Study of indicators and methods for identifying typhoon deposits in the muddy belt of inner shelf of the East China Sea
摘要: 台风是当今人类社会面临的全球性重大环境灾害问题之一,但由于台风器测年限较短,限制了对台风长期演化机制的研究。沉积记录成为拓展台风记录时间跨度的重要载体,其中台风沉积的有效辨识是重要基础。尽管许多研究试图基于各种指标和方法来重建长时间尺度的台风活动,但目前仍缺少对台风沉积辨识指标与方法有效性的评估。本文以高分辨率的东海内陆架泥质区ZM02孔为载体,采用放射性同位素210Pb和137Cs定年法确定沉积物的年代序列。耦合器测记录和沉积记录,分析器测时期台风强度和频率与台风沉积敏感指标(如砂含量和D90)之间的对应关系,以期探讨台风沉积辨识指标和方法的有效性。结果显示,ZM02孔的平均沉积速率为0.97 cm/a,其上部4.5~100 cm的沉积年代为1917−2011年。砂含量和D90均可作为东海内陆架泥质区台风沉积辨识的有效指标,阈值法的识别效果最好且稳定性高。砂含量可能是反映浙江海岸台风强度变化的潜在指标,而D90则可能蕴含台风频率信息。这些认识有助于更准确地利用沉积记录去拓展台风记录的时间跨度,也有助于提高从沉积记录解译环境信息的能力。Abstract: Typhoons are one of the major global environmental disasters, and their variability is of great concern to modern society. However, the variability of typhoon activity and its climate drivers on centennial-millennial scales are less clear due to the lack of atmospheric instrumental records before the mid-19th century. Coastal sedimentary archives provide a means to extend our knowledge of typhoon dynamics, of which the effective identification of typhoon event layers is an important foundation. Although many studies have attempted to reconstruct typhoon activity on long time scales using various indicators and methods, there is still a lack of evaluation of the effectiveness of these indicators and methods for the identification of typhoon event layer. In this study, a high-resolution sedimentary record (Core ZM02) from the muddy belt of inner shelf of the East China Sea was used, and its dating framework was determined using 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods. The instrumental and sedimentary records were then coupled to analyze the correspondence between typhoon intensity and frequency and sensitivity indicators of typhoon deposits (i.e., sand content and D90 in this study). The results show that the upper 4.5−100 cm of the core dates between 1917 and 2011 AD at a sedimentation rate of 0.97 cm/a. Among the three technical solutions, the threshold method was found to have the best identification and highest stability. Both sand content and D90 were found to be effective indicators for the identification of typhoon deposits in the study area. Sand content may be a potential indicator of typhoon intensity variation along the Zhejiang coast, and D90 contains information on typhoon frequency. The knowledge obtained here will not only contribute to the more accurate use of the sedimentary record to extend the time span of the typhoon record, but also to improve the ability to decipher information from the sedimentary record.
图 6 通过粒度参数峰值−地化法D90(a)和砂含量(b)识别的台风层序
Fig. 6 Typhoon event layer identified by D90 (a) and sand content (b) using peaks of grain size parameters-geochemical method
The dark gray horizontal lines represent typhoon deposits composed of zircons and the light gray horizontal lines represent typhoon deposits composed of non-zircons
图 8 1980−2011年影响浙江沿海的台风频数和强度与6种方法的识别结果对比
Fig. 8 Comparison of the frequency and intensity of typhoons affecting the Zhejiang coast with the identification results of the six methods from 1980 to 2011
The gray horizontal lines represent the average values of typhoon frequency and maximum wind speed affecting the Zhejiang coast from 1980 to 2011; the purple and pink horizontal lines represent the average values of typhoon frequency and maximum wind speed for the typhoon event layer identified by the threshold method of D90 and sand content, respectively
表 1 基于6种方法的台风沉积的识别结果
Tab. 1 Identification results of typhoon event layers based on six methods
技术方案 敏感指标 0~100 cm识别台风事件层 1980−2011年期间识别台风事件层 1980−2011年期间识别效率/% 粒度参数峰值−地化法 D90 23 8 26.7 砂含量 18 5 16.7 ROC法 D90 34 7 23.3 砂含量 20 2 6.7 阀值法 D90 32 9 30.0 砂含量 31 9 30.0 -
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