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邹庆超 石学法 葛淑兰 吴永华 邹建军 贺湘锋 Sergey A.Gorbarenko 刘建兴

邹庆超,石学法,葛淑兰,等. 氧同位素3早期以来千年尺度气候事件在日本海北部的磁学记录[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(4):106–121 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024029
引用本文: 邹庆超,石学法,葛淑兰,等. 氧同位素3早期以来千年尺度气候事件在日本海北部的磁学记录[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(4):106–121 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024029
Zou Qingchao,Shi Xuefa,Ge Shulan, et al. Magnetic recordings of millennium-scale climate events in the northern Japan Sea since the early MIS 3[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(4):106–121 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024029
Citation: Zou Qingchao,Shi Xuefa,Ge Shulan, et al. Magnetic recordings of millennium-scale climate events in the northern Japan Sea since the early MIS 3[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(4):106–121 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024029


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024029
基金项目: 中央级公益科研院所基本科研业务费专项项目(2021S01);国家自然科学基金项目(U1606401, 41976078)。




  • 中图分类号: P736.3

Magnetic recordings of millennium-scale climate events in the northern Japan Sea since the early MIS 3

  • 摘要: 日本海是西北太平洋最大的边缘海,长期以来普遍认为其沉积物处于强烈的还原环境中而导致相应的磁学信号非常微弱,以致常用的磁学方法在该区的应用一直受限。为深入探讨磁学指标在日本海古环境与古海洋学研究中是否有效,本文对位于研究程度相对薄弱的北部一根626 cm长的柱状沉积物岩心(LV87-2-3孔,水深740 m)开展了系统的岩石磁学测试分析以及高分辨率的AMS14C测年和粒度分析。结果显示岩心系约48.3 ka BP以来的沉积记录,其55 cm以下层位的原生亚铁磁性矿物(主要为磁铁矿)已被大量还原而生成黄铁矿,导致磁性极弱。这与Dansgaard-Oeschger(D-O)旋回间冰阶水体分层加强和表层生产力提高等因素密切相关。然而,在此背景下仍存在4个以高矫顽力矿物(如赤铁矿和针铁矿)占比较高为明显特征的强磁性层位,即“硬磁异常”层;其很好地对应了海因里希(Heinrich)事件,指示了东亚冬季风(EAWM)增强和高盐度对马暖流(TWC)注入而导致的相对减弱的还原环境。上述变化在沉积物粒度上却未见清晰体现。因此,该研究不仅表明磁学参数对于指示末次冰期日本海古海洋与古环境演化的作用不容忽视,同时也为后续相关工作提供了新视角和新思路。
  • 图  1  日本海及其周边区域概况和部分钻孔分布情况

    a.日本海及其邻近区域的洋流分布,蓝色箭头表示寒流,红色箭头表示暖流;b、c. 本文所研究的LV87-2-3孔的位置及周边地理环境,b为平面图,c为立体图

    Fig.  1  Regional settings of the Japan Sea and its surrounding area and the locations of partial sediment cores

    a. Distribution of ocean currents in Japan Sea and its surrounding area, blue arrows show cold currents, while red arrows show warm currents; b, c. the location and surrounding geographical environment of LV87-2-3 core researched in this paper, b is a plan view, while c is a 3D view

    图  2  日本海北部LV87-2-3孔岩心的基本沉积学特征和年龄框架

    a. 岩心照片;b. 岩心沉积物三组分相对含量随深度的变化;c. 岩心平均粒径随深度的变化;d. 岩心AMS14C年龄(实心方块)随深度的变化(图中虚线为根据最下方两个测年点的线性外推);e. 根据AMS14C年龄恢复的钻孔不同时期的平均沉积速率随深度的变化

    Fig.  2  Basic sedimentological characteristics and age model of the studied sediment Core LV87-2-3 from the northern Japan Sea

    a. Photograph of the core; b. the variations of the relative content of the three components of the sediment along with depth of the core; c. main grain-size; d. the AMS 14C age of the core solid squarey, varies with depth (the dashed lines in the figure are linear extrapolations from the bottom two dating points); e. main sedimentation rate in different periods of the sediment core based on AMS14C age, along with depth of the core

    图  3  日本海LV87-2-3孔岩心的岩石磁学参数以及氧化还原敏感元素Mn含量随深度的变化

    a. 质量磁化率(χ);b. 非磁滞剩磁(ARM);c. 饱和等温剩磁(SIRM);d. 高矫顽力矿物含量(以HIRM表示;蓝线和紫线分别代表反向场为0.3 T和0.1 T(对数模式)对应的值);e. 低矫顽力矿物相对含量(以S比值表示;蓝线和紫线分别代表反向场为0.3 T和0.1 T对应的值);f. 矫顽力(Bc, 蓝线)和剩磁矫顽力(Bcr, 紫线);g. 岩心XRF得到的氧化还原敏感元素Mn含量(为尽量消除粒度对元素富集程度的影响,以Mn/Ti示之)。a−c. 蓝线和紫线分别为实际测量值与其相应的对数值(注:对数模式中岩心上部强磁性层位未展示)。图中浅蓝色竖条带标出的为高矫顽力组分含量相对高的层位,即后文中所指的“硬磁异常”层。图上方红色倒三角指示用来做进一步岩石磁学分析的3个代表样品的位置

    Fig.  3  The variations of rock magnetic parameters and the contents of redox sensitive element Mnalong with depth of the Core LV87-2-3 from the northern Japan Sea.

    a. Mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (χ); b. anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM); c. saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM); d. the content of hard/high-coercivity minenal (represented by HIRM; the blue and purple lines represent values corresponding to reverse fields of 0.3T and 0.1T (logarithmic mode), respectively); e. the relative content of low-coercivity minenal (represented by S-ratio; the blue line and purple lines represent values corresponding to the reverse fields of 0.3T and 0.1T, respectively); f. coercivity (Bc, blue line) and remanent coercivity (Bcr, purple line); g. the contents of redox sensitive element Mn derived from XRF measurement (indicated as Mn/Ti ratio to eliminate the effect of grain-size on element enrichmentas far as possible). The blue and purple lines in a−c are the actual measured values and their corresponding pairs, respectively. The light blue vertical bands in the figure indicate the layers with relatively high content of high coercivity components, i.e., the layers referred to later as “hard magnetic anomalies” layers. The red inverted triangles at the top of the figure indicate the layers of the representative 3 samples used for further rock-magnetic analyses

    图  4  日本海LV87-2-3孔代表性样品的岩石磁学特征

    a−c. 等温剩磁(IRM)获得曲线;d−f. 基于IRM获得曲线的矫顽力谱分解结果;g−i. 一阶反转曲线(FORC)图;j−l. 低温磁学曲线(左侧纵坐标指示20 K下施加2.5 T场获得的IRM随温度的变化,右侧纵坐标则为IRM对温度的一阶导数)

    Fig.  4  Rock magnetic properties of representative samples for the sediment Core LV87-2-3 from the Japan Sea

    a−c. Isothermal remanent magnetization IRM acquisition curves; d−f. decomposition of coercivity IRM acquisition curves; g−i. first-order Reversal Curve (FORC) diagrams; j−l. low-temperature magnetic curves (the left vertical coordinate indicates the variation of IRM with temperature acquired by applying a 2.5 T field at 20 K, while the right vertical coordinate is the first-order derivative of IRM with respect to temperature)

    图  5  日本海LV87-2-3孔(岩心200 cm以下层位)岩石磁学和粒度参数随深度的变化与全球海平面和其他地区已有气候曲线的对比

    a−d 依次为LV87-2-3孔(岩心200 cm以下层位)剩磁矫顽力(Bcr)、剩磁矫顽力高于0.1 T的矿物含量(HIRM−0.1 T)、剩磁矫顽力低于0.3 T矿物的相对含量(S−0.3 T)、平均粒径;e−h 依次为全球海平面变化[70]、指示东亚冬季风(EAWM)强度的中国黄土平均粒径[41]、指示东亚夏季风(EASM)强度的中国石笋氧同位素记录[71]、指示D-O旋回冰阶−间冰阶波动的格陵兰冰芯(GISP2)的氧同位素曲线[69];图中浅蓝色竖条带标出的为高矫顽力组分含量相对高的层位,称作“硬磁异常”层,而深蓝色条带对应的为新仙女木事件以及前4次Heinrich事件

    Fig.  5  The variations of rock magnetic and grain-size parameters along with depth for sediment Core LV87-2-3 (below 200 cm) from the Japan Sea compared with global sea level and reported climate curves in other regions

    a−d are Bcr, the mineral content of Bcr higher than 0.1 T (HIRM−0.1T), the relative mineral content of Bcr lower than 0.3 T (S−0.3 T) and main grain-size, respectively, for sediment Core LV87-2-3 (below 200 cm); e−h are global sea level change[70], mean grain-size of loess in China[41] indicating the intensity of EAWM, oxygen isotope curves from stalagmite records in China[69] indicating the intensity of EASM, and GISP2 δ18O stack[67] indicating stadial-interstadial fluctuations of the D-O cycle. The light blue vertical bands in the figure indicate the layers with relatively high content of high coercivity components named “hard magnetic anomalies” layers; while the deep blue vertical bands in the figure correspond the Younger Dryas event and first four Heinrich Events

    图  6  日本海北部末次冰期以来D-O旋回间冰阶(a)与Heinrich事件期间(b)不同沉积环境条件下的磁性矿物变化示意图


    Fig.  6  A schematic illustration for the changes of magnetic mineral in different sedimentary environment, which compares interstadials in D-O cycle (a) with stages of the Heinrich Events (b) since the last glacial in the Japan Sea.

    ECSCW: East China Sea Coastal Water; TWC: Tsushima Warm Current; JSPW: Japan Sea Proper Water

    表  1  LV87-2-3孔岩心的AMS14C测年结果

    Tab.  1  The results of AMS14C dating from the sediment Core LV87-2-3

    样品编号 深度/cm 测年材料 种属 测量值/a BP δ13C/‰ 传统年龄/(a BP) 日历年龄/(cal a BP)
    置信区间/1σ 截距值
    672259 7~13 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma; Bulloides 470 ± 30 −0.3 870 ± 30 334~475 405
    610375 201~202 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma; Bulloides 9760 ± 30 −0.5 10160 ± 30 11119~11271 11203
    610376 261~262 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma 15510 ± 50 −0.3 15910 ± 50 18342~18608 18472
    610377 301~302 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma 17230 ± 60 +0.1 17640 ± 60 20357~20624 20494
    610378 351~352 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma 20490 ± 70 +0.1 20900 ± 70 24043~24366 24209
    610379 461~462 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma 27580 ± 120 +0.0 27990 ± 120 31117~31400 31272
    664989 541~542 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma 34990 ± 310 −0.4 35370 ± 310 39316~39896 39624
    664990 621~622 浮游有孔虫 Pachyderma −0.7 > 43500
    下载: 导出CSV
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