Sediment provenances and environmental changes in the southeastern Scotia Sea, Antarctica, since the Last Glaciation
摘要: 本文通过南极斯科舍海东南部海域DC-11岩芯稀土元素(REE)特征及其与生源硅(BSiO2)、磁化率、Al2O3、Fe2O3的耦合关系,深入探讨了34 ka BP以来研究区沉积物的来源及冰山−海流−大气搬运历史。结果表明,DC-11岩芯沉积物REE含量变化与Al2O3相似,主要赋存于陆源碎屑之中,BSiO2对其有明显稀释效应。末次冰期REE含量高,页岩标准化模式平坦,Eu正异常弱,LaN/YbN比值较大,沉积物主要来源于地壳相对较老的威德尔海周边地区,磁化率、ΔAl2O3、TFe2O3/Eu比值证实该时期沉积物中南美风尘物质多。冰消期早期(19.6~14.1 ka BP)气候快速回暖,西风带与海洋锋面南移,南美风尘输入迅速减弱,南极绕极流南部分支增强,导致南设德兰群岛−南极半岛的冰山及沉积物向东搬运至研究区,沉积物Eu正异常明显,LaN/YbN比值小,磁化率、ΔAl2O3、TFe2O3/Eu比值降低。南极冷倒转期(14.1~12.9 ka BP),南极气温明显下降,海洋锋面小幅北移,来自南设德兰群岛−南极半岛沉积物减少,威德尔海沉积物在岩芯中占主导,沉积物Eu正异常弱,LaN/YbN比值接近于1,冰筏碎屑含量高;冰消期晚期(12.9~11.7 ka BP)海洋锋面再次南移,南设德兰群岛−南极半岛海域南极绕极流分量增强,对DC-11岩芯沉积物贡献加大;全新世(11.7~0 ka BP)气候温暖,南设德兰群岛−南极半岛海域南极绕极流分量总体增强,对岩芯沉积物贡献加大,与来自威德尔海的沉积物量大体相当。Abstract: Rare earth elements (REE) and their relationships with biogenic silica (BSiO2), magnetic susceptibility, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 in Core DC-11 were analyzed to reveal sediment provenances and transport history by iceberg-current-atmosphere since 34 ka BP in the southeastern Scotia Sea, Antarctica. Temporal variation of REE is similar to that of Al2O3, indicating they mainly occur in terrigenous detritus and BSiO2 has obvious dilution effect on them. Sediments with high REE concentration, flat shale-normalized pattern, weak positive Eu anomaly, and high LaN/YbN ratio during the last glacial period indicated they are transferred from the Weddell Sea and eroded from the bordering lands with relatively old crust. The increases in magnetic susceptibility, ΔAl2O3, TFe2O3/Eu ratio indicated an enhanced input of dust from South America during this period. In early Deglaciation (19.6−14.1 ka BP), increasing Eu positive anomaly and lower LaN/YbN ratio indicated the southern branch of Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) strengthened and contributed more sediments from the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula due to the southward shifts of oceanic fronts, while decreasing magnetic susceptibility, ΔAl2O3, TFe2O3/Eu ratios showed rapid decrease in dust supply from South America. During the Antarctic Cold Reversal period (ACR, 14.1−12.9 ka BP), sediments from the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula decreased sharply due to cold condition and weakened ACC branch, the weakest Eu positive anomaly and highest LaN/YbN ratio indicated that the sediments from the Weddell Sea dominated in the core again, and the peak of ice raft debris indicated ice rafting is vital or dominant agent. In the late Deglaciation (12.9−11.7 ka BP), the return of ACC branch to the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula contributed more to the sediments in Core DC-11; in Holocene (11.7−0 ka BP), the ACC branch in the area between the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula was generally enhanced, and its contribution to core sediments increased to be roughly equivalent to the amount of sediments from the Weddell Sea.
Key words:
- Antarctic /
- Scotia Sea /
- rare earth elements /
- sediment provenances /
- environmental changes
图 1 斯科舍海地形图及站位、环流分布(据文献[2, 15−19])
Fig. 1 Physiographic map of the Scotia Sea showing sample positions and marine circulation (by references [2, 15−19])
SHW (gray arrow): the dominant direction of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies; PF (red dashed line): the Polar Front; ACC (red arrow): the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; CDW (pink arrow): the Circumpolar Deep Water; SBACC (pink dotted line): the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; WSBW (brown arrow): the Weddell Sea Bottom Water; WSDW (yellow arrow): the Weddell Sea Deep Water; WG (black dotted arrows): the Weddell Gyre; WSI (white fine dotted line) and SSI (white thick dashed line): the austral winter and summer sea ice limits, respectively; IA (gray belt): the iceberg alley; CoC (gray arrow): coastal current; ① South Shetland Islands; ② Bransfield Strait; ③ South Scotia Ridge
图 2 DC-11岩芯稀土元素(REE)含量及特征参数变化
a. 西南极冰芯δ18O记录[25];b. DC-11岩芯REE含量;c. Al2O3含量;d. BSiO2含量;e. LREEN/HREEN;f. δEu
Fig. 2 Concentration and characteristic parameters of rare earth elements (REE) in Core DC-11
a. δ18O from West Antarctica ice core WDC[25]; b. REE content of Core DC-11; c. Al2O3 content; d. BSiO2 content; e. LREEN/HREEN; f. δEu
图 5 DC-11岩芯物源的地球化学判别
DC-11(H, LD2, ACR, LD1, LG)数据来源于本文;ACC南部环流区沉积物数据来源于文献[29];威德尔海西北部环流区沉积物数据来源于文献[29];南美黄土数据来源于文献[32];南美现代风尘数据来源于文献[41];东南极湖泊沉积物数据来源于文献[31];长城站土壤与湖泊沉积物数据来源于文献[29]
Fig. 5 Geochemical discrimination for sediment provenances in Core DC-11
DC-11 (H, LD2, ACR, LD1, LG) data is by this study; data of the sediments along the southern branch of ACC are from reference [29]; data of the sediments along the circulation in the northwestern Weddell Sea are from reference [29]; data of loess in South America are from reference [32]; data of modern dust in South America are from reference [41]; data of lake sediments in East Antarctica are from reference [31]; data of soil and lake sediments near Great Wall Station are from reference [29]
图 6 DC-11岩芯记录与南极冰芯记录的综合对比
a. 西南极冰芯WDC δ18O记录[25];b. DC-11岩芯BSiO2含量;c. 东南极冰芯EDML nssCa2+通量[46]; d. DC-11岩芯磁化率;e. DC-11岩芯ΔAl2O3值;f. DC-11岩芯TFe2O3/Eu比值;g. DC-11岩芯δEu;h. DC-11岩芯LaN/YbN比值;i. DC-11岩芯大于63 μm粒级质量百分数
Fig. 6 Comparison of paleo-records from Core DC-11 and Antarctic ice cores
a. δ18O from West Antarctica ice core WDC[25]; b. BSiO2 contents in Core DC-11; c. nssCa2+ flux from East Antarctica ice core EDML[46]; d. susceptibility of Core DC-11 (hereafter); e. ΔAl2O3; f. TFe2O3/Eu ratios; g. δEu; h. LaN/YbN ratios; i. mass percentage of >63 μm grain size
表 1 DC-11岩芯稀土元素含量、特征值统计与对比(稀土元素含量:×10−6)
Tab. 1 Statistics and comparison for concentrations and characteristic parameters of rare earth elements (REE) in Core DC-11 (REE concentrations: ×10−6)
样品 参数 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu REE δCe δEu LREEN/
(n= 64)最小值 6.52 14.24 1.62 6.19 1.24 0.43 1.16 0.20 1.22 0.24 0.73 0.11 0.76 0.13 34.81 0.97 1.13 0.73 最大值 27.88 59.68 6.75 25.22 4.97 1.22 4.58 0.74 4.47 0.88 2.59 0.40 2.62 0.41 140.79 1.08 1.77 1.11 变异系数 0.45 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.32 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.37 0.44 0.02 0.13 0.09 平均值 15.29 33.83 3.83 14.75 2.91 0.79 2.67 0.44 2.65 0.53 1.52 0.24 1.56 0.25 81.24 1.02 1.40 0.90 DC-11岩芯
分段平均值H (n= 29) 8.82 19.81 2.24 8.70 1.74 0.55 1.62 0.27 1.65 0.33 0.97 0.15 1.01 0.17 48.01 1.03 1.56 0.84 LD2 (n= 3) 14.86 32.66 3.83 14.85 2.96 0.81 2.70 0.45 2.73 0.55 1.57 0.25 1.58 0.26 80.06 1.00 1.35 0.90 ACR (n= 3) 18.98 41.19 4.76 18.18 3.48 0.81 3.04 0.48 2.87 0.56 1.59 0.25 1.63 0.26 98.08 1.00 1.18 1.08 LD1 (n= 14) 17.47 38.89 4.40 17.10 3.38 0.93 3.14 0.51 3.13 0.62 1.77 0.28 1.83 0.29 93.75 1.02 1.36 0.91 LGM (n= 3) 25.17 55.10 6.27 23.97 4.77 1.16 4.34 0.71 4.33 0.85 2.46 0.38 2.48 0.40 132.38 1.01 1.20 0.94 LG1 (n= 12) 25.09 54.92 6.19 23.42 4.57 1.09 4.12 0.67 4.02 0.79 2.29 0.36 2.32 0.37 130.23 1.02 1.18 1.00 布兰斯菲尔德海峡
表层沉积物 (n= 4)[26]16.42 36.00 4.92 20.70 4.89 1.27 5.24 0.80 5.12 1.08 3.07 0.41 3.14 0.43 103.49 0.93 1.17 0.61 澳大利亚后太古代页岩[24] 38.20 79.58 8.83 33.90 5.55 1.08 4.65 0.78 4.68 0.99 2.84 0.41 2.82 0.44 184.75 1.00 1.00 南大西洋巴西
海盆黏土(n= 7)[27]48.53 150.71 12.65 46.37 10.18 2.35 9.78 1.32 8.20 1.54 4.25 0.59 3.99 0.58 301.06 1.42 1.11 1.32 南印度洋硅藻[28] 5.77 8.21 6.71 1.56 0.404 1.78 1.69 0.998 0.859 27.98 ACC南部环流区
沉积(n=7)[29]15.14 32.14 4.02 16.23 3.48 0.98 3.11 0.55 3.39 0.67 1.96 0.31 1.96 0.32 84.25 0.96 1.43 0.62 威德尔海西北部
环流区沉积(n=6)[29]28.67 61.24 7.18 26.99 5.18 1.20 4.55 0.74 4.43 0.84 2.43 0.39 2.44 0.39 146.69 0.98 1.18 0.88 铁锰氧化物[30] 161 826 36.7 152 32.7 8.06 39.2 6.2 32.9 6.12 16.6 2.53 15.4 2.22 1337.63 2.48 1.06 1.01 大西洋沉积有机质[30] 19.10 49.00 5.35 20.80 4.09 0.85 3.45 0.48 2.64 0.49 1.30 − 1.11 0.15 108.81 1.12 1.06 南设德兰群岛长城站
土壤/湖泊沉积物(n= 10)[29]8.74 21.24 2.95 13.40 3.31 1.12 2.82 0.52 3.25 0.63 1.80 0.28 1.78 0.29 62.13 0.97 1.78 0.57 东南极湖泊沉积(n= 4)[31] 34.60 77.15 7.75 31.35 5.31 1.33 4.02 0.66 3.98 0.66 2.16 0.31 1.67 0.26 171.21 1.08 1.36 1.65 巴塔哥尼亚黄土(n= 7)[32] 23.87 49.34 6.50 23.34 4.78 1.12 4.20 0.64 3.70 0.76 2.09 0.34 2.19 0.32 123.20 0.91 1.18 1.05 -
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