Distribution and community structure analysis of shellfish biological resources in sea area adjacent to Nanji Islands
摘要: 为了解南麂列岛附近海域底栖贝类群落特征及分布情况,于2022年10月(秋季)、2023年3月(春季)对南麂列岛周围海域进行底栖贝类的拖网调查。结果表明:共捕获底栖贝类49种,隶属2纲6目17科,春季底栖贝类平均丰度为(2 429 ± 2 038)ind./Agt ,平均生物量为(4 849.79 ± 2 513.84)g/Agt;秋季底栖贝类平均丰度为(1 149 ± 1 589)ind./Agt,平均生物量为(4 985.30 ± 2 159.23)g/Agt,主要优势种为棒锥螺Turritella bacillum、浅缝骨螺Murex trapa、结蚶Tegillarca nodifera、杰氏裁判螺Inquisitor jeffreysii、习见赤蛙螺Bufonaria rana、中华衲螺Cancellaria sinensis、白带三角口螺Trigonaphera bocageana,其中棒锥螺是春季和秋季共有优势种,且优势度均远高于其他种;该海域贝类群落优势种较稳定,群落的功能和性质由少数种类控制。本研究为南麂列岛海洋生态系统动态变化过程提供参考依据,为海洋生态环境保护提供基础资料。Abstract: To understand the characteristics and distribution of benthic shellfish communities in the vicinity of the Nanji Islands, we conducted bottom trawl surveys in the surrounding waters during October 2022 (autumn) and March 2023 (spring). The findings reveal that a total of 49 benthic shellfish species were captured, spanning 2 classes, 6 orders, and 17 families. During spring, the average abundance of benthic shellfish was (2 429 ± 2 038) ind./Agt, with an average biomass of (4 849.79 ± 2 513.84) g/Agt. In autumn, the average abundance was (1 149 ± 1 589) ind./Agt, with an average biomass of (4 985.30 ± 2 159.23) g/Agt. The primary dominant species comprised Turritella bacillum, Murex trapa, Tegillarca nodifera, Inquisitor jeffreysii, Bufonaria rana, Cancellaria sinensis and Trigonaphera bocageana. Notably, Turritella bacillum emerged as a dominant species in both spring and autumn, with dominance significantly surpassing that of other species. The dominance of benthic shellfish communities in this marine area appears relatively stable, with the community’s functionality and nature being primarily governed by a select few species. This study provides a reference basis for the dynamic changes in the marine ecosystem of the Nanji Islands and offers foundational data for the protection of marine ecological environments.
Key words:
- Nanji Islands /
- adjacent sea area /
- community structure /
- shellfish resources
表 1 南麂列岛春、秋季底栖贝类名录
Tab. 1 The list of benthic shellfish in spring and autumn of Nanji Islands
序号 种名 春季 秋季 腹足纲 Gastropoda 锥螺科 Turritellidae 1 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum + + 衣笠螺科 Xenophoridae 2 光衣笠螺 Xenophora exuta − + 3 太阳衣笠螺 Xenophora solarioides + + 玉螺科 Naticidae 4 真玉螺 Eunaticina papilla + + 5 褐玉螺 Natica spadicea − + 6 扁玉螺 Neverita didyma + + 7 雕刻窦螺 Sinum incisum + − 8 光滑窦螺 Sinum laevigatum + + 嵌线螺科 Cymatiidae 9 双节蝌蚪螺 Gyrineum bitubercularis − + 蛙螺科 Bursidae 10 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana + + 蛾螺科 Buccinidae 11 甲虫螺 Cantharus cecillei + − 盔螺科 Galeodidae 12 管角螺 Hemifusus tuba − + 织纹螺科 Nassariidae 13 节织纹螺 Nassarius hepaticus + + 14 半褶织纹螺 Nassarius sinarum − + 15 西格织纹螺 Nassarius siquijorensis + + 16 红带织纹螺 Nassarius succinctus − + 17 纵肋织纹螺 Nassarius variciferus − + 骨螺科 Muricidae 18 亚洲棘螺 Chicoreus asianus + + 19 粒核果螺 Drupa granulata − + 20 纹狸螺 Lataxiena fimbriata − + 21 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa − + 22 脉红螺 Rapana bezoar + + 23 瘤荔枝螺 Thais bronni + − 24 疣荔枝螺 Thais clavigera − + 衲螺科 Cancellariidae 25 椭圆衲螺 Cancellaria eblonga + + 26 中华衲螺 Cancellaria sinensis + + 27 白带三角口螺 Trigonaphera bocageana + + 塔螺科 Turridae 28 细肋蕾螺 Gemmula deshayesii − + 29 杰氏裁判螺 Inquisitor jeffreysii + + 30 假主棒螺 Inquisitor latifasciata + + 31 白龙骨乐飞螺 Lophiotoma leucotropis + + 32 爪哇拟塔螺 Turricula javana + + 33 假奈拟塔螺 Turricula nelliae spurius + − 笋螺科 Terebridae 34 白带笋螺 Duplicaria dussumierii + + 35 双层笋螺 Duplicaria duplicata − + 双壳纲 Bivalvia 蚶科 Arcidae 36 魁蚶 Anadara broughtonii + + 37 联球蚶 Anadara consociata + − 38 毛蚶 Scapharca kagoshimensis + − 39 唇毛蚶 Scapharca labiosa + + 40 结蚶 Tegillarca nodifera + + 牡蛎科 Ostreidae 41 密鳞牡蛎 Ostrea denselamellosa + + 樱蛤科 Tellinidae 42 刀明樱蛤 Jitlada culter − + 43 红明樱蛤 Moerella rutila − + 44 美女白樱蛤 Psammacoma candida + − 45 忱蛤 Pulvinus scarlato − + 双带蛤科 Semelidae 46 理蛤 Theora lata + − 帘蛤科 Veneridae 47 刺镜蛤 Dosinia aspera − + 48 薄片镜蛤 Dosinia corrugata + − 49 波纹巴非蛤 Paratapes undulatus + + 注:“+”表示该季节出现该物种;“−”表示该季节未出现该物种。 表 2 春、秋季优势种及其优势度(Y)
Tab. 2 The dominant species and its dominance (Y) in spring and autumn
种名 优势度 3月(春季) 10月(秋季) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 0.78 0.65 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 0.17 0.27 结蚶 Tegillarca nodifera 0.08 0.06 杰氏裁判螺 Inquisitor jeffreysii 0.08 0.08 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana 0.08 0.16 中华衲螺 Cancellaria sinensis 0.02 0.04 白带三角口螺 Trigonaphera bocageana − 0.02 注:“−”表示该物种Y < 0.02。 表 3 南麂列岛附近海域春、秋季航次底栖贝类动物群落各组累计贡献率超过60%的物种
Tab. 3 SIMPER similarity analysis on species in cumulative contribution over 60% in sea area adjacent to Nanji Islands in spring and autumn
种名 贡献率/% 累计贡献率/% 春季 聚类组A(平均相似度:74.99%) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 26.52 26.52 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 15.38 41.90 杰氏裁判螺 Inquisitor jeffreysii 10.70 52.60 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana 10.64 63.24 聚类组B(平均相似度: 77.43%) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 22.85 22.85 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 16.01 38.85 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana 11.14 49.99 杰氏裁判螺 Inquisitor jeffreysii 10.23 60.22 结蚶 Tegillarca nodifera 6.68 66.90 聚类组C(平均相似度:74.01%) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 49.04 49.04 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 14.02 63.07 秋季 聚类组A(平均相似度:73.18%) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 30.61 30.61 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 18.31 48.92 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana 13.23 62.14 聚类组B(平均相似度:73.46%) 棒锥螺 Turritella bacillum 24.97 24.97 浅缝骨螺 Murex trapa 21.99 46.96 习见赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana 15.81 62.77 注:春季聚类组D及秋季聚类组C、D少于两个站位,不在表中展示。 -
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