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汤俊辉 梁楚进 赵航芳 蔺飞龙 崔子健 毕伟传

汤俊辉,梁楚进,赵航芳,等. 不同振幅孤立子内波对声传播特征的影响研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):16–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024095
引用本文: 汤俊辉,梁楚进,赵航芳,等. 不同振幅孤立子内波对声传播特征的影响研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):16–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024095
Tang Junhui,Liang Chujin,Zhao Hangfang, et al. Effects of soliton internal waves with different amplitudes on sound propagation characteristics[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):16–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024095
Citation: Tang Junhui,Liang Chujin,Zhao Hangfang, et al. Effects of soliton internal waves with different amplitudes on sound propagation characteristics[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):16–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024095


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024095





  • 中图分类号: P733.21

Effects of soliton internal waves with different amplitudes on sound propagation characteristics

  • 摘要: 基于南海海域层结特征、有限深度理论方程等,应用潜标实测与WOA2023气候态温度、盐度数据,重构不同振幅孤立子内波条件下的二维声速场,再结合BELLHOP射线声学模型仿真计算不同声速环境下的声传播损失、声线路径、声线到达结构等。仿真结果表明:孤立子内波会改变声线传播轨迹。当声线由海面向海底方向或由海底反转向海面方向经过孤立子内波中心时,会导致声线轨迹水平方向上分别向靠近声源和远离声源方向偏移,且孤立子内波振幅越大,声线轨迹偏移距离越大;孤立子内波也会改变声线到达结构,在特定接收点处存在孤立子内波条件时的声信号会更快传播到接收点。
  • 图  1  观测区域及周围水深


    Fig.  1  Observation area and surrounding water depth

    The red box is the investigation area

    图  2  观测位置7月的平均温度剖面(a)和平均声速剖面(b)


    Fig.  2  Mean temperature profile (a) and mean sound velocity profile (b) in July at the observed location

    Gray shading indicates a range of ±3 standard deviations on the mean

    图  3  观测位置7月的层结垂向分布(a), 前3个斜压垂直速度垂向动力模态(b)

    Fig.  3  The stratified vertical distribution of the observed position in July (a), first three normalized baroclinic modes for vertical velocity (b)

    图  4  2019年7月24日9时30分至11时30分的孤立子内波振幅观测及模拟结果

    Fig.  4  Observation and simulation results of soliton internal wave amplitudes from 09:30 to 11:30 on July 24, 2019

    图  5  距离相关的无内波(a)和孤立子内波振幅20 m(b)、60 m(c)、100 m(d)条件下的声速分布

    Fig.  5  Distance-related sound velocity distribution under conditions of no internal waves (a) and soliton internal wave amplitudes 20 m (b), 60 m (c), 100 m (d)

    图  6  没有内波环境的传播损失(a)和孤立子内波振幅20 m (b)、60 m (c)、100 m (d)环境下的传播损失差


    Fig.  6  Propagation loss in the absence of internal waves (a); the propagation loss difference of soliton internal wave amplitudes 20 m (b), 60 m (c), 100 m (d)

    The diamond in the figure indicates the location of the center of the soliton internal wave

    图  7  声线掠射角为−5° (a)、2° (b)、10° (c)条件下的本征声线

    蓝色点实线、黑色、绿色、红色实线分别代表无内波和孤立子内波振幅为20 m、60 m、100 m的环境

    Fig.  7  Eigenrays under conditions of source grazing angle: −5° (a), 2° (b), 10° (c)

    The blue dot solid line, black, green, and red solid lines represent environments without internal waves with soliton internal wave amplitudes of 20 m, 60 m, and 100 m

    图  8  不同声线掠射角下,孤立子内波振幅20 m、60 m、100 m条件下的声线偏移

    Fig.  8  Sound ray offsets under different source grazing angles for soliton internal wave amplitudes of 20 m, 60 m, and 100 m

    图  9  接收深度160 m(a1−a3)、400 m(b1−b3)、600 m(c1−c3),距离30 km处,没有内波以及孤立子内波振幅20 m、60 m、100 m的声线到达结构

    Fig.  9  Sound ray arrival structures for no internal waves and soliton internal wave amplitudes of 20 m, 60 m, and 100 m at the receiving depth of 160 m (a1−a3), 400 m (b1−b3), 600 m (c1−c3), and a range of 30 km

    表  1  模拟振幅20 m、60 m、100 m的孤立子内波参数

    Tab.  1  Simulation of soliton internal wave parameters with amplitudes of 20 m, 60 m and 100 m

    振幅$ {\eta }_{0} $/m 特征半倍波宽L/m 参数a/10−4 参数b 非线性相速度V/(m·s−1)
    20 4 707.63 3.42 5 836.69 2.05
    60 2 459.71 5.52 1 945.56 2.20
    100 1 741.24 6.68 1 167.34 2.35
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    表  2  BELLHOP模型中使用的参数

    Tab.  2  2 Parameters used in BELLHOP modeling

    参数 取值
    频率/Hz 3 000
    声源深度/m 160
    水深/m 1 360
    海底密度/(kg·m−3) 1 500
    纵波声速/(m·s−1) 1 550
    纵波衰减系数/(dB·λ−1) 0.20
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