Numerical simulation of the impact of coastal urbanization on sea breeze front penetration over the Hainan Island
摘要: 本文利用中尺度模式WRF-ARW(Weather Research and Forecasting Model-Advanced Research WRF)(Version 4.0)对海南岛不同天气条件下的典型海风锋个例进行了高分辨率数值模拟,通过设计局地城镇化的敏感性试验, 重点分析了海南岛沿海城镇化对海风锋推进的影响及其可能机制。研究结果表明:海南岛沿海城镇化造成的海风锋结构差异是热力作用和动力作用共同影响的结果;城镇下垫面的摩擦效应与城市热岛的增强阻碍海风向内陆推进, 减弱了海风锋途经地区的降温增湿效应, 造成海风锋位置相对滞后;而城镇化所引起的高海陆热力差异增强了海风风速及海风辐合, 同时导致海风锋前的垂直上升气流和海风环流厚度也明显增强。海风锋发展不同时期,城镇化对海风锋的推进影响有所不同。海风锋发展初期, 海陆热力差异引起的推动作用与摩擦效应的阻碍作用相抵消, 导致海风锋的推进无明显影响;海风锋发展强盛阶段, 城镇化条件下内陆城市与非城市之间的热力差异有所增强, 阻碍了海风锋向内陆推进,导致海风锋内陆渗透距离减小。不同天气条件下城市化对海风锋推进的影响有所不同,相比于晴空天气, 多云天气下城市与非城市的热力差异稍强,加强了城市热岛效应对海风推进的阻碍作用,导致海风锋滞后距离稍远。此外,当土地利用类型更换为城镇后, 净辐射与陆气间交换能量减少, 导致其潜热通量显著减小, 感热通量值变大,从而升高了下垫面温度, 增强了海风的垂直上升运动, 进而造成边界层高度的升高。Abstract: In this paper, the mesoscale model WRF-ARW (Weather Research and Forecasting Model-Advanced Research WRF)(Version 4.0) is used to simulate a typical sea breeze front case in Hainan Island under different weather conditions with high numerical resolution. By designing sensitivity tests for local urbanization, the influence of coastal urbanization on sea breeze fronts in Hainan Island and its possible influencing mechanism are analyzed. The results show that the sea breeze front structure difference caused by urbanization is the result of thermal and dynamic effects. The friction effect of the underlying surface and the enhancement of urban heat island hinder the sea breeze from advancing inland, weaken the cooling and humidification effect of the sea breeze front, and result in a relative lagging of the sea breeze front. The high sea-land thermal difference caused by urbanization enhances the sea breeze wind speed and amplitude, and the vertical updraft and sea breeze circulation thickness in front of the sea breeze front are significantly enhanced. The influence of urbanization on the advance of sea breeze fronts varies during different stages of development. In the early stages of the development of sea breeze fronts, the driving effect of the thermal difference between land and sea is offset by the hindering effect of friction, resulting in no significant impact on the advance of sea breeze fronts. In the strong stage of development of sea breeze fronts, the thermal difference between inland cities and non-urban areas under urbanization conditions has increased, hindering the advance of sea breeze fronts towards inland areas, resulting in a decrease in the penetration distance of sea breeze fronts inland. The influence of urbanization on the advance of sea breeze fronts varies under different weather conditions. Compared to clear weather, the thermal difference between urban and non-urban areas under cloudy weather is slightly stronger, strengthening the hindering effect of urban heat island effect on the advance of sea breeze fronts towards inland areas, resulting in a slightly longer lag distance of sea breeze fronts. Furthermore, when land use transitions to towns occur, net radiation energy exchange with atmospheric air decreases leading to notable declines in latent heat flux alongside increases in sensible heat flux levels. This increased the underlying surface temperature, enhanced the vertical upward movement of sea breeze, and thus caused the increase in boundary layer height.
Key words:
- sea breeze front /
- urbanization /
- land cover change /
- complex terrain /
- tropical island
图 1 ERA5再分析资料2020年3月22日08:00各层次环流场:500 hPa(a),700 hPa(b); 08:00卫星云图(c)及16:00
1000 hPa风场和散度场(d)图1a,1b中矢量为风场,蓝色等值线为位势高度线(单位: dagpm); 图1d中矢量为风场, 阴影为散度(单位: 10−4 s−1)
Fig. 1 ERA5 reanalysis data for circulation field at 08:00 LST 22 March 2020:500 hPa (a), 700 hPa (b); satellite cloud imagery (c) at 08:00 LST 22 March 2020 and ERA5 reanalysis data for
1000 hPa wind field and divergence field at 16:00 LST (d)In Fig.1a,1b, the vector is wind field, the blue contour line is the geopotential height (unit: dagpm); in Fig.1d, the vector is wind field, the shaded is divergence (unit: 10−4 s−1)
图 2 ERA5再分析资料2020年7月16日08:00各层次环流场:500 hPa(a),700 hPa(b); 08:00卫星云图(c)及16:00
1000 hPa风场和散度场(d)图2a,2b中矢量为风场, 蓝色等值线为位势高度线(单位: dagpm); 图2d中矢量为风场, 阴影为散度(单位: 10−4 s−1)
Fig. 2 ERA5 reanalysis data for circulation field at 08:00 LST 16 July 2020:500 hPa (a), 700 hPa (b); satellite cloud imagery (c) at 08:00 LST 16 July 2020 and ERA5 reanalysis data for
1000 hPa wind field and divergence field at 16:00 LST (d)In Fig.2a,2b, the vector is wind field, the blue contour line is the geopotential height (unit: dagpm); in Fig.2d, the vector is wind field, the shaded is divergence (unit: 10−4 s−1)
图 8 2020 年3月22日14:00、16:00、18:00 CNTL试验(左)与URBAN试验(右)模拟的10 m风场和温度场
矢量为风场, 阴影代表温度,黑色线为风场散度等于1.8 × 10−3 s−1的等值线
Fig. 8 Simulated 10 m wind field and temperature field by CNTL (left), URBAN (right) at 14:00 LST, 16:00 LST, 18:00 LST 22 March 2020
The vector is wind field, the shaded is temperature, and the black line represents the contour line of wind field divergence equal to 1.8 × 10−3 s−1
图 9 2020 年7月16日14:00、16:00、18:00 CNTL试验(左)与URBAN试验(右)模拟的10 m风场和温度场
矢量为风场, 阴影代表温度,黑色线为风场散度等于1.8 × 10−3 s−1的等值线
Fig. 9 Simulated 10 m wind field and temperature field by CNTL (left), URBAN (right) at 14:00 LST, 16:00 LST, 18:00 LST 16 July 2020
The vector is wind field, the shaded is temperature, and the black line represents the contour line of wind field divergence equal to 1.8 × 10−3 s−1
图 11 2020 年3月22日(左)、7月16日(右)14:00、16:00、18:00 URBAN试验-CNTL试验的温度和散度分布
阴影代表温度,黑色线为风场散度差等于1.8 × 10−3 s−1的等值线
Fig. 11 Simulated 10 m wind field and divergence field by CNTL (left),URBAN (right) at 14:00 LST,16:00 LST,18:00 LST 16 July 2020
The shaded is temperature difference of wind field, and the black line represents the contour line of wind field divergence difference equal to 1.8 × 10−3 s−1
图 12 2020年3月22日CNTL试验和URBAN试验海南岛100 m以下区域平均2 m温度(单位:℃)、相对湿度(%)、10 m风速(单位:m/s)(左)及其偏差(URBAN−CNTL)(右)随时间的演变
Fig. 12 Time evolution of simulated 2 m temperature (unit: ℃), relative humidity (%), and 10 m wind speed (unit: m/s) (left)and their deviations (right)in areas below 100 m on Hainan Island in CNTL and URBAN tests on 22 March 2020
图 13 2020年7月16日CNTL试验和URBAN试验海南岛100 m以下区域平均2 m温度(单位:℃)、相对湿度(%)、10 m风速(单位:m/s)(左)及其偏差(URBAN−CNTL)(右)随时间的演变
Fig. 13 Time evolution of simulated 2 m temperature (unit: ℃), relative humidity (%), and 10 m wind speed (unit: m/s) (left) and their deviations(right) in areas below 100 m on Hainan Island in CNTL and URBAN tests on 16 July 2020
图 14 2020年 3月22日16:00、18:00 CNTL试验(左)、URBAN试验(右)沿109.8°E的风场垂直剖面
矢量为(v, w)风场,其中w扩大10倍,阴影为径向风v,红色线为经向风零线
Fig. 14 Simulated vertical profile along the wind field at 109.8°E by CNTL (left), URBAN (right) at 16:00 LST, 18:00 LST 22 March 2020
The vector is (v, w) wind field, where the w-component is multiplied by a factor of 10, the shaded is v wind speed,and the red contour line is the zero line of v wind speed
图 15 2020年7月16日16:00、18:00 CNTL试验(左)、URBAN试验(右)沿109.5° E的风场垂直剖面
矢量为(v, w)风场,其中w扩大10倍,阴影为径向风v,红色线为经向风速零线
Fig. 15 Simulated vertical profile along the wind field at 109.5°E by CNTL(left), URBAN(right)at 16:00 LST, 18:00 LST 16 July 2020
The vector is (v,w) wind field, where the w-component is multiplied by a factor of 10, the shaded is v wind speed,and the red contour line is the zero line of v wind speed
表 1 模式主要物理参数化方案的设置
Tab. 1 Settings of the main physical parameterizations
物理过程参数化 选用的参数化方案 短波辐射 RRTMG 长波辐射 RRTMG 微物理学 Lin 积云对流(仅D1、D2) Kain-Fritsch 边界层 YSU 近地面层 MM5 Revised 城市冠层方案 UCM 陆面过程 Noah -
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