An extraction method for sea ice based on improved DeepLabV3+ model:Taking the Arctic Greenland Sea as an example
摘要: 海冰是全球气候变化的指示剂,北极海冰的变化关系到全球变暖、海平面上升等。针对传统语义分割模型对海冰进行提取时存在细节提取不精确、提取速度慢等问题,构建了一种改进DeepLabV3+的海冰提取方法。首先,将主干网络Xception替换为MobileNetV2,在保证海冰提取精度的同时大幅度降低模型参数量,节约时间;其次,将ASPP改进为DenseASPP,在进行海冰的多尺度特征提取时进一步扩大感受野,获得更为密集的特征;最后,引入坐标注意力机制,同时强化关注通道和空间上的特征,加强海冰边缘细节信息提取。选取北极格陵兰海为实验区,通过对该海域2020–2022年间冬季的10景Sentinel-1A双极化SAR影像进行处理、标注之后形成数据集进行实验,对比U-Net、PSPNet和DeepLabV3+等经典模型。结果表明:本文方法的mIoU达到了88.46%,mPA达到了94.16%。相较于传统DeepLabV3+,mIoU提高了2.35%,mPA提高了2.90%,参数量和GFLOPs分别减少了45.08 M和106.01 G,同时训练模型时间和提取海冰时间分别减少了68%和30%。对比U-Net、PSPNet等模型,同样取得了最优结果。与其他模型相比,本文新构建的模型对海冰特征的学习能力更强,能获取更多海冰细节信息,并大幅度节约用时,能够为研究全球变暖环境下的海冰退化监测问题提供技术支持。
- 海冰提取 /
- 深度学习 /
- MobileNetV2 /
- DenseASPP /
- 坐标注意力
Abstract: Sea ice is an indicator of global climate change, and the change of Arctic sea ice is related to global warming and sea level rise. Aiming at the problems such as inaccuracy and slow speed of extracting details from sea ice by traditional semantic segmentation model, an improved DeepLabV3+ sea ice extraction method was constructed. Firstly, we replaced the Xception backbone network with MobileNetV2, which significantly reduces the network’s parameter count and save time while maintaining the accuracy of sea ice extraction. Secondly, we enhanced the ASPP module to DenseASPP, further expanding the receptive field during multi-scale feature extraction for sea ice, resulting in denser features. Lastly, we introduced a coordinate attention mechanism to strengthen the focus on both channel and spatial features, enhancing the extraction of fine edge details in sea ice. The Greenland Sea in the Arctic is selected as the experimental area, and 10 Sentinel-1A dual-polarization SAR images from the winter of 2020 to 2022 in the sea area are processed and labeled to form a data set for the experiment, we compared our method with classic models such as U-Net, PSPNet and DeepLabV3+. The results showed that our method achieved anmIoU of 88.46% and an mPA of 94.16%. Compared to the traditional DeepLabV3+, mIoU increased by 2.35%, mPA increased by 2.90%, and the parameter count and GFLOPs decreased 45.08 M and 106.01 G, respectively. Meanwhile, the training time and sea ice extraction time decreased by 68% and 30%, respectively. Compared to U-Net、PSPNet and other models, the optimal results are also obtained. Compared with other models, the new model constructed in this paper has a stronger learning ability about sea ice characteristics, can obtain more detailed information of sea ice and greatly saves time, and can provide technical support for the study of sea ice degradation monitoring under global warming environment.-
Key words:
- sea ice extraction /
- deep learning /
- MobileNetV2 /
- DenseASPP /
- coordinate attention
表 1 实验平台主要参数信息
Tab. 1 Main parameters of the experimental platform
配置 参数 处理器 i5-12490F CPU @ 3.00 GHz RAM 16.0 G GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 显存 12.0 GB 操作系统 Windows 10 编程语言 Python 3.9 深度学习框架 Pytorch 1.13 表 2 具体实验数据
Tab. 2 Specific experimental data
序号 传感器 成像日期 模式 极化方式 用途 1 Sentinel-1B 2021.12.01 EW HH、HV 训练 2 Sentinel-1B 2021.12.08 EW HH、HV 训练 3 Sentinel-1B 2021.12.09 EW HH、HV 训练 4 Sentinel-1A 2021.12.21 EW HH、HV 训练 5 Sentinel-1A 2021.12.22 EW HH、HV 训练 6 Sentinel-1A 2021.12.30 EW HH、HV 训练 7 Sentinel-1A 2021.12.30 EW HH、HV 训练 8 Sentinel-1A 2020.02.28 EW HH、HV 验证 9 Sentinel-1A 2021.12.01 EW HH、HV 验证 10 Sentinel-1A 2022.12.01 EW HH、HV 验证 表 3 对比实验精度评价表
Tab. 3 Comparison of experimental accuracy evaluation table
mIoU mPA mP Parameters GFLOPs 训练
用时PSPNet 85.43 91.42 93.73 46.71 M 118.43 G 13h 48min 57 s U-Net 85.69 90.97 94.02 24.89 M 451.71 G 13h 43min 58 s 本文模型
(DeepLabV3+_mbV2_DenseASPP_CA)88.46 94.16 94.82 9.63 M 60.84 G 6h 40min 53 s 表 4 消融实验精度评价表
Tab. 4 Ablation experiment accuracy evaluation table
mIoU mPA mP Parameters GFLOPs 训练
用时传统DeepLabV3+ 86.11% 91.26% 94.21% 54.71 M 166.85 G 20h 47min 76 s DeepLabV3+_mbV2 86.58% 92.61% 92.93% 5.81 M 52.88 G 5h 53min 48 s DeepLabV3+_DenseASPP 86.82% 92.98% 94.32% 58.51 M 175.76 G 23h 5min 80 s DeepLabV3+_CA 87.39% 93.60% 94.47% 54.72 M 166.85 G 21h 54min 77 s 本文模型(DeepLabV3+_mbV2_DenseASPP_CA) 88.46% 94.16% 94.82% 9.63 M 60.84 G 6h 40min 53 s -
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