Sea ice variations in the northern Okhotsk Sea shelf since the Last Glacial Maximum
摘要: 本文通过高分辨率粒度分析,研究了鄂霍次克海北部陆架LV87-54-1岩芯记录的海冰活动历史。利用AnalySize程序对粒度数据进行端元分析,提取了3个端元,并将EM3作为海冰指标。EM3含量结果表明,末次冰盛期以来鄂霍次克海北部陆架以活动性海冰覆盖为主。末次冰盛期和海因里希冰阶1期(HS 1)时EM3含量最高,指示海冰活动强烈。冰期时北半球中高纬度气候变冷与北极涛动负相位是导致海冰大规模扩张的主要控制机制,东亚夏季风减弱与黑龙江入海径流量的减少促使鄂霍次克海生成更多的海冰。自波令−阿勒罗德间冰阶开始以来,鄂霍次克海北部陆架海冰生成急剧减少,在新仙女木时期海冰曾出现微弱峰值,随后又快速下降。自全新世以来,受北半球中高纬度气候变暖、秋季太阳辐射量升高、北极涛动正相位和东亚夏季风的增强共同影响,EM3含量一直稳定在较低水平,鄂霍次克海海冰的生成受到明显抑制。Abstract: Here we examine the history of sea ice activity recorded in the Core LV87-54-1 recovered from the northern Okhotsk Sea shelf using high-resolution grain-size analyses. We extracted 3 end members and use EM3 as the sea-ice proxy, using the program AnalySize to conduct end members analyses on the data. According to EM3 results, active sea ice was persistently predominant in the northern Okhotsk Sea shelf since the Last Glacial Maximum. The EM3 content was high and the sea ice activity was intense during the Last Glacial Maximum and Heinrich Stadial 1. The climate cooling at the middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and the negative Arctic Oscillation were the main controlling mechanism for sea ice expansion during glacial periods. And weakened runoff from the Amur caused by decreased East Asian Summer Monsoon would allow more sea ice formation in the Okhotsk Sea. Sea ice formation decreased at the onset of the Bølling-Allerød warm period, and then decreased sharply after a slight peak during the Younger Dryas Event. EM3 levels remained low stably since the Holocene due to: increased local autumn insolation, positive Arctic Oscillation and enhanced East Asian Summer Monsoon suppresses subsequent sea ice formation.
Key words:
- ice-rafted debris /
- grain-size analyses /
- end members analyses /
- sea ice variations /
- the Okhotsk Sea
1)1 注:a表示海洋沉积物的色调、色度和色值,本文使用孟塞尔颜色公司2009年修订版,2019年发行的《孟塞尔土壤比色卡》,PN(货号):M50215B -
图 1 鄂霍次克海地理位置、表层洋流系统及站位位置
红色箭头代表表层暖流,蓝色箭头代表表层寒流。ESC:东萨哈林流;WKC:西堪察加流;SC:Sredinnoe Current;OG:鄂霍次克海环流;SWC:宗谷暖流;OC:亲潮
Fig. 1 The geographical location, surface ocean current system and site locations of the Okhotsk Sea
The red arrows represent warm currents, the blue arrows represent cold currents. ESC: East Sakhalin Current; WKC: West Kamchatka Current; SC: Sredinnoe Current; OG: Okhotsk Gyre; SWC: Soya Warm Current; OC: Oyashio Current
图 6 LV87-54-1岩芯沉积物粒径端元含量变化与其他指标的对比
a. MD01-2414岩芯$\rm TEX^L_{86} $温度[8];b. MR0604-PC7B岩芯TEX86温度[49];c. LV27-2-4、936和934岩芯冰藻百分含量[50];d. MD01-2414岩芯IP25含量[8];e-g. LV87-54-1岩芯EM1、EM2、EM3含量
Fig. 6 Comparison between end members content change in the Core LV87-54-1 and other proxies
a. $\rm TEX^L_{86} $ temperature (°C) [8], the Core MD01-2414; b. TEX86 temperature (°C) [49], the Core MR0604-PC7B; c. the percentage of sea-ice diatom species in the cores LV27-2-4, 936, and 934 [50]; d. IP25 content from the Core MD01-2414 [8]; e-g. EM1, EM2, EM3 content in the Core LV87-54-1
图 7 LV87-54-1 岩芯沉积物粒径端元含量变化与其他古气候指标的对比
a. 57°N秋季太阳辐射量;b. 模拟的鄂霍次克海11月份海冰指数[8];c. 石笋氧同位素[51],指示东亚夏季风(EASM)的强弱;d. North Greenland Ice Core Project(NGRIP)氧同位素[52],指示水极涛动(AO)强度;e. 极地大气环流指数(PCI)[53],指示AO强度;f-h. LV87-54-1岩芯EM1、EM2、EM3含量
Fig. 7 Comparison between end members content change in the Core LV87-54-1 and other paleoclimate proxies
a. September-October-November insolation at 57°N; b. model-derived Okhotsk Sea November sea ice index [8]; c. oxygen isotopes of stalagmite [51], a proxy of East Asian Summer Monsoon; d. oxygen isotopes of North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) ice core [52], a proxy for Arctic Oscillation variation; e. Polar Circulation Index (PCI) [53], indicating Arctic Oscillation variations ; f-h. EM1, EM2, EM3 content in the Core LV87-54-1
表 1 LV87-54-1岩芯的AMS 14C测年数据、日历年校正结果以及线性沉积速率
Tab. 1 AMS 14C dating data, the calendar ages and linear sedimentation rate of the Core LV87-54-1
cm测年材料 常规放射性
碳年龄/a BP日历年校正/
Cal a BP线性沉积速率/
(cm·ka−1)7 底栖有孔虫 1 330±30 599 22.19 97 底栖有孔虫 4 760±30 4 655 29.19 132.5 底栖有孔虫 5 800±30 5 871 21.98 152.5 底栖有孔虫 6 620±30 6 781 27.65 346.5 陆源木头 10 500±30 12 555 17.66 346.5 底栖有孔虫 11 290±30 12 555 17.66 354.5 底栖有孔虫 11 840±30 13 008 21.30 372.5 底栖有孔虫 12 670±30 13 853 17.66 442.5 底栖有孔虫 15 340±50 17 816 5.47 549.5 底栖有孔虫 19 680±60 22 831 表 2 LV87-54-1岩芯沉积物粒径端元EM1、EM2和EM3的参数特征
Tab. 2 Characteristics of the grain-size of modeled end members EM1, EM2 and EM3 of the Core LV87-54-1
端元 平均粒径/μm 分选系数 偏度 峰度 EM1 4.95 3.69 0.63 3.23 EM2 16.36 2.44 0.12 2.72 EM3 51.94 2.19 −0.49 3.24 -
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