Comparative study on the characteristics of marine bloom events in two representative areas of the South China Sea
摘要: 定量海洋浮游植物藻华事件的特征有利于认识海洋生态环境及动力过程,但由于遥感数据易受云层遮蔽的影响,以往对于南海藻华事件的研究多采用不连续的观测数据和遥感数据进行,因此未能系统性地认识南海中的藻华事件发生特征和控制规律。本文借鉴海洋热浪事件的统计分析框架,基于前期研究中构建的2005−2019年逐日、无缺失的遥感叶绿素a浓度资料,提取冬季吕宋西北部海域和夏季越南东南部海域两个代表性海区的藻华事件,分析两个代表性海区中藻华事件的持续时间、强度和长期趋势等特征。结果显示,吕宋西北部海域藻华频率降低,强度增大,且大部分海区趋势显著;越南东南部海域大部分海域趋势不显著。进一步分析两个海区藻华事件的影响因子,发现海面风场(正相关)和海表温度(负相关)对藻华事件影响最大;两个代表性海区藻华事件主要都由上升流控制,风是最重要的影响因子。分析藻华事件的先兆条件,发现温度锋面代表的亚中尺度活动也是一个重要的影响因子。本研究以南海为典型案例,为探讨海洋生态环境提供了新的研究视角。Abstract: Quantitative analysis on the properties of marine phytoplankton bloom events is helpful to understand the marine ecology, environment, and dynamic processes. In the South China Sea, remote sensing is vulnerable to clouds. Previous studies were mostly conducted with discontinuous observation or remote sensing data, which failed to comprehensively understand the characteristics and controlling factors of marine bloom events in the South China Sea. This study applied the statistical framework for defining marine heat waves, based on previously reconstructed daily full coverage remotely sensed chlorophyll a product from 2005 to 2019, to extract marine bloom events in two representative subregions, i.e., the northwestern Luzon in winter and southeastern Vietnam in summer. The duration, intensity, and corresponding long-term trends of marine bloom events in the two representative sea areas were analyzed. The results showed that the bloom frequency in the Luzon Strait has decreased, while the intensity has increased. These trends were significant in most areas for the winter Luzon Strait, while the trends for most of the summer Vietnam coasts were not significant. We further analyzed the influencing factors of marine bloom events and found that the winds (positive correlation) and sea surface temperature (negative correlation) had the greatest impacts on the bloom events. In both two representative sea areas, the marine bloom events were mainly dominated by upwelling, and the wind was the most important influencing factor. Analysis on the precursor conditions of marine bloom events found that the sub-mesoscale activity represented by the temperature front is also an important influencing factor. The study applied in South China Sea as a case study, as well can provide a new perspective to study marine ecosystem and environment.
3 叶绿素浓度以及各影响因子的季节平均态
3 Chlorophyll concentration and the seasonal mean state of each influencing factor
The white box shows the key regions for averaging the chlorophyll concentration (Region A and Region B) and influencing factors of marine bloom events in the following analysis
图 4 区域A(a)和区域B(b)平均叶绿素浓度、90%阈值线和气候态的时间序列
Fig. 4 Time series of mean chlorophyll concentrations, 90% threshold lines, and climatic states in regions A (a) and B (b)
Purple shades indicate winter (November to February) and summer (June to September); red arrows indicate marine bloom events
图 7 区域A(a)和区域B(b)2005−2010年和2014−2019年叶绿素浓度异常(减气候态)的频率直方图
Fig. 7 Frequency histograms of chlorophyll a concentration anomalies (minus climatic states) for regions A (a) and B (b) from 2005 to 2010 and 2014 to 2019
The solid red and blue lines are fitted with normal distribution; the dashed line is the mean value μ (unit: mg/m3); the standard deviation is σ (unit: mg/m3); the solid black line is the 90% threshold from 2005 to 2019 (unit: mg/m3). a1 represents Region A, 2005–2010; a2 represents Region A, 2014–2019; b1 represents Region B, 2005–2010; b2 represents Region B, 2014–2019
图 8 区域A(a1−a6)和区域B(b1−b6)叶绿素浓度和各影响因子关于延迟天数和相关系数茎状图及各影响因子相关性最大延迟天数的茎状图(a7,b7)
Fig. 8 Stem-like plots of chlorophyll a concentrations and influencing factors in Region A (a1−a6) and Region B (b1−b6) on days of delay and correlation coefficients, and stem-like graph of maximum delay days of each influencing factor (a7, b7)
Solid circles indicate passing the 90% significance test, hollow circles indicate failing
图 9 区域A(a1−a6)和区域B(b1−b6)归一化藻华事件及对应的影响因子及延迟相关
x轴表示藻华发生的天数(例如x=0代表藻华事件发生的前一天);各影响因素和叶绿素浓度为12个(区域A)和14个(区域B)藻华事件的平均;图中均列出相关性最大延迟回归天数以及对应的相关系数(99%显著);风场和温度锋面数据经过5 d的滑动窗口滤波
Fig. 9 Normalized bloom event and corresponding influencing factors in regions A (a1−a6) and B (b1−b6) with lagged correlation
The x-axis represents the number of days of marine bloom (for example, x=0 represents the day before the marine bloom event); the influencing factors and chlorophyll a concentration are the average of 12 (Region A) and 14 (Region B) marine bloom events. The maximum lagged regression days and the corresponding correlation coefficient (99% significant) are listed above each panel. The wind field and temperature front data are filtered by a 5-day sliding window
图 10 区域A(a1−a5)和区域B(b1−b5)藻华事件发生前5天的平均叶绿素浓度以及各影响因子的空间分布及区域A(a6−a10)和区域B(b6−b10)藻华事件峰值为中心的5 d平均叶绿素浓度以及各影响因子的空间分布
Fig. 10 Spatial plots of averaged chlorophyll a concentration and corresponding influencing factors in regions A (a1−a5) and B (b1−b5) 5-day before the marine bloom event and spatial plots of average chlorophyll a concentration and corresponding influencing factors in regions A (a6−a10 ) and B (b6−b10) of a 5-day window centered at the peak of marine bloom events
From top to bottom: chlorophyll a concentration (a1, a6, b1, b6, unit: mg/m3); sea surface temperature (a2, a7, b2, b7, unit: ℃); sea surface height (a3, a8, b3, b8, unit: cm); sea surface wind vectors and speed (a4, a9, b4, b9, unit: m/s); and temperature front (a5, a10, b5, b10, unit: ℃/km)
表 1 藻华事件统计指标
Tab. 1 Statistical indicators of marine bloom events
统计指标 定义 单位 持续时间 开始时间−结束时间 d 最大强度 藻华事件期间叶绿素浓度异常的最大值 mg/m3 平均强度 藻华事件期间叶绿素浓度异常的平均值 mg/m3 累积强度 藻华事件期间叶绿素浓度异常的逐天累加和 mg/(m3∙d) -
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