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李洪臣 陈希 毛科峰 王鹏皓 李明

李洪臣,陈希,毛科峰,等. 考虑海水强跃层特征的MVP系统盐度剖面校正方法试验[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(12):179–192 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023171
引用本文: 李洪臣,陈希,毛科峰,等. 考虑海水强跃层特征的MVP系统盐度剖面校正方法试验[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(12):179–192 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023171
Li Hongchen,Chen Xi,Mao Kefeng, et al. Test of salinity profile correction method for MVP system based on temperature gradient profile analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):179–192 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023171
Citation: Li Hongchen,Chen Xi,Mao Kefeng, et al. Test of salinity profile correction method for MVP system based on temperature gradient profile analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):179–192 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023171


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023171
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(62073332)。



    毛科峰(1981—),男,副教授,主要从事物理海洋学研究。E-mail: maokefeng@nudt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P732

Test of salinity profile correction method for MVP system based on temperature gradient profile analysis

  • 摘要: 走航式海洋剖面测量系统(Moving Vessel Profiler,MVP)具有空间高分辨率温盐剖面探测的优势,但由于采用无泵型CTD进行温盐测量,对测量数据进行传感器响应时间匹配和热惯量校正处理是其数据应用的重点和难点。本文针对现有热惯量校正方法在强温跃层处仍然存在盐度尖峰的局限性,提出一种基于测量温度梯度廓线分析的分层热惯量校正参数寻优方法,校正温度和电导率,进而校正盐度剖面。利用西太平洋某航次实测数据进行试验,结果表明,该方法显著降低了MVP上下行测量剖面的盐度差异,盐度尖峰基本被剔除,特别是温跃层处得到明显改善,上下行剖面的平均绝对盐度差从0.031降低到0.016 1,总体的盐度误差减小48.1%,验证了本文提出的MVP盐度剖面校正方法的合理性。
  • 图  1  MVP实物及工作流程

    Fig.  1  MVP images and working sketch

    图  2  MVP数据断面分布情况

    Fig.  2  Distribution of MVP data section

    图  3  技术流程图

    Fig.  3  Technical flow chart

    图  4  预处理后307、311和326剖面温度、电导率、盐度和下降速率的深度分布


    Fig.  4  Depth distribution of temperature, conductivity, salinity and descent rate of 307, 311 and 326 profiles after pretreatment

    The red line, blue line and black line represent 307, 311 and 326 profiles respectively

    图  5  MVP温度剖面的分层情况

    a–f分别是323、318、308、301、311和314剖面的分层情况。每个子图的左图是T–P图,右图是温度梯度随深度的分布图,黑色散点是真实温度梯度散点,红色竖虚线从左至右分别是−0.05 ℃/m和0.05 ℃/m温度梯度阈值线,品红色横虚线是分层界线

    Fig.  5  Stratification of MVP temperature profiles

    a–f are the stratification of profiles 323, 318, 308, 301, 311 and 314, respectively. The left panel of each subplot is the T–P plot, the right panel is the distribution of temperature gradient with depth, the black scatters are the true temperature gradient scatters, the red dashed lines are the –0.05 ℃/m and 0.05 ℃/m temperature gradient threshold lines from left to right, respectively, and the magenta horizontal dashed line is the stratification boundary

    图  6  MVP上下行剖面温度相对电导率的滞后(1点= 0.04 s)随上升/下降速率的变化

    Fig.  6  Lag (1 seans = 0.04 s) of relative conductivity of temperature in MVP upstream and downstream profiles with rising/falling rates

    图  7  预处理后和传感器响应时间校正后上下行剖面盐度对比


    Fig.  7  Comparison plots of salinity between upstream and downstream profiles after preprocessing and sensor response time correction

    a–c Salinity comparison plots for profiles 307, 311, and 326, respectively; the left plot of each subplot is a SP plot, with the red line showing the up- and down-row salinity profile curves after sensor response time correction, and the blue line showing the up- and down-row salinity profile curves after preprocessing; and the right plot of each subplot is a T–S scatterplot, with the red dots showing the scatters of up- and down-row salinity profiles after sensor response time correction, and the blue dots showing the scatters of up- and down-row salinity profiles after preprocessing

    图  8  热惯量订正后与传感器响应时间校正后的上下行剖面的盐度差异


    Fig.  8  Difference in salinity between thermal inertia revised and sensor response time corrected up- and down-row profiles

    a–c. Salinity comparison plots for profiles 307, 311, and 326, respectively; the left panel of each subplot is a S–P plot, with the red line showing the upstream and downstream salinity profile curves after thermal inertia revision, and the blue line showing the upstream and downstream salinity profile curves after sensor response time correction; and the right panel of each subplot is a T–S scatter plot, with the red dots showing the upstream and downstream salinity profile scatter points after thermal inertia revision, and the blue dots showing the sensor response time-corrected upstream and downstream salinity profile scatter points in red, and sensor response time-corrected upstream and downstream salinity profile scatter points in blue

    图  9  311剖面热惯量校正参数、温度和盐度随深度变化


    Fig.  9  The thermal inertia correction parameters, temperature and salinity versus depth for profile 311

    The black line is the temperature profile, the red line is the salinity profile, the green and blue segmented solid lines are the best coefficient pairs for the stratified thermal lag correction, the light green and light blue complete lines are the best coefficient pairs for the whole stratified thermal lag correction, and the magenta dashed line is the stratification boundary

    图  10  3步处理过程的平均绝对盐度差


    Fig.  10  Mean absolute salinity difference for the three-step process

    The blue, black and red dots are the mean absolute salinity difference for the preprocessing process, sensor response time correction, and thermal inertia correction processes, respectively

    表  1  MVP数据剖面分布情况、经纬度及时间范围

    Tab.  1  MVP data profile distribution, latitude, longitude and time scale

    断面 剖面命名格式 经纬度和时间范围 剖面数
    A1 101,102,…,116 2019年5月21–22日
    40.67°~41.61°N, 155.53°~155.60°E
    A2 201,202,…,219 2019年5月24日
    38.22°~38.91°N, 150.10°~150.49°E
    A3 301,302,…,338 2019年6月6日
    40.71°~41.76°N, 145.18°~146.60°E
    A4 401,402,…,498 2019年6月24日
    40.96°~42.48°N, 150.29°~150.93°E
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    表  2  预处理后上下行剖面平均绝对盐度差分布情况

    Tab.  2  Distribution of mean absolute salinity difference between upstream and downstream profiles after pretreatment

    平均绝对盐度差$ |\Delta {S}| $ 剖面号 数目
    $ {|\Delta {S}| > 0.031 }$
    $ {0.031\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.02 }$
    $ {0.02\geqslant \left|\Delta{S}\right| > 0.01} $ 102~108、201、204、211、217、219、303、306、309、322、323、325、326、328、330~338 29
    ${ 0.01\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| }$ 101 1
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    表  3  剖面分层情况

    Tab.  3  Layering of the profile

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    表  4  温度相对电导率的滞后时间与下降/上升速率的关系

    Tab.  4  Temperature relative conductivity lag time versus rate of fall/rise

    上行剖面 下行剖面
    2 –0.183 2.5 1.735
    2.25 –0.553 2.75 1.743
    2.5 –1.097 3 1.933
    2.75 –1.339 3.25 1.942
    3 –1.598 3.5 1.922
    3.25 –1.925 3.75 2.070
    3.5 –2.034 4 2.139
    3.75 –2.016 4.25 2.250
    4 –1.929 4.5 2.126
    4.25 –2.279
    4.5 –2.402
    4.75 –2.118
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    表  5  传感器响应时间校正后上下行剖面平均绝对盐度差分布情况

    Tab.  5  Distribution of mean absolute salinity difference between upstream and downstream profiles corrected for sensor response time

    平均绝对盐度差$ {|\Delta {S}|} $ 剖面号 数目
    $ {\left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.031} $ 109、112、207、212、215、216、316、318、319、402、412、431、441、443~445、449、453、457~460、482 23
    $ {0.031\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.018\;7} $
    ${ 0.018\;7\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.01} $
    ${ 0.01\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right|} $ 101~107、219、337、338 11
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    表  6  整层进行热惯量校正后上下行剖面平均绝对盐度差分布情况

    Tab.  6  Distribution of mean absolute salinity difference between up and down row profiles after thermal inertia correction for the whole layer

    平均绝对盐度差$ {|\Delta {S}| }$ 剖面号 数目
    $ {\left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.031 }$ 112、207、212、215、216、316、412、431、445、453、457~460、482 15
    ${ 0.031\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.018\;7} $
    $ {0.018\;7\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.016\;1} $ 115、213、214、313、314、317、320、401、417、424、429、430、436、438、452、493 16
    $ {0.016\;1\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.01} $


    $ {0.01\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| }$ 101~108、219、303、306、308、310、323、333、337、338、464、465、467、473、474、476、479、485、487 26
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    表  7  分段进行热惯量校正后上下行剖面平均绝对盐度差分布情况

    Tab.  7  Distribution of the mean absolute salinity difference between upstream and downstream profiles after segmented thermal inertia correction

    平均绝对盐度差$ {|\Delta {S}| }$ 剖面号 数目
    ${ \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.031 }$ 112、207、212、215、216、316、412、431、445、453、457~460、482 15
    $ {0.031\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.018\;7} $ 109~111、113、114、205、218、315、318、319、402~405、419、432~435、437、439~444、446~450、497、498 33
    $ {0.018\;7\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.016\;1 }$ 115、206、210、213、214、313、317、320、401、417、429、430、436、438、452、493 16
    $ {0.016\;1\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right| > 0.01 }$
    116、201~204、208、209、211、217、301、302、305、307、312、314、321、322、324~336、406~411、413~416、418、420~428、451、454~456、461~463、469~472、475、477、478、480、481、483、484、486、488~492、494~496 76
    $ {0.01\geqslant \left|\Delta {S}\right|} $ 101~108、219、303、304、306、308~311、323、333、337、338、464~468、473、474、476、479、485、487 31
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    表  8  A3断面强温跃层处,分层热惯量校正与整层热惯量校正的效果对比

    Tab.  8  Comparison of the effect of stratified thermal inertia correction with that of whole layer thermal inertia correction at the strong thermocline of A3 section

    剖面号 强跃层梯度/(℃·m−1) 深度范围/m 平均绝对盐度差 改善效果/%
    分层校正 整层校正
    301 0.184 12.34~40.73 0.046 2 0.046 3 0.22
    302 0.180 12.29~38.74 0.056 1 0.075 9 26.09
    303 0.165 12.26~43.93 0.038 7 0.039 1 1.02
    304 0.193 12.34~41.16 0.033 4 0.034 4 2.91
    306 0.161 12.35~40.11 0.034 7 0.038 9 10.80
    307 0.154 12.37~45.95 0.043 8 0.044 2 0.90
    308 0.160 12.28~47.33 0.038 8 0.04 0
    309 0.177 12.29~39.93 0.046 6 0.047 2 1.27
    310 0.181 12.31~45.6 0.013 8 0.013 8 0
    311 0.174 12.3~38.32 0.035 0.035 0
    316 0.119 16.69~135.47 0.137 6 0.137 6 0
    317 0.216 14.4~42.86 0.052 8 0.052 8 0
    319 0.267 12.25~49.72 0.266 6 0.266 6 0
    321 0.338 12.31~51.84 0.066 2 0.066 6 0.60
    322 0.145 12.28~79.83 0.031 6 0.031 6 0
    324 0.343 12.33~43.32 0.050 6 0.051 2 1.17
    325 0.209 12.28~65.22 0.054 6 0.057 1 4.38
    326 0.312 12.34~46.34 0.035 6 0.035 6 0
    327 0.269 12.36~54.67 0.061 6 0.079 8 22.81
    328 0.273 12.3~62.24 0.022 9 0.022 9 0
    329 0.104 12.4~75.53 0.060 8 0.060 9 0.16
    330 0.185 12.3~56.41 0.033 9 0.033 9 0
    332 0.367 12.28~34.29 0.039 0.039 0
    333 0.134 12.26~58.3 0.033 8 0.044 3 23.70
    334 0.195 12.26~72.08 0.029 1 0.029 1 0
    336 0.175 12.28~74.06 0.044 3 0.044 3 0
    337 0.135 12.27~85.13 0.030 6 0.030 6 0
    338 0.140 12.33~81.51 0.025 7 0.025 7 0
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