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HY-1C/D CZI多光谱影像云覆盖与耀斑区域绿潮自动提取方法研究

吴克 王常颖 黄睿 李华伟

吴克,王常颖,黄睿,等. HY-1C/D CZI多光谱影像云覆盖与耀斑区域绿潮自动提取方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(10):168–182 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023151
引用本文: 吴克,王常颖,黄睿,等. HY-1C/D CZI多光谱影像云覆盖与耀斑区域绿潮自动提取方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(10):168–182 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023151
Wu Ke,Wang Changying,Huang Rui, et al. Automatic extraction of green tide in areas with clouds or solar flares in HY-1C/D CZI multispectral images[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(10):168–182 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023151
Citation: Wu Ke,Wang Changying,Huang Rui, et al. Automatic extraction of green tide in areas with clouds or solar flares in HY-1C/D CZI multispectral images[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(10):168–182 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023151

HY-1C/D CZI多光谱影像云覆盖与耀斑区域绿潮自动提取方法研究

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023151
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(62172247);山东省重点研发计划重大科技创新工程项目(2019JZZY020101)。




  • 中图分类号: P714+.5

Automatic extraction of green tide in areas with clouds or solar flares in HY-1C/D CZI multispectral images

  • 摘要: 针对多光谱影像受云、雾、太阳耀斑等因素的影响,难以实现高精度的绿潮自动提取的问题,本文以我国的HY-1C/D卫星CZI载荷多光谱影像为数据源,采用数据挖掘技术,通过探索绿潮区域与非绿潮区域的光谱分布差异,提出一种适用于HY-1C/D CZI影像的高精度、全自动绿潮提取方法。首先,分析有云区域和无云区域样本的光谱差异,给出厚云去除规则;其次,选取绿潮和非绿潮区域的样本,采用决策树算法生成绿潮提取规则;然后,针对薄云和厚云边界区域常常会出现误检绿潮的问题,设计了5种错误类别修正策略。为验证方法的有效性,收集2021年黄海区域绿潮暴发周期内的25景HY-1C/D CZI影像,开展绿潮自动检测实验。结果表明,与传统的NDVI方法、VB-FAH方法等指数方法以及ResNet50、U-Net等深度学习方法相比,本文方法在准确度、Kappa系数、F1-Score和MIoU等指标上均优于其他方法,而且能够实现在厚云、薄云、无云、云斑和耀斑区域复杂情况下的绿潮的高精度自动提取。
  • 图  1  绿潮、海水、厚云band 3波段的数据分布

    数据随机取样自2021年5月25日、6月21日、6月30日HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器影像;绿潮和海水样本点数量约为10 000个;厚云样本点band 3数据分布过于集中,为便于展示,其数量约为5 000个

    Fig.  1  Data distribution of band 3 of green tide, sea water and thick cloud

    Data is randomly sampled from the HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor images on May 25, June 21, and June 30, 2001. The number of green tides and seawater samples is about 10 000. The band 3 data distribution of thick cloud sample points is too centralized to be easily displayed. The number of band 3 is about 5 000

    图  2  规则B提取结果(绿色部分)

    Fig.  2  Rule B extraction results (green)

    图  5  规则E提取结果(橙色部分)


    Fig.  5  Rule E extraction results (orange)

    There are no properly detected green tide cells in this area, so no artificial interpretation labels are given

    图  3  规则C提取结果(红色部分)

    Fig.  3  Rule C extraction results (red)

    图  4  规则D提取结果(蓝色部分)

    Fig.  4  Rule D extraction results (blue)

    图  6  错误类别修正流程

    Fig.  6  Error category correction process

    图  7  分类结果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b. 基于规则集的分类结果;c. 修正错误类别后的分类结果

    Fig.  7  Comparison of classification results

    a. HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor RGB synthetic images (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm); b. classification results based on rule sets;c. classification results after correcting error categories

    图  8  HY-1C/D CZI影像绿潮全自动提取方法

    Fig.  8  Full-automatic extraction method of green tide from HY-1C/D CZI images

    图  9  NDVI和VB-FAH数据散点图

    绿潮与非绿潮数据均为随机取样,数量为1 000个

    Fig.  9  Scatter plot of NDVI and VB-FAH data

    Both green tide and non green tide data are randomly sampled, with a quantity of 1 000

    图  10  精度评估区域

    a、b、c. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);区域1至区域20尺寸为400像素 × 400像素;由于耀斑区域中绿潮斑块较零碎,故将区域21至区域25尺寸设定为100像素 × 100像素;每个像素尺寸为50 m × 50 m

    Fig.  10  Accuracy evaluation area

    a, b, c. HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor RGB synthetic image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm); area 1–20 with dimensions of 400 pixels × 400 pixels; due to the fragmented green tide patches in the flare area, the size of the area 21–25 is set to 100 pixels × 100 pixels; each pixel size is 50 m × 50 m

    图  11  厚云区域绿潮提取效果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b、c、d、e、f、g分别为人工解译、NDVI、VB-FAH、ResNet50、U-Net、本文方法的绿潮提取结果

    Fig.  11  Comparison of green tide extraction effects in thick cloud region

    a. RGB composite image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm) of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor; b, c, d, e, f, g show the green tide extraction results of manual interpretation, NDVI, VB-FAH, ResNet50, U-Net, and the method proposed in this paper, respectively

    图  12  薄云区域绿潮提取效果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b、c、d、e、f、g分别为人工解译、NDVI、VB-FAH、ResNet50、U-Net、本文方法的绿潮提取结果

    Fig.  12  Comparison of green tide extraction effects in thin cloud region

    a. RGB composite image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm) of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor; b, c, d, e, f, g show the green tide extraction results of manual interpretation, NDVI, VB-FAH, ResNet50, U-Net, and the method proposed in this paper, respectively

    图  13  无云区域绿潮提取效果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b、c、d、e、f、g分别为人工解译、NDVI、VB-FAH、ResNet50、U-Net、本文方法的绿潮提取结果

    Fig.  13  Comparison of green tide extraction effects in cloud-free region

    a. RGB composite image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm) of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor; b, c, d, e, f, g show the green tide extraction results of manual interpretation, NDVI, VB-FAH, ResNet50, U-Net, and the method proposed in this paper, respectively

    图  14  云斑区域绿潮提取效果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b、c、d、e、f、g分别为人工解译、NDVI、VB-FAH、ResNet50、U-Net、本文方法的绿潮提取结果

    Fig.  14  Comparison of green tide extraction effects in cloud spot region

    a. RGB composite image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm) of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor; b, c, d, e, f, g show the green tide extraction results of manual interpretation, NDVI, VB-FAH, ResNet50, U-Net, and the method proposed in this paper, respectively

    图  15  耀斑区域绿潮提取效果对比

    a. HY-1C/D卫星CZI传感器RGB合成影像(R:825 nm,G:650 nm,B:560 nm);b、c、d、e、f、g分别为人工解译、NDVI、VB-FAH、ResNet50、U-Net、本文方法的绿潮提取结果

    Fig.  15  Comparison of green tide extraction effect in flare region

    a. RGB composite image (R: 825 nm, G: 650 nm, B: 560 nm) of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor; b, c, d, e, f, g show the green tide extraction results of manual interpretation, NDVI, VB-FAH, ResNet50, U-Net, and the method proposed in this paper, respectively

    表  1  HY-1C/D 卫星 CZI 传感器的波段信息

    Tab.  1  Band information of HY-1C/D satellite CZI sensor

    band 1420~50050
    band 2520~60050
    band 3610~69050
    band 4760~89050
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    表  2  绿潮提取规则集

    Tab.  2  Green tide extraction rule set

    编号 决策规则 颜色
    A b3 – b4 ≤ –389.5且b3 – b4 ≤ –328.5且b1 ≤ 448.5 若不满足A,则颜色为黑色
    b3 – b4 > –389.5且b2 – b3 > –84.5且b3 – b4 >863
    b3 – b4 > –389.5且b2 – b3 > –84.5且b3 – b4 > –523.5
    b3 – b4 > –389.5且b2 – b3 > –84.5且b3 – b4 ≤ –523.5且b3 ≤ –484.5
    B A且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5 且 b1 ≤ 1558且b2 – b3 > –4.5 绿色
    A且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b2 – b3 > –321.5
    A 且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b1 ≤ 1558且b2 – b3 ≤ –4.5且b3 – b4 ≤ –681.5且
    b2 – b3 > –42.5
    C A 且 b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b1 > 1558 红色
    D A且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b1 ≤ 1558且b2 – b3 ≤ –4.5且b3 – b4 ≤ –681.5且
    b2 – b3 ≤ –42.5
    A且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b1 ≤ 1558且b2 – b3 ≤ –4.5且b3 – b4 > –681.5
    E A且b2 – b3 ≤ –140.5且b2 – b3 ≤ –321.5 橙色
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    表  3  ACC和Kappa精度评估结果

    Tab.  3  Accuracy evaluation results of ACC and Kappa

    区域/类型 ACC Kappa
    NDVI VB-FAH ResNet50 U-Net 本文方法 NDVI VB-FAH ResNet50 U-Net 本文方法
    1/厚云 0.959 2 0.912 7 0.930 1 0.959 5 0.992 3 0.814 8 0.508 0 0.614 4 0.791 9 0.964 5
    2/厚云 0.803 7 0.791 4 0.980 7 0.988 2 0.994 1 0.156 9 0.065 4 0.589 8 0.761 0 0.891 6
    3/厚云 0.901 2 0.875 1 0.962 4 0.976 1 0.993 2 0.400 5 0.096 5 0.550 3 0.748 2 0.935 2
    4/厚云 0.927 4 0.929 4 0.984 3 0.990 2 0.992 5 0.462 0 0.381 0 0.766 3 0.600 3 0.894 1
    5/厚云 0.872 2 0.869 0 0.976 1 0.982 6 0.990 1 0.389 9 0.334 3 0.771 9 0.643 4 0.842 4
    6/薄云 0.969 4 0.947 2 0.957 9 0.970 0 0.970 9 0.824 5 0.583 2 0.710 7 0.694 5 0.849 2
    7/薄云 0.966 7 0.968 3 0.976 1 0.982 0 0.989 4 0.719 1 0.558 4 0.744 2 0.698 0 0.885 4
    8/薄云 0.977 5 0.973 7 0.976 4 0.983 9 0.985 5 0.815 2 0.691 1 0.767 7 0.837 8 0.859 6
    9/薄云 0.965 1 0.984 6 0.984 8 0.970 1 0.987 1 0.775 5 0.864 3 0.879 0 0.922 5 0.982 5
    10/薄云 0.948 7 0.927 1 0.924 6 0.945 2 0.994 5 0.774 7 0.523 5 0.587 6 0.691 3 0.973 1
    11/无云 0.904 9 0.980 9 0.978 5 0.969 1 0.990 4 0.576 8 0.853 6 0.852 6 0.825 0 0.921 3
    12/无云 0.949 2 0.971 5 0.966 7 0.967 2 0.979 6 0.673 1 0.688 7 0.707 2 0.783 3 0.828 2
    13/无云 0.923 4 0.957 4 0.963 1 0.968 5 0.970 4 0.682 4 0.726 9 0.801 0 0.678 2 0.847 3
    14/无云 0.975 0 0.975 5 0.973 5 0.985 7 0.998 2 0.769 7 0.621 3 0.683 5 0.820 6 0.978 5
    15/无云 0.985 0 0.977 4 0.980 8 0.986 9 0.989 0 0.830 7 0.627 0 0.732 6 0.815 9 0.850 1
    16/云斑 0.905 6 0.955 6 0.940 4 0.971 8 0.982 3 0.606 8 0.660 4 0.612 7 0.832 9 0.896 5
    17/云斑 0.914 1 0.969 8 0.962 2 0.974 2 0.994 1 0.470 0 0.483 8 0.500 9 0.676 1 0.927 7
    18/云斑 0.868 0 0.957 5 0.944 9 0.955 7 0.985 1 0.454 3 0.549 8 0.572 5 0.698 5 0.887 9
    19/云斑 0.924 0 0.981 1 0.976 1 0.977 7 0.984 0 0.478 8 0.682 7 0.683 8 0.856 7 0.906 0
    20/云斑 0.904 2 0.955 4 0.944 7 0.967 8 0.984 1 0.603 1 0.661 5 0.682 5 0.817 4 0.907 8
    21/耀斑 0.907 5 0.978 1 0.977 5 0.976 4 0.995 6 0.334 6 0.294 5 0.252 3 0.187 7 0.919 1
    22/耀斑 0.896 6 0.987 5 0.988 6 0.988 6 0.995 1 0.188 5 0.147 9 0.275 7 0.275 7 0.819 0
    23/耀斑 0.903 9 0.987 6 0.987 3 0.987 3 0.996 7 0.219 4 0.664 6 0.279 4 0.279 4 0.890 9
    24/耀斑 0.959 3 0.993 1 0.994 6 0.994 6 0.997 2 0.254 6 0.125 6 0.423 7 0.423 7 0.816 0
    25/耀斑 0.711 9 0.966 1 0.981 5 0.981 5 0.987 1 0.167 8 0.353 7 0.730 7 0.730 7 0.860 4
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    表  4  F1-Score和MIoU精度评估结果

    Tab.  4  Accuracy evaluation results of F1-Score and MIoU

    区域/类型 F1-Score MIoU
    NDVI VB-FAH ResNet50 U-Net 本文方法 NDVI VB-FAH ResNet50 U-Net 本文方法
    1/厚云 0.967 0 0.945 5 0.958 2 0.977 0 0.993 7 0.837 9 0.644 6 0.703 7 0.821 0 0.965 5
    2/厚云 0.803 4 0.796 6 0.988 3 0.993 4 0.996 4 0.455 3 0.424 6 0.704 0 0.802 4 0.901 6
    3/厚云 0.907 4 0.885 7 0.978 3 0.985 7 0.995 6 0.592 6 0.476 1 0.679 0 0.794 4 0.938 7
    4/厚云 0.926 5 0.933 8 0.988 5 0.990 1 0.993 7 0.625 0 0.593 6 0.807 8 0.908 7 0.963 6
    5/厚云 0.874 0 0.875 4 0.975 6 0.968 6 0.982 2 0.576 0 0.554 1 0.810 1 0.862 4 0.961 3
    6/薄云 0.974 7 0.972 9 0.975 3 0.964 6 0.983 2 0.846 5 0.690 3 0.766 7 0.824 5 0.935 3
    7/薄云 0.969 0 0.983 8 0.983 6 0.969 5 0.987 5 0.773 9 0.684 0 0.791 9 0.829 1 0.920 1
    8/薄云 0.978 8 0.986 6 0.984 1 0.970 6 0.990 3 0.840 6 0.757 8 0.807 4 0.858 3 0.875 2
    9/薄云 0.964 0.931 9 0.928 2 0.961 6 0.988 0.810 3 0.878 7 0.890 5 0.927 4 0.950 1
    10/薄云 0.952 6 0.962 1 0.949 9 0.968 2 0.997 1 0.807 4 0.653 8 0.688 7 0.751 9 0.973 7
    11/无云 0.901 1 0.970 1 0.973 4 0.951 5 0.980 7 0.674 5 0.869 9 0.869 0 0.929 5 0.944 0
    12/无云 0.949 2 0.975 4 0.975 1 0.961 9 0.983 5 0.741 5 0.755 8 0.766 9 0.894 2 0.950 6
    13/无云 0.921 8 0.978 1 0.972 5 0.967 5 0.985 2 0.741 1 0.776 4 0.828 4 0.889 2 0.963 9
    14/无云 0.974 8 0.987 6 0.980 7 0.971 1 0.999 0 0.808 2 0.718 6 0.754 0 0.845 8 0.978 9
    15/无云 0.986 6 0.988 6 0.988 0 0.992 8 0.994 0 0.853 2 0.722 2 0.785 3 0.842 6 0.868 3
    16/云斑 0.901 8 0.976 9 0.957 3 0.976 9 0.984 4 0.691 4 0.735 4 0.706 5 0.853 1 0.904 6
    17/云斑 0.912 6 0.984 7 0.974 1 0.982 1 0.996 5 0.624 1 0.649 3 0.656 4 0.749 8 0.932 2
    18/云斑 0.863 6 0.978 1 0.957 9 0.960 8 0.987 6 0.600 6 0.676 5 0.686 6 0.759 1 0.897 8
    19/云斑 0.922 6 0.950 2 0.982 0 0.968 0 0.986 1 0.631 4 0.754 6 0.754 7 0.773 1 0.895 1
    20/云斑 0.900 4 0.976 5 0.954 4 0.971 8 0.985 7 0.689 0 0.736 0 0.747 3 0.840 9 0.914 3
    21/耀斑 0.906 2 0.988 8 0.988 6 0.988 1 0.996 3 0.563 5 0.577 3 0.562 6 0.541 2 0.924 8
    22/耀斑 0.895 9 0.993 7 0.994 3 0.994 3 0.997 5 0.505 7 0.534 2 0.575 2 0.575 2 0.818 1
    23/耀斑 0.903 2 0.993 8 0.993 6 0.993 6 0.997 6 0.519 5 0.745 7 0.575 9 0.575 9 0.901 3
    24/耀斑 0.959 2 0.996 5 0.997 2 0.997 2 0.998 4 0.555 5 0.530 3 0.632 4 0.632 4 0.823 3
    25/耀斑 0.705 3 0.982 8 0.974 4 0.957 8 0.987 6 0.415 0 0.594 1 0.784 0 0.784 0 0.876 0
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