Analyze simulation errors of phytoplankton blooms in typical Arctic seas based on CMIP6 models
摘要: 在海冰覆盖的极地海区,浮游植物季节性藻华变化呈现典型的单峰特征。由于藻华过程受控于海冰、光照、混合层深度和营养盐供给等多个因素,其发生时间和强度在地球系统模式模拟结果中存在较大的不确定性。本研究选取11种CMIP6地球系统模式结果,以多种类型的观测资料和产品作为判断参考值,评估各模式结果能否准确模拟北极典型海区(巴伦支海、楚科奇海及白令海)浮游植物藻华动态的变化规律。通过计算能表征光照和营养盐限制的多个指标,分析表层叶绿素a浓度模拟结果的误差来源。结果表明,依据冰下光照时长、混合层变化速率、表层硝酸盐指标将11种模式分为3组,与参考值指标差异较小组别中的模式在藻华模拟方面明显占优,而其余模式在表层硝酸盐或混合层变化的模拟上存在较大误差,导致表层叶绿素a浓度峰值的发生时间延后且峰值浓度误差大。总体而言,地球系统模式配置中除要考虑光照和营养盐这两种基础限制条件外,也需关注由温盐控制的上混合层深度,从而准确模拟出表层叶绿素a浓度的季节性变化规律,上述研究为地球系统模式中相关参数化方案的改进提供了参考。Abstract: Phytoplankton blooms in polar regions with seasonal sea ice cover show a unimodal seasonality. However, the bloom processes are controlled by multiple physical and biogeochemical factors, including sea ice, light availability, mixed layer depth, and nutrients; those may result in great uncertainties in simulating phytoplankton bloom by the Earth System Models (ESMs). In this study, the results of 11 Coupled Model Intercomparison Phase-6 (CMIP6) ESMs were analyzed and evaluated with various types of observational products in order to determine whether those ESMs can correctly model the phytoplankton blooms in three Arctic shelf seas, Barents Sea, Chukchi Sea, and Bering Sea. By calculating multiple indices that represent light and nutrient limitations, the error sources of simulated surface chlorophyll a concentrations were comprehensively analyzed. Our results show that the 11 ESMs can be divided into three groups based on ice-adjusted photoperiod, rate of change of mixed layer depth, and surface nitrate concentration. Some groups are characterized by the smallest bias between modeled indices and observation-based reference, and those ESMs perform best in simulating phytoplankton bloom characteristics. The other groups of ESMs differ significantly from the reference values in terms of surface nitrate and/or rate of change of mixed layer depth, resulting in delayed occurrences of annual chlorophyll a peak concentration and greater differences in corresponding peak values. In general, in addition to the two primary constraints of light and nutrients, the ESMs should also well represent the upper mixed layer controlled by temperature and salinity distributions, so as to accurately simulate the seasonal variation of surface chlorophyll a concentration. The above analyses indicate ESMs can be used in assessing polar planktonic ecosystems, and there is room for improving ecosystem-related parametrization in future ESM development.
Key words:
- Arctic Ocean /
- sea ice /
- phytoplankton bloom /
- upper mixed layer /
- earth system models /
表 1 本研究所选取的11种地球系统模式及其配置特点
Tab. 1 List of eleven earth system models and their configuration characteristics
模式名称 国家 主要耦合模块 网格数
(经向 × 纬向 × 垂向)参考文献 ACCESS-ESM1-5 澳大利亚 大气、气溶胶、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 360 × 300 × 50 Ziehn等[21] CESM2 美国 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化、冰架 320 × 384 × 60 Danabasoglu[22] CMCC-ESM2 意大利 大气、气溶胶、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 362 × 292 × 50 Lovato等[23] CNRM-ESM2-1 法国 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 362 × 294 × 75 Séférian等[24] CanESM5 加拿大 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化、冰架 360 × 290 × 45 Sospedra-Alfonso等[25] GFDL-ESM4 美国 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化、冰架 720 × 576 × 75 Dunne等[26] IPSL-CM6A-LR 法国 大气、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 362 × 332 × 75 Boucher等[27] MIROC-ES2L 日本 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 360 × 256 × 63 Hajima等[28] MPI-ESM1-2-HR 德国 大气、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 802 × 404 × 40 Müller等[29] MPI-ESM1-2-LR 德国 大气、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 256 × 220 × 40 Müller等[29] UKESM1-0-LL 英国 大气、气溶胶、大气化学、海洋、陆地、海冰、海洋生地化 360 × 330 × 75 Froster等[30] 表 2 CMIP6地球系统模式月平均指标的均方根误差
Tab. 2 Root mean square errors of monthly mean indices derived from CMIP6 ESMs
海区 模式名称 冰下日照时长/h 表层硝酸盐浓度/
出现月份巴伦支海 ACCESS-ESM1-5 0.518 5.63 37.95 0.47 7 CESM2 1.878 1.15 28.47 0.73 6−7 CMCC-ESM2 2.568 1.56 48.98 0.47 5 CNRM-ESM2-1 0.349 5.35 32.76 0.25 6 CanESM5 3.190 3.51 28.04 0.23 5 GFDL-ESM4 0.789 1.00 30.05 0.18 5 IPSL-CM6A-LR 0.769 1.47 29.84 0.12 5 MIROC-ES2L 0.904 3.01 51.43 0.40 6 MPI-ESM1-2-HR 0.888 1.18 35.75 0.90 6−7 MPI-ESM1-2-LR 0.878 4.21 38.91 0.49 5 UKESM1-0-LL 4.513 1.29 38.36 0.26 6 楚科奇海 ACCESS-ESM1-5 0.819 16.89 16.61 0.32 7 CESM2 0.864 2.95 11.87 0.78 6 CMCC-ESM2 2.599 5.11 12.92 0.75 6 CNRM-ESM2-1 1.576 3.81 11.20 0.46 7−8 CanESM5 3.070 4.43 10.76 0.18 6 GFDL-ESM4 2.016 6.33 10.25 1.76 6 IPSL-CM6A-LR 0.693 4.80 10.73 0.24 9 MIROC-ES2L 1.776 3.08 12.29 0.19 6 MPI-ESM1-2-HR 1.086 4.46 11.33 1.56 7 MPI-ESM1-2-LR 2.654 6.22 10.82 0.45 7 UKESM1-0-LL 3.438 19.04 14.17 0.55 6 白令海 ACCESS-ESM1-5 0.642 13.31 14.48 0.53 7 CESM2 1.327 4.61 12.42 1.33 5 CMCC-ESM2 1.439 8.58 15.95 0.36 5 CNRM-ESM2-1 0.666 7.48 14.38 0.20 5 CanESM5 1.861 6.15 16.56 0.40 4 GFDL-ESM4 0.630 5.57 11.76 0.51 5 IPSL-CM6A-LR 0.867 9.30 11.87 0.28 5 MIROC-ES2L 0.525 4.55 13.76 0.32 6 MPI-ESM1-2-HR 0.485 2.86 14.55 1.81 6 MPI-ESM1-2-LR 1.340 3.99 11.50 0.59 5 UKESM1-0-LL 3.635 9.04 15.64 0.39 5 表 3 K均值聚类对CMIP6模式分组结果与相应质心
Tab. 3 Grouping of CMIP6 ESMs based on K-means clustering and corresponding centroids
海区 组别 模式 质心坐标 巴伦支海 第一组 ACCESS-ESM1-5、CNRM-ESM2-1、
UKESM1-0-LL(1.429,3.532,36.743) 第二组 CMCC-ESM2、MIROC-ES2L (1.736,2.286,50.208) 第三组 CESM2、CanESM5、GFDL-ESM4、
IPSL-CM6A-LR(1.657,1.779,29.097) 楚科奇海 第一组 ACCESS-ESM1-5、UKESM1-0-LL (1.432,4.035,11.725) 第二组 CESM2、CMCC-ESM2、CNRM-ESM2-1、IPSL-CM6A-LR、MIROC-ES2L、
MPI-ESM1-2-HR(2.128,17.961,15.394) 第三组 CanESM5、GFDL-ESM4、
MPI-ESM1-2-LR(2.583,5.523,10.615) 白令海 第一组 CMCC-ESM2、CNRM-ESM2-1、
CanESM5、UKESM1-0-LL(1.900,7.812,15.631) 第二组 ACCESS-ESM1-5、IPSL-CM6A-LR (0.755,11.305,13.178) 第三组 CESM2、GFDL-ESM4、MIROC-ES2L、
MPI-ESM1-2-HR、MPI-ESM1-2-LR(0.861,4.318,12.798) -
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