Effects of artificial reef construction on macrobenthos communities: A case study of four artificial reefs in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
摘要: 为探究黄、渤海不同人工鱼礁区大型底栖动物群落的结构特征差异及评估人工鱼礁对生物资源的养护效果,于2021年秋季对黄、渤海海域4处人工鱼礁区的大型底栖动物开展了同期调查。共采集大型底栖动物61种,其中环节动物种类占比最多(47.54%)。各礁区大型底栖动物生物量均高于各自对照区,其中长礁龄礁区大型底栖动物资源养护效果最好,其平均生物量为对照区的4.19倍;各礁区的多样性指数H'和丰富度指数d也高于各自对照区,并表现出长礁龄礁区高于短礁龄礁区;ABC曲线表明,长礁龄礁区的生物群落稳定性优于短礁龄的礁区。各人工鱼礁区的优势种存在不同,多毛类为各礁区普遍存在的优势种;聚类分析及非度量多维尺度排序(NMDS)均大致将礁区调查站位分为3组,相似性分析检验(ANOSIM)表明各礁区之间的群落结构存在显著差异(R = 0.651,p < 0.01),相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)结果表明各礁区间的平均相异性百分比均在77%以上。研究结果表明人工鱼礁生境对大型底栖动物起到一定程度的养护作用,不同礁区间大型底栖动物群落存在差异,本研究可为人工鱼礁建设评价提供基础数据及依据。Abstract: In order to explore the differences in the structural characteristics of macrobenthos communities in different artificial reefs in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea and to evaluate the conservation effect of artificial reefs on biological resources, a simultaneous survey of macrobenthos in four artificial reefs in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea was carried out in autumn 2021. A total of 61 macrobenthos species were collected, among which annelids accounted for the most (47.54%). The biomass of macrobenthos in each reef area was higher than that in the control area, and the conservation effect of macrobenthos resources in the old reef area was the best, and the average biomass was 4.19 times that of the control area. The Shannon-Wiener index H' and richness index d of each reef region were higher than those of the control region, and the long reef age region was higher than the short reef age region. The ABC curve shows that the stability of the community in the long-aged reefs is better than that in the short-aged reefs. There are different dominant species in each artificial reef area, but polychaetes are the dominant species in all artificial reef areas. Reef survey sites were roughly divided into 3 groups by cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scale ranking (NMDS). Similarity analysis test (ANOSIM) showed that there were significant differences in community structure among reefs (R = 0.651, p < 0.01). The results of SIMPER (percentage of similarity analysis) show that the average percentage of dissimilarity in each reef interval is above 77%. The results show that the artificial reef habitat plays a certain role in the conservation of macrobenthos, and the macrobenthos community varies in different reef regions. This study can provide basic data and basis for the evaluation of artificial reef construction.
Key words:
- macrobenthos /
- artificial reefs /
- community structure /
- Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
表 1 各礁区基本概况
Tab. 1 Basic overview of each reef area
地点礁体类型 礁体
类型HR 混凝土礁(3 m × 3 m × 4 m) 3.97×104 2020年 粗黏土 RZ 混凝土礁(3 m × 3 m × 3 m) 1.53×104 2019年 粗黏土 TA 混凝土礁(1.8 m × 1.8 m × 1.7 m) 3.63×104 2018年 粗粉砂 TB 混凝土礁(1.8 m × 1.8 m × 1.7 m)
混凝土礁(1.8 m × 1.8 m × 4 m)4.76×104 2017年 细砂 表 2 各调查区域优势种分布
Tab. 2 Distribution of dominant species in each region
物种 优势度(Y) HR HC RZ RC TA TB TC 江户布目蛤Protothaca jedoensis 0.13 红带织纹螺Nassarius succinctus 0.09 丛生树蛰虫Pista fasciata 0.05 丝异须虫Heteromastus filiforms 0.21 0.06 0.05 蜾蠃蜚Corophium spp. 0.12 0.03 0.21 日本倍棘蛇尾
Amphioplus japonicus0.07 0.12 0.03 长吻沙蚕Glycera chirori 0.06 0.03 小巧毛刺蟹Pilumnus minutus 0.05 斜方五角蟹Nursia rhomboidalis 0.02 扁蛰虫Loimia medusa 0.02 不倒翁虫Sternaspis scutala 0.02 双唇索沙蚕
Lumbrineris cruzensis0.02 0.02 昆士兰稚齿虫
Prionospio queenslandica0.46 0.26 背蚓虫Notomastus latericeus 0.06 0.09 锥唇吻沙蚕Glycera onomichiensis 0.02 背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia fauveli 0.02 小亮樱蛤Nitidotellina minuta 0.09 长叶索沙蚕
Lumbrineris longiforlia0.09 丽小笔螺Mitrella bella 0.04 博氏双眼钩虾Ampelisca bocki 0.06 0.03 0.03 东方缝栖蛤Hiatella orientalis 0.05 0.03 裸盲蟹Typhlocarcinus nudus 0.08 纽虫Nemertea sp. 0.02 仙居虫Naineris laevigata 0.02 表 3 大型底栖动物不同区域的生物多样性指数
Tab. 3 Biodiversity indices of macrobenthos in different regions
区域 生物多样性指数 d H' J' HR 0.64 ± 0.22 1.27 ± 0.26 0.91 ± 0.05 HC 0.55 ± 0.16 1.20 ± 0.21 0.91 ± 0.06 RZ 0.88 ± 0.28 1.47 ± 0.45 0.86 ± 0.18 RC 0.71 ± 0.15 1.36 ± 0.19 0.92 ± 0.12 TA 0.79 ± 0.13* 1.51 ± 0.17 0.95 ± 0.01 TC 0.44 ± 0.16 1.00 ± 0.29 0.95 ± 0.04 TB 1.06 ± 0.09* 1.80 ± 0.09* 0.98 ± 0.03 TC 0.44 ± 0.16 1.00 ± 0.29 0.95 ± 0.04 注:*表示各礁区与其对照区间差异显著(p < 0.05)。 Note: * indicates significant difference between reef area and control interval (p < 0.05). 表 4 各礁区间主要分歧种及其相异性贡献率
Tab. 4 Main disproportionate species and dissimilarity contribution rates among different reef area
物种 组间相异性贡献率/% HR与RZ HR与TB RZ与TB HR与TA RZ与TA TB与TA 背蚓虫Notomastus latericeus 5.02 4.54 4.69 背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia fauveli 4.18 蜾蠃蜚Corophium sp. 8.01 6.82 8.93 红带织纹螺Nassarius succinctus 7.31 6.17 7.12 江户布目蛤Protothaca jedoensis 8.24 8.81 9.17 昆士兰稚齿虫Prionospio queenslandica 16.86 15.2 15.74 日本倍棘蛇尾Amphioplus japonicus 5.17 6.46 双唇索沙蚕Lumbrineris cruzensis 7.96 6.28 8.17 丝异须虫Heteromastus filiforms 5.71 4.81 6.47 小亮樱蛤Nitidotellina minuta 8.08 6.72 7.63 长吻沙蚕Glycera chirori 5.3 5.67 5.9 表 5 本研究与以往调查研究结果对比
Tab. 5 Comparison of research results
调查区域 调查时间 取样工具 种类数 平均丰度/(ind.·m−2) 平均生物量/(g·m−2) 日照近岸海域[36] 2007.10 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 142 1096.86 25.76 日照近岸海域[37] 2016.11 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 37 112.63 14.75 本研究RZ海域 2021.11 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 23 198 12.41 青岛近岸海域[38] 2007.10 0.25 m2抓斗式采泥器 160 431.73 22.30 青岛近岸海域[39] 2018.10 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 32 474 65.42 本研究HR海域 2021.11 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 15 150 27.05 渤海中部海域[40] 2006.11 0.1 m2箱式采泥器 214 1217 31.20 渤海海域[41] 2008.8 0.1 m2箱式采泥器 300 1094.7 11.78 本研究TA、TB海域 2021.10—11 0.05 m2抓斗式采泥器 22 129 21.47 -
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