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北部湾东北部春、夏季表层海水CO2分压的24 h变化及其调控机制研究

许欣 王翔 胡慧娜 向荣 蔡钰灿 刘长建 张伟杰 陈际雨 马玉

许欣,王翔,胡慧娜,等. 北部湾东北部春、夏季表层海水CO2分压的24 h变化及其调控机制研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(3):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023052
引用本文: 许欣,王翔,胡慧娜,等. 北部湾东北部春、夏季表层海水CO2分压的24 h变化及其调控机制研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(3):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023052
Xu Xin,Wang Xiang,Hu Huina, et al. Hourly variations of partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water and its controlling mechanisms in the northeastern Beibu Gulf in spring and summer[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(3):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023052
Citation: Xu Xin,Wang Xiang,Hu Huina, et al. Hourly variations of partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water and its controlling mechanisms in the northeastern Beibu Gulf in spring and summer[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(3):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023052

北部湾东北部春、夏季表层海水CO2分压的24 h变化及其调控机制研究

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023052
基金项目: 国家海洋局南海分局海洋科学技术局长基金(180211);自然资源部南海局科技发展基金(202205)。




  • 中图分类号: P732.6

Hourly variations of partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water and its controlling mechanisms in the northeastern Beibu Gulf in spring and summer

  • 摘要: 周日观测对掌握近海碳酸盐体系变化和海−气CO2交换过程是必要的,有助于降低碳源汇评估的不确定性。针对北部湾东北部的英罗湾−安铺港海域,于2018年4月和8月利用24 h定点逐时采样观测了该区域表层海水碳酸盐体系及相关要素,分析了春、夏季的表层海水CO2分压(pCO2)24 h逐时变化规律及其调控因子。观测结果表明,春、夏季pCO2变化范围分别为530~628 μatm和427~748 μatm,平均海−气CO2通量分别为(1.7±0.8)mmol/(m2·d)和(1.2±0.8)mmol/(m2·d),均表现为大气CO2的弱源。其中春季pCO2 24 h逐时变化受温度的影响相比夏季更显著,而夏季pCO2对潮汐作用以及区域内沿岸河流、地下水等淡水汇入引起的生物生产和呼吸代谢过程增强的响应更明显。海水升温主导了春季区域表层高pCO2的形成,夏季咸淡水的物理混合过程中增强的生物生产对表层溶解无机碳(DIC)起到降低作用,区域内的红树林、盐沼等生态系统对淡水端的DIC添加有一定的贡献。水团DIC浓度与总碱度(TA)的比值变化可反映英罗湾−安铺港海域pCO2湾内高、湾外低的总体分布格局。
  • 图  1  研究区域与采样站位示意图

    Fig.  1  Schematic diagram of research area and sampling site

    图  2  C1站表层水文、生态环境和碳酸盐体系要素2018年4月(春季,a−d)和2018年8月(夏季,e−h)24 h逐时变化

    Fig.  2  Hourly variations of surface hydrographic, ecological environment factors and carbonate system parameters at Station C1 during April (springtime, a−d) and August (summertime, e−h), 2018

    图  3  观测期间C1站pCO2与SST的关系

    两条灰色虚线表征pCO2的温度控制曲线,分别为pCO2=560 μatm×exp[0.042 3×(SST−23.2℃)](下部线)和pCO2=600 μatm×exp[0.042 3×(SST−23.2℃)](上部线)

    Fig.  3  Relationship between pCO2 and SST at Station C1 during the observations

    The two grey dashed lines represent the SST-pCO2 functions of pCO2=560 μatm×exp[0.042 3×(SST−23.2℃)] (lower line) and of pCO2=600 μatm×exp[0.042 3×(SST−23.2℃)] (upper line), respectively

    图  4  观测期间C1站SSS与水深的关系(a)和npCO2与SSS的关系(b)

    Fig.  4  Relationship between SSS and water depth (a) and normalized pCO2 and SSS (b) at Station C1 during the observations

    图  5  观测期间C1站npCO2与Chl a浓度的关系(a)及npCO2与DO%的关系(b)

    Fig.  5  Relationship between normalized pCO2 and Chl a concentration (a) and normalized pCO2 and DO saturation (b) at Station C1 during the observations

    图  6  观测期间C1站TA与SSS的关系(a)、DIC浓度与SSS的关系(b)和pCO2与DIC浓度/TA比值的关系(c)

    Fig.  6  Relationship between TA and SSS (a), DIC concentration and SSS (b), and pCO2 and DIC concentration/TA ratio (c) at Station C1 during the observations

    表  1  观测期间C1站水深、SST、SSS、DO浓度、Chl a浓度、DIC浓度、TA、pH和pCO2 统计结果

    Tab.  1  Summary of water depth, SST, SSS, DO concentration, Chl a concentration, DIC concentration, TA, pH and pCO2 at Station C1 during the observations

    Chl a浓度/
    2.5~6.021.8~25.030.42~31.19216.1~237.91.31~4.491 875~1 9272 022~20987.99~8.05530~628
    (23.2±0.9)(30.81±0.19)(224.8±5.7)(2.62±0.88)(1 901±17)(2 063±22)(8.01±0.02)(588±27)
    4.5~8.828.0~31.321.73~27.34179.2~242.84.92~9.441 569~1 7291 661~1 8957.88~8.12427~748
    (29.3±1.0)(24.51±1.53)(201.5±15.5)(6.99±1.60)(1 624±41)(1 772±70)(8.02±0.07)(548±83)
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    表  2  观测期间C1站pCO2和相关环境因子Pearson相关性分析

    Tab.  2  The Pearson correlations analysis of pCO2 and related environment factors at Station C1 during the observations

    Chl a浓度−pCO20.435*−0.257
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    表  3  观测期间C1站海−气ΔpCO2、风速和海−气CO2通量估算值统计结果

    Tab.  3  Summary of sea-air ΔpCO2, wind speed and estimated sea-air CO2 flux at Station C1 during the observations

    海−气CO2通量$F_{\rm CO_2} $/
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