The study of the influences of wave-current interaction on significant wave height under serious sea conditions
摘要: 波流相互作用作为非线性科学的前沿课题,一直受到国内外广大学者的关注。本文以2016年第1号超强台风“尼伯特”为例,基于波流耦合模式研究了台风影响期间强海况下波流相互作用对有效波高的影响。研究表明:(1)波流耦合模式可有效提高强海况下海浪的模拟精度;(2)波流相互作用对有效波高的影响与波向和流向之间的夹角关系密切:当波向与流向大致相同时,波流相互作用使有效波高减小;当波向与流向大致相反时,波流相互作用使有效波高增大;当波向与流向之间的夹角越接近90°时,波流相互作用对有效波高的影响越小。波流相互作用对有效波高的影响最大可达1.5 m。Abstract: As a frontier subject of nonlinear science, wave-current interaction has been studied by many scholars. This paper will explore the wave-current interaction under the serious sea conditions in the Northwest Pacific during the influenced by No.1 super Typhoon “Nepartak” in 2016. The results indicate that wave-current coupling model can effectively improve the simulation accuracy of significant wave height (SWH) under serious sea conditions. The influence of wave-current interaction on SWH is closely related to the angle between wave direction and sea surface current direction: when wave direction is close to current direction, wave-current interaction will decrease the SWH; in those areas where the wave and the current have the opposite direction, wave-current interaction will increase the SWH; the closer the angle between the wave and the current is to 90°, the less influence wave-current interaction has on the SWH. The maximum SWH difference whether including wave-current interaction or not is about 1.5 m.
表 1 波−流耦合模式交换的变量
Tab. 1 Variables of wave−current coupling mode exchange
耦合子模式 SWAN波浪模式 ROMS海洋模式 交换的变量 Dwave波向 zeta自由表面高度 Hwave有效波高 VEL_x表层流速x方向的分量 Lwave平均波长 VEL_y表层流速y方向的分量 Pwave_bot底部的波浪周期 …… Pwave_top 表层峰谱周期 …… 表 2 各浮标处分析风速和观测风速的标准偏差与平均绝对误差(单位:m/s )
Tab. 2 The standard deviation and mean absolute error of the analyzed and the observed wind speed at each buoy (unit: m/s)
金门 东沙岛 马祖 花莲 七股 新竹 平均值 标准偏差 1.708 6 2.104 6 1.642 5 2.854 1 2.462 5 3.503 4 2.379 2 平均绝对误差 1.343 4 1.650 1 1.284 2 2.341 5 1.785 7 2.037 3 1.740 3 表 3 模拟和观测有效波高的统计变量比较
Tab. 3 Comparison of statistical variables between simulated significane wave height and observed significant wave height
统计变量 金门 东沙岛 马祖 花莲 七股 新竹 相关系数 SWAN 0.952 4 0.784 0 0.904 3 0.965 0 0.763 6 0.945 6 耦合 0.966 3 0.828 4 0.919 5 0.962 2 0.873 8 0.961 6 标准偏差 SWAN 0.107 1 2.065 0 0.633 5 4.776 5 3.300 0 2.379 1 耦合 0.494 4 1.648 0 0.064 2 1.729 4 1.691 5 1.548 8 平均绝对误差 SWAN 0.107 1 2.065 0 0.633 5 4.776 5 3.300 0 2.379 1 耦合 0.494 4 1.648 0 0.064 2 1.729 4 1.691 5 1.548 8 -
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