Seasonal variations of planktonic copepods abundance and their relationship with environmental factors in the Haizhou Bay
摘要: 浮游桡足类是浮游动物中的一个重要类群,研究浮游桡足类的分布特征及其与环境因子的相关性具有重要意义。本研究利用广义加性模型(GAM)对2003−2022年江苏连云港海州湾人工鱼礁区及邻近海域的环境监测数据进行分析,探讨了浮游桡足类的季节变化、空间分布及其与环境因子的相关性。结果表明,浮游桡足类丰度季节间差异极显著(p < 0.01),均值由大到小依次为春季、夏季、秋季。丰度空间分布总体呈现人工鱼礁区低、近岸南部海域高的分布态势。GAM结果显示,季节间主要影响因子有同有异,春季是溶解氧浓度、叶绿素a浓度、硅酸盐浓度和硝酸盐浓度;夏季是生化需氧量、硅酸盐浓度、铵盐浓度和温度;秋季是盐度、溶解氧浓度、磷酸盐浓度和悬浮物含量。本研究可为进一步认识人工鱼礁海域浮游动物结构以及针对人工鱼礁海域栖息地适宜性评价提供参考。Abstract: Planktonic copepods is an important group of zooplankton. It is of great significance to study the distribution characteristics of planktonic copepods abundance and its correlation with various environmental indicators. In this study, we analyzed environmental monitoring data of Haizhou Bay, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, from 2003 to 2022 using generalized additive model (GAM), to investigate the spatiotemporal variation of planktonic copepods and its correlation with other sea water indicators. The results showed that the abundance of planktonic copepods varied significantly different between seasons (p < 0.01), and the mean value of copepods was greater in spring than in summer than in autumn. The spatial distribution of abundance was generally low in the artificial reef area and high in the southern coastal area. GAM analysis showed that the main influencing factors were different between seasons. The main influencing factors in spring were dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a concentration,
${\mathrm{SiO}}_3^- $ -Si concentration and${\mathrm{NO}}_3^- $ -N concentration. The main influencing factors in summer were biochemical oxygen demand, temperature,${\mathrm{SiO}}_3^- $ -Si concentration and${\mathrm{NH}}_4^+ $ -N concentration. The main influencing factors in autumn were dissolved oxygen, salinity, suspended solids content and${\mathrm{PO}}_4^{3-} $ -P concentration. This study can provide a reference for further study of zooplankton structure and habitat suitability evaluation in artificial reef waters. -
表 1 海州湾春、夏、秋季浮游桡足类丰度最优模型
Tab. 1 Optimal model for planktonic copepods abundance during spring, summer, and autumn in the Haizhou Bay
季节 解释变量 AIC 解释率/% 春季 硝酸盐浓度 + 硅酸盐浓度 + 亚硝酸盐浓度 + 溶解氧浓度 + 盐度 + 水色 + 叶绿素a浓度 597.25 36.4 夏季 硅酸盐浓度 + 铵盐浓度 + 生化需氧量 + 水温 507.87 61.9 秋季 经度 + 磷酸盐浓度 + 溶解氧浓度 + 悬浮物含量 + 水深 + 水温 + 盐度 + 水色 +叶绿素a浓度 110.48 68.7 -
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