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张宇 许大志 俞胜宾 邢会斌 管玉平

张宇,许大志,俞胜宾,等. 基于多尺度深度学习对南海海表温度预报的研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(5):27–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024034
引用本文: 张宇,许大志,俞胜宾,等. 基于多尺度深度学习对南海海表温度预报的研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(5):27–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024034
Zhang Yu,Xu Dazhi,Yu Shengbin, et al. Forecast of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea based on multi-scale deep learning model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(5):27–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024034
Citation: Zhang Yu,Xu Dazhi,Yu Shengbin, et al. Forecast of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea based on multi-scale deep learning model[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(5):27–36 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024034


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024034
基金项目: 自然资源部海洋环境探测技术与应用重点实验室自主设立研究课题(MESTA-2021-D003);广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(202201011271);国家海洋局南海预报中心自主立项项目(SCSMF-FR-2021-07);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(42206027);中国−东盟国家蓝色伙伴关系建设项目(99950410)。



    管玉平,研究员,主要从事大洋环流与气候变化、海洋能量学、海洋带状流、海洋涡旋、台风研究。E-mail: guan@scsio.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: P731.31

Forecast of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea based on multi-scale deep learning model

  • 摘要: 海表温度是海洋最重要的物理量之一,提供了气候系统的基本信息,准确地预报海表温度有着广泛而重要的应用。近年来,基于人工智能的海温预报方法开始流行,并展现出巨大的潜力。基于卷积长短时记忆神经网络(ConvLSTM),本文研究了多尺度输入场对南海北部二维海表温度预报结果的影响。文章采用多元集合经验模态分解方法(MEEMD)将日均海表温度分解成多个尺度的空间主模态,并以不同的组合训练ConvLSTM模型进行预报实验。结果表明,采用前4个海表温度主模态数据训练模型时,预报1~7 d海表温度的均方根误差约为0.4~0.8℃,比仅用原始海表温度训练时减小了0.2~1.2℃;平均绝对百分比误差为1%~6%,减小了0.5%~10%;空间相关系数为99.5%~96.5%,提高了0.5%~3.5%。而且,随机实验也进一步证明该方法具有较高的普适性。基于深度学习的预报模型,需结合海温的物理特性,选择合适的数据进行训练,才能进一步提高其预报精度。本文初步探究了人工智能方法与物理概念在海温预报中的融合,可为以后的研究提供一定的参考。
  • 图  1  基于MEEMD方法对南海北部海表温度分解的例子

    左侧子图为原始日均海表温度,中间子图为经分解后得到IMF1、IMF2、IMF3、IMF4、 4个海温主模态,右侧子图为黑点(17.975°N,114.975°E)位置处温度随时间的变化趋势。其中,灰线表示日平均变化,黑线表示月平均变化,红线表示长期趋势

    Fig.  1  SST spatial decomposition in the northern South China Sea based on the MEEMD method

    The left subgraph shows the original daily average SST, the middle subgraph shows the four SST modes of IMF1, IMF2, IMF3, IMF4, after decomposition, and the right subgraph shows the trend of the SST amplitude over 30 years at the black point (17.975°N, 114.975°E). Gray lines indicate daily variation, black lines indicate monthly variation, and red lines indicate long-term trends

    图  2  基于ConvLSTM模型进行海表温度预报的框架示意图

    IMF1— IMFN代表第1至N个不同尺度的海表温度模态

    Fig.  2  Schematic of the framework for 2D SST prediction based on the ConvLSTM model

    IMF1-IMFN indicate SST modes of different scales from 1 to N

    图  3  基于ConvLSTM模型,利用30年日均海表温度数据进行训练,预报南海北部7天海表温度的结果


    Fig.  3  The 7 days SST forecast results of 30 years daily SST data based ConvLSTM model

    First row denote the observed SST; second row denote the forecast SST; third row denote the error between the observation and the prediction

    图  4  利用不同组合的海表温度主模态进行训练,预报南海北部7 d海表温度的结果


    Fig.  4  Using different combinations of SST eigenmodes to forecast the 7-day SST

    The initial SST field employed in the prediction is consistent with Figure 3. Rows 1−4 denote the results of the first 1−4 modes (IMF1-1, IMF1-2, IMF1-3 and IMF1-4) respectively

    图  5  预报误差的空间分布,与图4对应

    Fig.  5  The prediction error corresponding to Figure 4

    图  6  不同实验预报效果的量化比较

    黑线(No IMF)表示未采用模态分解的结果,蓝线(IMF1-1)表示采用前1个模态的结果,黄线(IMF1-2)表示采用前两个模态的结果,绿线(IMF1-3)表示采用前3个模态的结果,红线(IMF1-4)表示采用前4个模态的结果,紫线代表海表温度的持续性预报结果

    Fig.  6  Quantitative comparison of the prediction effects of different experiments

    The black line (No IMF) indicates the results of no mode decomposition, the blue line (IMF1-1) represents the results of the first mode, the yellow line (IMF1-2) represents the results of the first two modes, the green line (IMF1-3) represents the results of the first three modes, the red line (IMF1-4) represents the results of the first four modes, and the purple line represents the results of the SST persistence forecast

    图  7  采用IMF1-4进行7 d 海表温度训练预报的随机实验

    本文任意选取了30年中90个时段的海表温度进行测试,计算每个时段的3种量化指标,取IMF1-4与No IMF的差进行比较。图中黑色实线表示等值线为0值的位置

    Fig.  7  Randomized experiment with 7-day SST prediction using IMF1-4

    We arbitrarily selected 90 different periods in the 30 years, calculated the difference between IMF1-4 and No IMF of three quantitative indexes for each period. The black solid lines indicate the zero values position

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