Effects of different diet culture the developmental process of the Robertgurneya sp.
摘要: 猛水蚤是分布广泛的小型底栖桡足类,在珊瑚礁区的礁石表生藻席中尤为丰富,由于其生境特殊性,目前对发育过程、培养条件的研究较少。本研究于2023年夏季在海南三亚鹿回头珊瑚礁区采集礁石表生藻席,从中分离出一种猛水蚤,经形态学鉴定其属于罗格尼猛水蚤属(Robertgurneya sp.)。在实验室内对其基本发育过程进行观察和记录,并研究了不同饵料培养方式(单种藻和混合藻)对其发育过程的影响。结果显示,罗格尼猛水蚤的成体体长为0.5~0.7 mm,生命周期为61~68 d。单次怀卵量、产卵次数、繁殖周期和生命周期在不同饵料培养下没有显著差异,但在混合藻培养下,罗格尼猛水蚤在胚胎发育期的平均卵径、孵化率、幼体存活率、无节幼虫Ⅵ期的最大体长明显高于单种藻培养组(p < 0.05),且其胚胎发育阶段和桡足幼体期的累计发育时间明显较短(p < 0.05)。研究结果表明,该猛水蚤具有较短的生命周期和较强的繁殖能力,鉴于藻席中存在丰富的底栖微藻和有机碎屑,栖息其中的猛水蚤可能能够为珊瑚礁小型鱼类等捕食者提供巨大的潜在食物资源,因此在珊瑚礁生态系统的物质循环和能量流通中发挥着重要的作用。Abstract: Benthic harpacticoid copepods are widely distributed in marine ecosystem, which is particularly abundant in the epilithic algal matrix(EAM) of coral reefs. Due to its unique habitat, there is currently limited research on its developmental process and cultivation methods. In this study, we collected epilithic algal matrix from the coral reef of Luhuitou, Sanya, Hainan in the summer of 2023, from which we isolated one species of Harpacticoida, which was belonging to the genus Robertgurneya based on morphological characteristics. The effects of mono-and mixed-algal cultures on the developmental dynamics of Robertgurneya sp. were observed and recorded. The results showed that the adult body length of the Robertgurneya sp. was 0.5−0.7 mm, with an average life cycle of about 61−68 days. There were no significant differences in egg number per female each time, brood number, reproductive cycle, and life cycle between different feed cultivation techniques. However, under mixed algae culture, the average egg diameter, larval survival rate, and maximum body length of nauplii stage VI in the embryonic development stage of the Robertgurneya sp. were significantly higher than those in the mono-algae culture group (p < 0.05). Moreover, the embryonic development time and cumulative copepodid development time were significantly shorter under mixed-algal culture (p < 0.05). The results indicate that Robertgurneya sp. in EAM have a short life cycle and strong reproductive ability. Considering the abundant benthic microalgae and organic debris in the mats, harpacticoida may be able to provide huge potential food resources for predators such as small fish in coral reefs. Therefore, it may play an important role in the material cycle and energy flow of coral reef ecosystems.
Key words:
- harpacticoida copepods /
- coral reefs /
- epilithic algal matrix /
- diet /
- cultivation methods /
- developmental process
图 2 罗格尼猛水蚤在胚胎发育期的形态变化
A. 交配受精;B. 多细胞期;C. 壳状胚胎期;D. 附肢原基出现期;E. 色素形成期;F. 眼点出现期;G. 破膜孵化
Fig. 2 Morphological variation during embryonic development of Robertgurneya sp.
A. Ovulation phase; B. multicellular stage; C. formation of carapace type embryo; D. appearance of appendage anlage; E. formation of pigment; F. appearance of eyespot; G. hatching
表 1 不同饵料培养对罗格尼猛水蚤繁殖周期、产卵次数、生命周期的影响
Tab. 1 Effects of different diet cultivation on the reproduction cycle,brood number and life cycle of the Robertgurneya sp.
营养类型 繁殖周期/d 产卵次数/只 生命周期/d 单种藻 24.60 ± 1.14b 6.60 ± 0.55b 64.6 ± 3.36b 混合藻 23.80 ± 0.84b 7.40 ± 0.89b 65.4 ± 4.51b 注:相同字母代表不同饵料培养对罗格尼猛水蚤的繁殖周期、产卵次数及生命周期在p < 0.05 水平上无显著差异。 -
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