDA显示,水体的硅酸盐含量、温度和沉积物的粉砂、黏土占比是影响该潮沟无脊椎动物群落特征的主要环境因子。相关性网络分析显示,关键种受硅酸盐含量、黏土和水体氮元素含量的显著影响(P < 0.05)。研究结果有助于了解黄河三角洲典型潮沟无脊椎动物群落结构,揭示典型潮沟无脊椎动物关键种,并为无脊椎动物多样性监测与保护提供数据支持与理论参考。
  • 图  1  黄河口三角洲潮沟采样点

    Fig.  1  Sampling sites of tidal creek in the Huanghe River Delta

    图  2  黄河三角洲典型潮沟门(a)和属(b)水平无脊椎动物相对丰度组成

    Fig.  2  Relative abundance of invertebrates on phylum (a) and genus (b) level in the Huanghe River Delta typical tidal creek

    图  3  不同采样点无脊椎动物OTUs多集韦恩图(a)与HCA(b)

    Fig.  3  Multiset Venn diagram of invertebrate OTUs among different sampling sites (a) and HCA (b)

    图  4  无脊椎动物科水平(a)和种水平(b)的生物共现网络拓扑图


    Fig.  4  Topology of biological co-occurrence networks at family (a) and species levels (b) of invertebrates

    The nodes in the graph represent invertebrates; different node colors represent different modules; node size represents the relative abundance of species. Edge colors represent positive and negative correlations, with red indicating positive correlation and green indicating negative correlation; edge size represents the absolute value of the correlation coefficient

    图  5  黄河三角洲潮沟无脊椎动物门水平与环境因子的冗余分析

    Fig.  5  Redundancy analysis of invertebrates at the phylum level and environmental factors in tidal creeks of the Huanghe River Delta

    图  6  科水平(a)和种水平(b)关键类群与环境因子相关性分析


    Fig.  6  Correlation analysis of keystone groups and environmental factors at family level (a) and species level (b)

    The blue nodes in the figure represent invertebrates, and the size of the nodes indicates the relative abundance of invertebrates. The red nodes represent environmental factors. The color of the edges indicates the sign of the correlation, with red indicating positive correlation and black indicating negative correlation; the size of the edges indicates the absolute value of the correlation coefficient

    A1  基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的典型潮沟无脊椎动物物种名录

    A1  Typical invertebrate species list of intertidal scours based on environmental DNA metabarcoding

    环节动物门Annelida 围沙蚕属Perinereis 线围沙蚕Perinereis linea
    水丝蚓属Limnodrilus 水丝蚓属一种Limnodrilus sp.
    丝异须虫属Heteromastus Heteromastus gusipoensis
    Branchinotogluma Branchinotogluma hessleri
    节肢动物门Arthropoda 纺锤水蚤属Acartia 纺锤水蚤属一种Acartia sp.
    Carpelimus Carpelimus sp. BBCCM392-10
    Chydorus Chydorus sphaericus
    伪镖水蚤属Pseudodiaptomus 指状伪镖水蚤Pseudodiaptomus inopinus
    纹藤壶属Amphibalanus 象牙纹藤壶Amphibalanus eburneus
    小绿叶蝉属Empoasca 小绿叶蝉属一种Empoasca sp. BOLD-2016
    Eupodes Eupodes sp. BIOUG25165-F12
    单蛛属Haplodrassus 单蛛属一种Haplodrassus sp.
    人形鱼虱属Lernanthropus Lernanthropus corniger
    湖水虱属Ligidium 湖水虱属一种Ligidium sp.
    蜞属Gaetice 平背蜞Gaetice depressus
    侧沟茧蜂属Microplitis 侧沟茧蜂属一种Microplitis sp.
    矮胖猛水蚤属Nannopus Nannopus parvus
    Oxidus Oxidus sp.
    拳蟹属Pyrhila 豆形拳蟹Pyrhila pisum
    Troglarmadillo Troglarmadillo sp.
    若甲螨属Zygoribatula 若甲螨属一种Zygoribatula sp.
    Pleuromamma Pleuromamma abdominalis
    球蛛属Coleosoma 球蛛属一种Coleosoma sp.
    Haloniscus Haloniscus sp. MG1641
    Herbita Herbita sp. 1YB
    小家蚁属Monomorium 小家蚁属一种Monomorium sp.
    刺胞动物门Cnidaria Aurelia Aurelia sp.
    Abietinaria Abietinaria variabilis
    美螅水母属Clytia 美螅水母属一种Clytia sp. WA01
    哈钟螅属Hartlaubella Hartlaubella gelatinosa
    水螅属Hydra 水螅属一种Hydra sp.
    Malagazzia 带拟杯水母Malagazzia taeniogonia
    Gonionemus 钩手水母属一种Gonionemus sp.
    薮枝螅水母属Obelia Obelia dichotoma
    薮枝螅水母属一种Obelia sp. MZUSP 3356
    Obelia longissima
    Obelia geniculata
    僧帽水母属Physalia 僧帽水母属一种Physalia sp. DRP-2009
    海榧属Plumularia 海榧属一种Plumularia sp.
    Praya Praya dubia
    Thecocodium Thecocodium quadratum
    Zanclea Zanclea implexa
    离翼水母属Apolemia 离翼水母属一种Apolemia sp. 3 CWD-2005
    Caryophyllia Caryophyllia sp.
    逼螅水母属Pennaria Pennaria disticha
    棘皮动物门Echinodermata 长棘海星属Acanthaster Acanthaster planci
    海盘车属Asterias 多棘海盘车Asterias amurensis
    软体动物门Mollusca 彩虹蛤属Iridona 彩虹蛤Iridona iridescens
    德文蛤属Devonia 内壳德文蛤Devonia semperi
    Bosellia Bosellia mimetica
    Chosenelix Chosenelix sp.
    Cornu Cornu aspersum
    冠蚌属Cristaria Cristaria plicata
    砂螺属Gastrocopta 砂螺属一种Gastrocopta sp.
    Glyptophysa Glyptophysa sp. 6 PGA-2018
    Granulomelon Granulomelon sp. A FC-2015
    Magallana 长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas
    Indoplanorbis Indoplanorbis exustus
    Lacuna Lacuna variegata
    旋螺属Gyraulus 旋螺属一种Gyraulus sp.
    小贻贝属Mytella Mytella charruana
    蜑螺属Nerita Nerita magdalenae
    Phestilla Phestilla sp.
    Radix 折叠萝卜螺Radix plicatula
    Runcina Runcina sp. c AKA-2020
    Setobaudinia Setobaudinia kessneri
    Trapania Trapania orteai
    海蛞蝓属Tritonia 海蛞蝓属一种Tritonia sp.
    Clathurella Daphnella sp. NP-2008
    Digidentis Digidentis cf. arbutus LMT-2007
    Fissurella Fissurella bravensis
    Kermia Kermia melanoxytum
    叶海牛属Phyllidiella Phyllidiella albonigra
    纽形动物门Nemertea 四眼属Tetrastemma 四眼属一种Tetrastemma sp.
    线虫动物门Nematoda 阔口线虫属Eurystomina 阔口线虫属一种Eurystomina sp. 1AMA
    Obainia Obainia pachnephorus
    Adoncholaimus Adoncholaimus daikokuensis
    扁形动物门Platyhelminthes Bolbophorus Bolbophorus damnificus
    Cratera Cratera tui
    单咽虫属Haplopharynx 单咽虫属一种Haplopharynx sp.
    多目涡虫属Polycelis 多目涡虫属一种Polycelis sp.
    Pseudoceros Pseudoceros laingensis
    Syndesmis Syndesmis kurakaikina
    副似四钩虫属Paratetraonchoides 副似四钩虫属一种Paratetraonchoides sp.
    多孔动物门Porifera Caulophacus Caulophacus arcticus
    石豆海绵属Cyamon 石豆海绵属一种Cyamon sp.
    Scopalina Scopalina canariensis
    Suberites Suberites topsenti
    Thrinacophora Thrinacophora cervicornis
    Arturia 细薄白枝海绵Arturia tenuipilosa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  1  DNA宏条形码测序结果

    Tab.  1  Environmental DNA metabarcoding sequencing results

    类群 序列数 OTUs 序列百分比
    节肢动物门Arthropoda 16123 50 38.4%
    环节动物门Annelida 11645 6 27.8%
    刺胞动物门Cnidaria 5662 22 13.5%
    软体动物门Mollusca 3920 28 9.4%
    线虫动物门Nematoda 2543 4 6.1%
    棘皮动物门Echinodermata 716 2 1.7%
    扁形动物门Platyhelminthes 704 7 1.7%
    多孔动物门Porifera 426 5 1.0%
    纽形动物门Nemertea 206 3 0.5%
    合计 41945 127 100%
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  黄河三角洲典型潮沟无脊椎动物α多样性指数

    Tab.  2  Invertebrate alpha diversity index in typical tidal creek of the Haunghe River Delta

    样点 辛普森
    S3S 0.945 3.539 0.764 109.000 107.300 0.21
    S2S 0.913 3.344 0.736 115.000 104.100 0.18
    S2X 0.723 2.527 0.563 89.500 89.180 0.03
    S1S 0.601 1.790 0.394 105.200 98.930 0.05
    S1X 0.938 3.416 0.748 97.870 98.940 0.09
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  无脊椎动物生物共现网络特征指标

    Tab.  3  The characteristic index of invertebrate co-occurrence network

    平均度 平均加
    图密度 模块化
    科水平 5.92 11.38 5 0.11 0.64 0.87 1.43 3
    种水平 12.84 25.69 4 0.25 0.54 0.6 2.1 8
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