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王泽霁 陈安清 李慧勇 王清斌 周雪威 叶涛 罗健 肖述光 侯明才

王泽霁,陈安清,李慧勇,等. 渤海湾碳酸盐岩潜山裂缝−岩溶联合控储机制[J]. 海洋学报,2024,45(4):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024031
引用本文: 王泽霁,陈安清,李慧勇,等. 渤海湾碳酸盐岩潜山裂缝−岩溶联合控储机制[J]. 海洋学报,2024,45(4):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024031
Wang Zeji,Chen Anqing,Li Huiyong, et al. The control mechanism of multi-stage fracture-related karst reservoirs of carbonate buried hills in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 45(4):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024031
Citation: Wang Zeji,Chen Anqing,Li Huiyong, et al. The control mechanism of multi-stage fracture-related karst reservoirs of carbonate buried hills in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 45(4):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024031


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024031
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42272132);珠峰计划项目(80000-2023ZF11402);四川省科技计划创新群体项目资助(2023NSFSC1986)。




  • 中图分类号: P736.21+3

The control mechanism of multi-stage fracture-related karst reservoirs of carbonate buried hills in Bohai Bay Basin

  • 摘要: 新生古储的潜山油气已成为我国海域盆地的重要勘探领域。渤海湾盆地的沙西北地区是一个典型碳酸盐岩潜山带,由于对其发育的多期裂缝的控储作用及与之相关的岩溶性质缺乏研究,制约了碳酸盐岩潜山的油气勘探。本文通过详细分析沙西北地区碳酸盐岩潜山储层缝-洞系统发育特征,研究裂缝与岩溶的控储作用。结果表明,渤海海域渤中西南环下古生界碳酸盐岩潜山属于裂缝相关岩溶储层,储集空间主要为溶蚀孔洞、构造裂缝和沿构造裂缝溶蚀扩大孔洞,优质储层具有岩性选择性,泥晶白云岩和细晶白云岩发育的裂缝和溶蚀孔洞更好。储层主要发育3期裂缝,NW向和NEE向剪裂缝主要与印支期和燕山末期的两次构造挤压有关,第三期WE向张裂缝则与喜山期的拉张运动有关,挤压作用是形成高密度缝的主要机制,后期的伸展作用是裂缝松弛形成储集空间的必要条件。下古生界碳酸盐岩潜山储层经历了3期岩溶作用,分别为加里东稳定构造背景的岩溶、印支期挤压褶皱成山背景的岩溶和燕山期−新生代早期伸展背景的断块地垒岩溶。总之,渤海湾盆地沙西北地区碳酸盐岩潜山储层是多期次多类型构造−岩溶作用联合复合形成的,不同构造部位的联合复合程度差异分析是认识成储规律的重要因素。
  • 图  1  渤海湾盆地地理位置(a)、研究区(红色虚线框)及其周缘前新生代构造纲要(b)和研究区下古生界地层综合柱状图(c)

    Fig.  1  The location of Bohai Bay Basin (a), pre-Cenozoic tectonic outline map of the study area and surroundings (b), the lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and lithology column of the study area(c)

    图  2  研究区下古生界碳酸盐岩典型岩性照片

    a. 泥晶灰岩,多期裂缝充填,CFD-H井,冶里组,3740.04 m(-);b. 亮晶胶结砂屑灰岩,见粒间溶孔,CFD2-1-B井,上马家沟组,3 477.4 m (-);c. 纹层状泥-微晶白云岩,CFD2-1-B井,崮山组,3 708 m;d. 含生屑泥-微晶白云岩,CFD2-2-I井,冶里组,3 955 m (-);e. 细晶白云岩,发育裂缝及裂缝相关溶蚀孔洞, CFD2-1-A井,3 710 m;f. 灰质粉晶白云岩,CFD2-2-B井,亮甲山组,3 400 m (-);g. 细晶白云岩,发育大型溶孔,溶洞壁发育环边白云石,CFD2-1-B井,冶里组,3 830 m (-);h. 粉-细晶白云岩,裂缝内充填的白云石发育溶蚀孔,CFD2-1-B井,亮甲山组,3 709.3 m (-);i. 粉晶灰质白云岩,发育少量晶间孔,CFD2-2-C井,冶里组,3 640 m (-);j. 岩溶角砾白云岩,CFD2-1-B井,冶里组,3 547 m;k. 岩溶角砾灰岩,CFD2-2-I井,亮甲山组,3 566 m;l. 岩溶角砾白云岩,多组裂缝被方解石充填,CFD2-1-B井,上马家沟组,3 442.4 m

    Fig.  2  The lithologic photographs of the carbonate in the study area

    a.Micritic limestone, multi-stage fracture filling, Well CFD-H (3740.04 m), Yeli Formation; b. sparking cemented sand clastic limestone, intergranular solution pore, Well CFD2-1-B (3477.4 m), Shangmajiagou Formation; c. laminated mud-microcrystalline dolomite, Well CFD2-1-B (3708 m), Gushan Formation; d. clastic mud-microcrystalline dolomite, Well CFD2-2-I (3955 m), Yeli Formation; e. fine crystalline dolomite, development of cracks and fracture-related dissolution voids, Well CFD2-1-A (3710 m); f. calareous silty dolomite, Well CFD2-2-B (3400 m), Liangjiashan Formation; g. fine crystalline dolomite, large solution pores are develope and ring-edge dolomite is developed on the cave wall, Well CFD2-1-B (3830 m), Yeli Formation; h. powder-fine-geained dolomite, the dolomite filled in the fracture develops dissolution pores, Well CFD2-1-B (3709.3 m), Liangjiashan Formation; i. powdery gray dolomite with a small number of intergranular pores, Well CFD2-2-C (3640 m), Yeli Formation; j. karst breccia dolomite, Well CFD2-1-B (3547 m), Yeli Formation; l. karst breccia dolomite, several groups of cracks are filled with calcite, Well CFD2-1-B (3442.4 m), Shangmajiagou Formation

    图  3  沙西北地区储层距潜山顶面距离及储层物性分布

    Fig.  3  The diagram of reservoir intervals distance from buried hill top and the distribution of reservoir physical property of each boreholes in Shaxibei area

    图  4  研究区裂缝发育特征及期次

    a. 岩心发育两组剪切缝和一组张裂缝,第I组裂缝中充填细晶方解石,第II组裂缝中充填泥晶方解石,第III组裂缝未被充填。CFD2-2-N井,3 560 m;b. 剪切缝充填方解石脉体,CFD2-1-B井,3 450 m;c. 岩心中发育一组张裂缝,CFD2-1-B井,3 442 m;d. 两组剪切缝相互切割,CFD2-1-B井,3 706 m

    Fig.  4  The characteristics and sequence of fracture families occurence in the study area

    a. Two shearing fractures and one tensile fracture can be observed in the core. The fractures of Family I are filled with fine crystalline calcites, the fracture of Family II is filled with argillaceous calcites, and the fracture of Family III is not filled, Well CFD2-2-N (3 560 m); b. the shearing fractures are filled with calcite veins, Well CFD2-1-B (3 450 m); c. a tensional fracture observed in the cor, Well CFD2-1-B (3 442 m); d. the two families of fractures cut each other, Well CFD2-1-B (3 706 m)

    图  5  渤中凹陷西南部碳酸盐岩埋藏丘钻孔成像测井中的天然裂缝(红色曲线代表构造裂缝,粉红色曲线代表诱导裂缝)

    a. CFD2-1-A井的钻井诱导裂缝;b. CFD2-1-A井诱导缝与构造裂缝,孔隙沿裂缝发育;c. 诱导裂缝的走向玫瑰图显示了NWW向最大主应力;d, e. 根据图像测井计算的3组裂缝走向和倾角

    Fig.  5  Natural fractures in the borehole image logs of carbonate burial hills in southwestern Bozhong sag. Red curves represent tectonic fractures. Pink curves represent induced fractures

    a. Induced fractures from well CFD2-1-A; b. induced fractures and tectonic fractures from CFD2-1-A, the dissolved pores developed along the fracture; c. rose plot of induced fractures shows the NWW trending maximum principal stress; d, e. fracture strike and dip calculated from image logs

    图  6  沙西北地区潜山构造演化与裂缝−岩溶联合复合成储机制

    Fig.  6  Tectonic evolution of the buried hill and reservoir formation of fracture-karst combined mechanism in Shaxibei area

    图  7  两种不同水文条件的裂缝相关岩溶模式

    a. 只有降雨内流体系的高地貌背景;b. 有外来径流体系的地垒-地堑背景

    Fig.  7  Two fracture-related karstification models for two different hydrological conditions

    a. Only with internal precipitation runoff in geomorphic highland setting; b. with external runoff water in horst-graben setting

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