Iterative correction method of beam incident angle for ultra-short baseline underwater acoustic positioning
摘要: 海水介质的不均匀性导致声波传播过程会产生折射效应,采用平面声基阵的超短基线系统在测量过程中会受到该现象的影响,从而使测量结果产生较大的误差,通常采用声线跟踪的方法利用实测声速剖面进行声线修正。准确的波束入射角是确保声线跟踪精度的前提,超短基线系统是利用声学相位差推算得到近似波束入射角,而利用近似波束入射角进行声线跟踪会造成一定的精度损失。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种超短基线水声定位的波束入射角迭代修正方法,基于常梯度声线跟踪构建起了波束入射角与传播时间的迭代计算关系,采用埃特金加速法实现了波束入射角的非线性方程快速解算。通过仿真实验证明本文提出方法能够实现波束入射角与目标位置的准确计算,有效消除了折射效应对超短基线水下定位的影响。Abstract: The inhomogeneity of the seawater medium causes the refraction effect in the sound wave propagation process. The ultra-short baseline system using the planar acoustic array will be affected by this phenomenon during the measurement process, which will cause large errors in the measurement results. The sound ray tracking method is usually used to correct the sound ray by using the measured sound velocity profile. Accurate beam incident angle is the prerequisite to ensure the accuracy of sound ray tracking, but the ultra-short baseline system does not directly measure the beam incident angle but uses the approximate incident angle derived from the acoustic phase difference for sound ray tracking will cause a certain loss of accuracy. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an iterative correction method of beam incidence angle for ultra-short baseline underwater acoustic positioning. Based on constant gradient acoustic ray tracking, the iterative calculation relationship between beam incidence angle and propagation time is constructed, the Aitken acceleration method is used to quickly solve the nonlinear equation of the beam incidence angle. Simulation experiments prove that the method proposed in this paper can accurately calculate the beam incident angle and target position, and effectively eliminate the influence of refraction effects on ultra-short baseline underwater positioning.
表 1 仿真结果统计表
Tab. 1 Statistical table of simulation results
计算方法 σx/m σy/m σp/m 计算时间/s 平均声速法(c = 1 490 m/s) 4.07 4.02 5.73 0.2 平均声速法(c = 1 500 m/s) 2.74 2.73 3.87 0.2 平均声速法(c = 1 510 m/s) 6.21 6.12 8.72 0.2 常梯度声线跟踪−
近似波束入射角法2.34 2.36 3.32 22.2 常梯度声线跟踪−
波束入射角搜索法1.49 1.49 2.11 980.1 常梯度声线跟踪−
波束入射角牛顿迭代法1.47 1.49 2.10 56.7 常梯度声线跟踪−
波束入射角埃特金加速迭代法1.47 1.49 2.10 13.9 注:σx为x方向定位标准差;σy为y方向定位标准差;σp为平面位置定位标准差。 -
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