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何艺玮 马小川 高敏 龚腾

何艺玮,马小川,高敏,等. 海南岛西部近岸海底沙波几何参数及其与环境变量的关联性分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(2):52–63 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024015
引用本文: 何艺玮,马小川,高敏,等. 海南岛西部近岸海底沙波几何参数及其与环境变量的关联性分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(2):52–63 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024015
He Yiwei,Ma Xiaochuan,Gao Min, et al. Analysis of geometric parameters of submarine sand waves in the western coastal area of Hainan Island and their correlation with environmental variables[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(2):52–63 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024015
Citation: He Yiwei,Ma Xiaochuan,Gao Min, et al. Analysis of geometric parameters of submarine sand waves in the western coastal area of Hainan Island and their correlation with environmental variables[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(2):52–63 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024015


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024015
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42276057,41876035)。




  • 中图分类号: P736.21+3

Analysis of geometric parameters of submarine sand waves in the western coastal area of Hainan Island and their correlation with environmental variables

  • 摘要: 在发育复杂海底沙波的海域,对整个海域沙波几何参数空间分布规律的定量研究较为少见,且沙波复杂几何参数与环境变量的关联性尚未厘清。基于海南岛西部实测水深数据、沉积物粒度数据和流速数据,量化和提取了研究区的环境变量;并利用沙丘参数自动提取和分析方法计算了复杂海底沙波的形态参数,分析了沙波几何参数之间及其与环境变量的相关性。结果表明:研究区海底沙波形态特征复杂多变,平均波长范围为64~340 m,平均波高为0.39~4.13 m。波高与陡峭度、背流面平均角度存在强正相关性,波长与对称度之间存在强正相关性,沉积物中值粒径与背流面平均角度和波高之间存在较强正相关性。研究区海底沙波的发育特征受水深的影响较小。潮流作用下沉积物运移方式以推移质运移为主,海底沙波受到的侵蚀作用较弱;沙波演化以垂向生长和迁移为主,沙波波高增长优先于波长增大。在稳定潮流背景下,区域沉积物供应以及沉积物粒度均能影响海底沙波的规模。
  • 图  1  研究区域位置(a)及研究区域地形及取样点位置(b)

    Fig.  1  Location of the study area (a) and study area topography and sampling point locations (b)

    图  2  研究区域地形区块划分(a)及研究区域流速分布(b)


    Fig.  2  Division of the study area into topographic blocks (a); flow velocity in the study area (b)

    (In figure a, the location of sampling points is consistent with Fig. 1b; the highlighted block numbers are consistent with the discussion section, namely C6, D5, G6, and H6)

    图  3  典型区块沙波脊线

    a. D1区块沙波脊线;b. H2区块沙波脊线;c. F3区块沙波脊线;d. G3区块沙波脊线。其中,D1和H2区块沙波脊线走向为NWW–SEE;F3和G3区块沙波脊线走向为SWW–NEE

    Fig.  3  Sand wave crest lines in typical blocks

    a. Crest lines in block D1; b. crest lines in block H2; c. crest lines in block F3; d. crest lines in block G3. The crest lines in blocks D1 and H2 trend NWW–SEE, while the crest lines in blocks F3 and G3 trend SWW–NEE

    图  4  沙波参数

    Fig.  4  Sand wave parameters

    图  5  研究区域主要环境变量的分布特征

    红色框线显示区块与讨论部分一致,分别为C6、D5、G6和H6。a. 水深分布;b. 流速分布;c. 中值粒径分布

    Fig.  5  Distribution of the main environmental variables in the study area

    The red box indicates the blocks that correspond to the discussion section, namely C6, D5, G6, and H6. a. Distribution of water depth; b. distribution of flow velocity; c. distribution of median grain size

    图  6  研究区域沙波几何参数分布特征

    红色框线显示区块与讨论部分一致,分别为C6、D5、G6和H6。a. 波长分布;b. 波高分布;c. 对称度分布;d. 陡峭度分布;e. 背流面平均角度分布

    Fig.  6  Distribution of geometric characteristics of sand waves in the study area

    The red box indicates the blocks that correspond to the discussion section, namely C6, D5, G6, and H6. a. Distribution of wavelength; b. distribution of wave height; c. distribution of sand wave symmetry; d. distribution of sand wave steepness; e. distribution of average angle of the lee side of sand waves

    图  7  沙波各几何参数之间的相关性

    Fig.  7  Correlation between geometric parameters of sand waves

    图  8  主要环境变量与沙波几何参数之间的相关性

    a. 水深与沙波各参数之间的相关性;b. 中值粒径与沙波各参数之间的相关性;c. 流速与沙波各参数之间的相关性

    Fig.  8  Correlation between the main environmental variables and the geometric parameters of sand waves

    a. Correlation between water depth and sand wave parameters; b. correlation between median grain size and sand wave parameters; c. correlation between flow velocity and sand wave parameters

    图  9  中值粒径与波高的散点分布

    红色区域中各区块D50 > 0.4 mm,灰色区域中各区块D50 > 0.5 mm,蓝色虚线为沙丘波高为1.6 m的分界线

    Fig.  9  The scatter distribution of median grain size and wave height

    The red region represents blocks with D50 > 0.4 mm, the gray region represents blocks with D50 > 0.5 mm, and the blue dashed line represents the boundary for sand waves with a wave height of 1.6 m

    图  10  F6–H6沉积物搬运方向(a)及沙波剖面(b–d)


    Fig.  10  Sediment transport direction in blocks F6–H6 (a); sand wave profiles (b–d)

    The direction of the black arrow indicates the direction of sediment transport (adapted from reference [16]); the red line corresponds to the location of the selected sand wave profile

    表  1  研究区海底沉积物粒度分析表

    Tab.  1  Analysis of sediment grain size in the study area

    取样点 大地坐标(XY 中值粒径/mm 平均粒径/mm 偏态Ski 峰态Kg
    1 234 390.35,2 089 369.64 0.018 0.017 0.11 1.59
    2 235 749.38,2 089 300.49
    3 236 156.23,2 089 988.77 0.035 0.051 −0.06 0.93
    4 237 274.26,2 089 404.45 1.67 0.793 2.47 2.15
    5 238 645.86,2 089 355.64 1.212 0.562 0.15 0.17
    6 239 321.13,2 090 149.12 0.42 0.138 1.11 1.31
    7 234 594.79,2 088 177.97 0.411 0.384 0.28 2.02
    8 236 512.66,2 088 230.15 1.069 0.418 0.75 1.38
    9 237 882.27,2 088 408.36 0.893 0.641 0.99 0.71
    10 235 597.45,2 087 382.92 1.825 0.897 2.27 18.79
    11 237 029.50,2 087 248.24
    12 238 300.83,2 087 306.05 0.921 0.696 1.32 0.72
    13 234 112.46,2 086 885.32 0.399 0.264 0.48 2.35
    14 235 411.88,2 086 316.78 1.012 1.048 0.07 0.74
    15 236 861.26,2 086 283.38 0.862 0.624 0.89 0.66
    16 239 536.19,2 087 054.35 1.322 0.554 −1.22 0.19
    17 234 473.39,2 085 449.62 0.481 0.488 −0.04 0.74
    18 235 933.93,2 085 205.56 0.496 0.289 0.52 2.07
    19 238 433.44,2 086 109.93 0.951 0.983 3.59 0.12
    20 235 087.54,2 084 265.07 1.743 0.896 3.29 11.85
    21 237 511.41,2 084 651.73 0.057 0.048 0.24 1.08
    22 239 268.64,2 085 134.73 0.951 0.765 0.86 1.45
    23 234 256.04,2 083 389.00 1.354 0.739 −1.23 0.35
    24 236 449.20,2 083 981.86 0.346 0.346 0.17 1.93
    25 237 729.99,2 083 445.16 0.47 0.355 0.56 0.88
    26 238 795.51,2 084 102.13 0.331 0.283 0.53 3.09
    27 234 785.21,2 082 652.36 0.431 0.467 0.57 1.27
    28 235 792.27,2 083 016.51 0.198 0.091 0.58 0.87
    29 236 898.33,2 082 425.01 0.037 0.036 0.16 1.15
    30 238 397.08,2 082 632.88 0.051 0.047 0.21 0.99
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