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徐枭阳 张大千 张录军

徐枭阳,张大千,张录军. 北冰洋夏秋季大浪事件的特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(4):13–22 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024037
引用本文: 徐枭阳,张大千,张录军. 北冰洋夏秋季大浪事件的特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(4):13–22 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024037
Xu Xiaoyang,Zhang Daqian,Zhang Lujun. Characteristics analysis of summer-autumn extreme wave events in the Arctic Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(4):13–22 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024037
Citation: Xu Xiaoyang,Zhang Daqian,Zhang Lujun. Characteristics analysis of summer-autumn extreme wave events in the Arctic Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(4):13–22 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024037


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024037
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42175172,41975134)。




  • 中图分类号: P731.22

Characteristics analysis of summer-autumn extreme wave events in the Arctic Ocean

  • 摘要: 本文利用ERA5再分析资料,使用超阈值方法筛选得到了1979−2021年8−10月北冰洋各海域的极端大浪事件数据集,分析了大浪事件的频数、极端波高的变化、海浪能流和浪向分布特征以及大浪事件中的海冰变化。结果表明:随着海冰减少,北极大浪活动范围扩大,除巴伦支海以外的海域都存在大浪活动增多的现象,东西伯利亚海、拉普捷夫海的极端波高以约3.5 cm/a和2 cm/a的速度显著增长,事件频数增长到约每年4起;相比其他海域,拉普捷夫海的大浪浪向以偏南为主,波浪更易传播到冰区,平均能流为5~8 kW/m。大浪事件伴随的海冰变化主要发生在边缘冰区,与风场方向有关:向冰风场更多时候伴随着海冰减少,而离冰风场更多伴随着海冰增加。
  • 图  1  2006年9−10月波弗特−楚科奇海的海冰覆盖度和有效波高逐日变化曲线


    Fig.  1  Daily variations in sea ice coverage and significant wave height in the Beaufort-Chukchi Sea for September to October 2006

    Extreme wave events with sea ice reduction are shaded. The blue line represents the multi-year average of sea ice coverage, and the red dashed line indicates the moment of maximum wave height

    图  2  北冰洋各海域分区示意图(a)和各海域风浪波高百分位曲线(b)

    Fig.  2  Subregions of the Arctic Ocean used for regional analysis (a) and percentile curves of significant wave heights for each sea (b)

    图  3  北极夏秋季(8−10月)大浪(波高>3 m)活跃时间(单位:h)在1979−1999年(a)和2000−2020年(b)的空间分布及两时期差异(c)


    Fig.  3  Spatial distribution of active hours of extreme waves (wave height > 3 m) during the Arctic summer−autumn (August−October) in 1979−1999 (a) and 2000−2020 (b), along with the differences between the two periods (c)

    The blue line represents the average position of sea ice concentration at 0.3; a separate colorbar is used for the Atlantic sectiondue to significantly stronger wave activity than other regions

    图  4  各海域8−10月大浪事件最大波高的年际变化(a−g)和大浪事件频数年际变化(h)


    Fig.  4  Interannual variations in the maximum wave heights of extreme wave events in various sea regions from August to October (a−g) and interannual variations in the number of extreme wave events (h)

    Trend lines determined through statistical tests at a 0.1 significance level are represented by dashed lines

    图  5  各海域8−10月大浪事件的平均浪向频率分布


    Fig.  5  Frequency distribution of average wave direction during extreme wave events in various sea regions from August to October

    Solid (dashed) lines represent open water (marginal ice zones)

    图  6  各海域8−10月大浪事件波浪能流(单位:kW/m)的频率分布


    Fig.  6  Frequency distribution of wave energy flux during extreme wave events in various sea regions from August to October (unit: kW/m)

    Solid (dashed) lines represent open water/marginal ice zones; black (gray) triangles represent average wave energy flux in open water (marginal ice zones)

    图  7  大浪事件前后海冰面积变化统计(a)、向冰传播的大浪事件前后海冰面积变化统计(b)和不向冰传播的大浪事件前后海冰面积变化统计(c)

    Fig.  7  Statistics of sea ice area changes before and after extreme wave events (a), statistics of sea ice area changes before and after extreme wave events propagating towards ice (b) and statistics of sea ice area changes before and after extreme wave events not propagating towards the ice (c)

    图  8  大浪事件期间平均海平面气压异常(等值线)、10 m风速(箭头)和波高(填色)(a−c),大浪事件前后海冰密集度变化(填色)及平均海冰运动场(箭头)(d−f)

    Fig.  8  The average SLP anomalies (contours), 10 m wind speed (arrows), and wave height (shading) during the extreme wave events (a−c), changes in sea ice concentration (shading) before and after extreme wave events, along with the average sea ice motion field (arrows) (d−f)

    图  9  喀拉海至波弗特海的大浪事件发生期间的海冰面积异常和风速异常散点分布

    Fig.  9  Scatter distribution of sea ice area anomalies and wind speed anomalies during the extreme wave events from the Kara Sea to the Bering Sea

    表  1  1979−2021年8−10月各海域利用POT方法筛选出的极端海浪事件样本数统计

    Tab.  1  Statistical summary of the number of extreme wave event samples selected using the POT method in various sea regions from August to October, 1979−2021

    波弗特海 楚科奇海 东西伯利亚海 拉普捷夫海 喀拉海 巴伦支海 格陵兰海
    8月 58 94 39 54 95 187 246
    9月 117 164 70 87 162 285 285
    10月 146 219 79 62 277 307 214
    总计 321 477 188 203 534 779 745
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