Analysis of temporal and spatial characteristics of sea surface wind field in Taiwan Strait based on CCMP
摘要: 利用1993−2022年最新版交叉标定多平台风场资料(CCMP V3.1),针对台湾海峡海面风场的年、季、月、日变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:台湾海峡及台湾岛周边海域风场具有明显的空间分布特征,地形效应导致不同海域出现风速极大值区和极小值区。其中台湾海峡中部受“狭管效应”的影响,在冬季风速最大,风向基本与海峡走向平行;夏季风速低于海峡外部的风速,无“狭管效应”。此外,海面风场还具有明显的季、月变化特征,冬季盛行东北风,风速为全年最高;夏季盛行西南风,风速最低;春、秋两季风场特征相似,皆盛行东北风;冬季风比夏季风盛行期长,约占全年的四分之三。对风场的年际变化分析时,结果表明夏季风向易发生较大角度的偏转;年平均风速保持基本平缓的线性趋势,在一些年份的异常偏高或偏低与海气相互作用现象厄尔尼诺−南方涛动的发生相关。研究日变化特征时则发现,在夜间20时风速和风向波动最大;风速一天内存在周期性变化;风向日变化夏季偏转最明显。Abstract: The annual, seasonal, monthly and diurnal variations of sea surface wind field over the Taiwan Strait were analyzed based on the new version of Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Version 3.1 (CCMP V3.1) wind data from 1993 to 2022. The results showed that the wind field in the Taiwan Strait and the water around Taiwan Island had obvious spatial distribution characteristics, the topographic effect leads to the maximum and minimum wind speed regions in different sea areas. Because the central Taiwan Strait was affected by the “narrow tube effect”, the wind speed was the highest and the wind direction was basically parallel to the strait in winter; the wind speed in summer was lower than the speed outside the channel, and there was no “narrow tube effect”. In addition, the sea surface wind field also had obvious seasonal and monthly variation characteristics. The northeast wind prevailed in winter, and in this season the wind speed was the highest in the whole year; the southwest wind prevailed in summer with the lowest wind speed; the characteristics of spring and autumn monsoon fields were similar, both prevailing northeast wind; winter monsoon last longer than summer monsoon, accounting for about three quarters of the year. The analysis of the inter-annual variation of wind field showed that the wind direction tended to deflect at a large angle in summer. The annual mean wind speed maintained a basically flat linear trend, and the abnormal high or low in some years was related to the occurrence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). When the diurnal variation characteristics were studied, it was found that the wind speed and direction fluctuated most at 20 PM. The wind speed varied periodically within a day. The diurnal variation of wind direction deflection was most obvious in summer.
Key words:
- CCMP /
- Taiwan Strait /
- sea surface wind field /
- temporal and spatial characteristics
表 1 UTC与LST时间转换表
Tab. 1 UTC and LST time conversion
UTC LST 00:00 8:00(早晨) 06:00 14:00(中午) 12:00 20:00(夜间) 18:00 2:00(+1)(次日凌晨) -
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