Evolution of sedimentary environment in Setiu Lagoon, northeastern Malaysia, and its response to ENSO
摘要: 马来半岛位于低纬热带地区,厄尔尼诺−南方涛动(El Niño-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)如何影响该区域的气候,尤其是降水仍然存在争议。本文以马来半岛东北部登嘉楼州Setiu潟湖钻孔NTT-3为研究对象,通过分析粒度、总有机碳及总氮含量、C/N比值和XRF岩心扫描等,探讨该钻孔的沉积环境变化及其对ENSO的响应。研究结果显示,钻孔记录中自1970年前后(84 cm处)出现两种不同的变化趋势。1970年之前钻孔下部沉积物粒度、有机和无机地球化学特征趋势波动明显,沉积速率较低。而1970年以来,潟湖沉积环境总体稳定,沉积物中的有机组分主要来自红树林,同时伴有河流输入的淡水浮游植物的贡献。频谱分析结果显示1970年以来钻孔上部存在明显的ENSO周期变化。强厄尔尼诺现象基本对应低Zr/Rb比值和低Zr/Ti比值,而强拉尼娜(La Niña)现象基本对应高Zr/Rb比值和高Zr/Ti比值。该结论不仅支持了现代观测对马来半岛东部沿海地区气候变化的认识,同时也在地质记录中发现了ENSO变化的直接证据,对全面认识和理解ENSO对亚洲气候变化的影响、区域陆海相互作用过程和环境响应等方面具有重要现实意义。Abstract: The impact of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the climate of the low-latitude tropical region of the Malay Peninsula, particularly with regard to precipitation, remains a topic of debate. This study focuses on the NTT-3 drill core from Setiu Lagoon in Terengganu, northeastern Malay Peninsula. By employing analyses such as grain size, total organic carbon/nitrogen content, C/N ratio, and XRF core scanning, this research investigates the sedimentary environmental changes in the drill core and their response to ENSO. The results reveal two distinct trends in the drill core record, appearing around 1970 (at 84 cm depth). Sediment characteristics such as grain size and geochemical features of both organic and inorganic components suggest the possible occurrence of episodic sedimentation or sedimentary interruptions, with exceptionally slow sedimentation rates observed in the lower part of the core before 1970. Since 1970, the organic components in the lagoon sediment primarily originate from mangroves, accompanied by contributions from freshwater phytoplankton associated with river inputs. Spectral analysis indicates a pronounced ENSO periodic variation in the upper part of the drill core since 1970. The variations in Zr/Rb and Zr/Ti ratios correlate well with the occurrences of strong El Niño and La Niña events. This conclusion not only supports contemporary observations of climate change in the eastern coastal region of the Malay Peninsula but also provides direct geological evidence of ENSO variations in the sedimentary record. This discovery holds significant practical implications for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of ENSO on climate change in Asia, regional land-sea interaction processes, and environmental responses.
图 1 研究区域、钻孔点位及岩心剖面
a. 马来半岛研究区域及夏、冬季风方向;b. 研究区卫星图片(来自谷歌地球);c. 钻孔NTT-3岩性和粒度组成
Fig. 1 Study area, drilling locations, and core profile diagram
a. Study area of the Malay Peninsula and the direction of summer and winter winds; b. satellite image of the study area (from Google Eeath); c. Lithology and partice sire composition of Borehole NTT-3
表 1 马来西亚东北部近岸NTT-3孔沉积物AMS 14C测年结果
Tab. 1 The AMS 14C dating results of sediments from NTT-3 core in the northeastern coastal area of Malaysia
深度/cm 测年
(a BP)校正年龄/
(cal a BP)(2σ)平均日历年龄/
(A.D.)93~94 植物 −30 ± 30 −5~−7 (0.85) 1956 104~105 植物 −15 ± 30 −5~−7 (0.95) 1955 120~121 植物 −660 ± 30 −50~−54 (0.89) 2001 124~125 植物 360 ± 30 410~315 (0.47) 1588 145~146 植物 890 ± 30 834~732 (0.60) 1167 -
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