Geochemistry and source of platinum group elements in cobalt-rich crusts from Caiwei Seamounts in the western Pacific
摘要: 为探讨富钴结壳铂族元素的来源,以西太平洋采薇海山群富钴结壳样品为研究对象,利用X射线衍射法、等离子体发射光谱法和质谱法,对富钴结壳样品进行了矿物组成、主量元素和铂族元素含量分析。研究表明,富钴结壳的主要结晶矿物为水羟锰矿,次要矿物有石英、斜长石、钾长石和碳氟磷灰石,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物。富钴结壳中Mn和Fe含量最高,且明显富集铂族元素,铂族总量为142~1 352 ng/g,其中Pt为114~1 268 ng/g,占铂族总量的80%以上。老壳层的铂族元素含量高于新壳层,老壳层发生了磷酸盐化作用。富钴结壳的铂族元素之间发生了分异作用,Pd组(PPGE)含量高于Ir组(IPGE)。铂族元素配分模式显示Pt正异常和Pd负异常,具有Pt富集而Pd亏损特征,推测富钴结壳的铂族元素来源于洋壳蚀变过程中海山玄武岩和海水之间的水−岩反应。富钴结壳的铂族元素与CaO、P2O5、Ba和Cu正相关,推测铂族元素赋存于磷酸盐矿物相中。富钴结壳生长剖面从上到下,由新到老,铂族元素含量呈逐渐增加趋势,海水氧化性环境和高海洋生产力可增进磷酸盐化作用,从而进一步促进了铂族元素的富集。该研究对于揭示富钴结壳铂族元素的来源具有一定的参考价值。Abstract: To explore the source of platinum group elements (PGE) in cobalt-rich crusts, the samples from Caiwei Seamounts in western Pacific were chosen as the research object, for which XRD, ICP-OES and ICP-MS were used to analyze the mineral composition, major elements contents and PGE contents in cobalt-rich crusts. The results showed that, the main crystalline minerals were vernadites in cobalt-rich crusts, and the minor minerals included quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar and carbon fluoride apatite. Also many amorphous ferric minerals were contained in cobalt-rich crusts. In addition, Mn and Fe contents were the highest in cobalt-rich crusts, and PGE were enriched in cobalt-rich crusts. PGE contents were 142−1352 ng/g, and Pt contents were 114−1268 ng/g, in which Pt accounted for more than 80%. PGE contents in the old layers were higher than that in the new layers. And the phosphatization appeared in the old crust layers. Moreover, there was an obvious contrast in PGE of cobalt-rich crusts, Pd group (PPGE) contents were more than Ir group (IPGE). PGE diagrams showed the positive Pt anomalies and negative Pd anomalies. And Pt was enriched and Pd was poor in cobalt-rich crusts. Meanwhile, PGE in cobalt-rich crusts were probably derived from the reaction between seamount basalt and seawater during the oceanic shell erosion process. PGE had positive correlation with CaO, P2O5, Ba and Cu, so PGE were probably enriched in the phosphate phase. In addition, the growth profile of cobalt-rich crust was from top to bottom and from new to old, PGE contents increased gradually. Therefore, oxidative marine environment and high marine productivity had a positive impact on phosphatization, which further promoted the enrichment of PGE. This study provided a certain reference value for revealing the source of PGE in cobalt-rich crusts.
Key words:
- the western Pacific /
- Caiwei Seamounts /
- cobalt-rich crusts /
- platinum group elements /
- geochemistry /
- source
表 1 富钴结壳CD16样品描述
Tab. 1 The description of cobalt-rich crusts CD16
样品号 构造层 深度/mm 样品描述 CD16(1) 较致密层 0~4 表面有葡萄体状突起,树丛顶部 CD16(2) 4~8 树丛状构造,黑褐色 CD16(3) 8~12 树丛状构造,黑褐色 CD16(4) 12~16 树丛状构造,黑褐色 CD16(5) 16~20 柱状构造,黑色 CD16(6) 20~24 柱状构造,黑色 CD16(7) 疏松层 24~30 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(8) 30~36 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(9) 36~42 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(10) 42~48 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(11) 48~54 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(12) 54~60 树枝状构造,黄褐色,较多黏土杂质 CD16(13) 致密层 60~66 斑杂状构造,黑色,有磷酸盐脉 CD16(14) 66~72 柱状构造,黑色,有磷酸盐脉 CD16(15) 72~78 柱状构造,黑色,有磷酸盐脉 CD16(16) 78~84 柱状构造,黑色,有磷酸盐脉 CD16(17) 84~90 层纹状构造,黑色,较多磷酸盐脉 表 2 富钴结壳样品中常量元素含量
Tab. 2 Major elements contents of cobalt-rich crusts
样品号 Mn/% Fe/% CaO/% P2O5/% Al2O3/% Na2O/% K2O/% MgO/% TiO2/% Co/% Cu/% Ni/% Ba/% Sr/% Mn/Fe CaO/P2O5 CD16(1) 19.25 18.50 3.10 1.04 2.48 2.89 0.66 1.92 1.33 0.46 0.04 0.30 0.11 0.14 1.04 2.98 CD16(2) 20.45 20.32 3.20 0.98 2.75 2.83 0.73 1.98 1.44 0.49 0.05 0.32 0.12 0.15 1.01 3.27 CD16(3) 19.56 19.76 3.08 0.89 3.06 2.87 0.77 1.92 1.47 0.48 0.06 0.34 0.13 0.14 0.99 3.46 CD16(4) 23.04 19.07 3.37 0.88 2.34 2.86 0.70 2.03 1.59 0.61 0.08 0.42 0.14 0.16 1.21 3.83 CD16(5) 26.74 17.38 3.75 0.88 1.08 2.99 0.60 2.18 1.84 0.78 0.10 0.53 0.15 0.17 1.54 4.26 CD16(6) 26.71 17.63 3.78 0.87 1.12 3.02 0.62 2.16 2.07 0.75 0.11 0.53 0.16 0.17 1.52 4.34 CD16(7) 22.82 17.39 3.27 0.78 1.64 2.69 0.65 1.89 2.08 0.57 0.11 0.42 0.15 0.15 1.31 4.19 CD16(8) 19.45 19.02 2.98 0.78 2.56 2.51 0.75 1.83 2.08 0.42 0.11 0.34 0.16 0.14 1.02 3.82 CD16(9) 18.21 19.61 2.89 0.82 3.08 2.40 0.83 1.86 1.97 0.36 0.11 0.31 0.15 0.14 0.93 3.52 CD16(10) 17.08 20.02 2.81 0.85 4.02 2.32 0.99 2.01 1.83 0.33 0.12 0.28 0.15 0.13 0.85 3.31 CD16(11) 18.47 17.74 2.95 0.79 3.35 2.35 0.91 1.98 1.88 0.45 0.13 0.33 0.15 0.13 1.04 3.73 CD16(12) 20.60 16.07 3.47 0.97 3.03 2.35 0.93 2.09 2.21 0.55 0.16 0.40 0.17 0.13 1.28 3.58 CD16(13) 20.56 16.00 3.80 1.14 2.74 2.38 0.90 2.08 2.15 0.53 0.18 0.43 0.18 0.14 1.28 3.33 CD16(14) 21.07 13.33 10.36 4.93 1.33 2.47 0.57 1.83 1.64 0.39 0.19 0.49 0.17 0.15 1.58 2.10 CD16(15) 17.92 11.18 16.98 8.88 1.17 2.30 0.50 1.57 1.31 0.25 0.16 0.41 0.15 0.16 1.60 1.91 CD16(16) 16.38 11.37 18.16 9.99 1.25 2.23 0.47 1.54 1.30 0.21 0.16 0.36 0.17 0.16 1.44 1.82 CD16(17) 18.60 10.11 16.29 9.11 0.72 2.23 0.48 1.43 1.62 0.34 0.15 0.35 0.20 0.17 1.84 1.79 最小值 16.38 10.11 2.81 0.78 0.72 2.23 0.47 1.43 1.30 0.21 0.04 0.28 0.11 0.13 0.85 1.79 最大值 26.74 20.32 18.16 9.99 4.02 3.02 0.99 2.18 2.21 0.78 0.19 0.53 0.20 0.17 1.84 4.34 平均值 20.41 16.74 6.13 2.62 2.22 2.57 0.71 1.90 1.75 0.47 0.12 0.39 0.15 0.15 1.26 3.25 表 3 富钴结壳样品中铂族元素含量
Tab. 3 Platinum group elements (PGE) contents in cobalt-rich crusts
样品号 Os/
IPGEPt/Pd Pt/Ir Pd/Ir δPt δPd CD16(1) 0.39 4.90 12.4 7.40 114 3.10 142 126 17.7 7.11 36.9 23.3 0.63 6.32 0.21 CD16(2) 0.44 4.70 15.0 10.9 136 3.40 170 151 20.1 7.51 39.9 28.9 0.72 5.91 0.19 CD16(3) 0.37 4.20 16.2 14.0 158 2.60 196 176 20.8 8.47 60.9 37.7 0.62 6.95 0.15 CD16(4) 0.62 5.40 18.4 15.6 184 2.60 227 203 24.4 8.33 70.9 34.1 0.48 7.66 0.14 CD16(5) 0.69 5.70 19.7 13.4 182 1.80 223 198 26.1 7.61 101 31.9 0.32 9.81 0.08 CD16(6) 0.65 5.70 20.1 17.7 197 1.40 242 217 26.5 8.20 140 34.5 0.25 10.5 0.06 CD16(7) 0.32 6.60 19.9 19.5 312 3.70 362 336 26.8 12.5 84.4 47.3 0.56 9.73 0.13 CD16(8) 0.28 7.80 21.3 22.6 487 3.00 542 513 29.4 17.5 162 62.4 0.38 15.6 0.08 CD16(9) 0.26 8.20 18.8 21.9 581 3.79 634 608 27.2 22.3 153 70.8 0.46 16.9 0.08 CD16(10) 0.22 8.10 18.8 25.5 657 3.12 713 687 27.1 25.4 211 81.2 0.39 19.5 0.08 CD16(11) 0.27 9.84 19.5 33.7 774 3.12 840 812 29.6 27.4 248 78.6 0.32 20.0 0.07 CD16(12) 0.16 9.69 18.4 32.3 828 3.60 892 865 28.2 30.6 230 85.4 0.37 20.3 0.07 CD16(13) 0.16 10.79 19.2 41.1 1073 3.52 1148 1122 30.2 37.2 305 99.5 0.33 23.6 0.04 CD16(14) 0.16 10.25 20.8 33.5 887 2.40 954 925 31.3 29.6 370 86.5 0.23 26.2 0.04 CD16(15) 0.45 11.33 19.8 34.5 875 2.21 943 913 31.6 28.9 396 77.2 0.19 26.5 0.04 CD16(16) 0.12 10.58 18.9 40.9 932 2.22 1005 979 29.6 33.1 420 88.1 0.21 25.9 0.03 CD16(17) 0.17 13.36 20.0 43.6 1268 7.19 1352 1324 33.5 39.5 176 94.9 0.54 19.0 0.06 最小值 0.12 4.20 12.4 7.40 114 1.40 142 126 17.7 7.11 36.9 23.3 0.19 5.91 0.03 最大值 0.69 13.4 21.3 43.6 1268 7.19 1352 1324 33.5 39.5 420 99.5 0.72 26.5 0.21 平均值 0.34 8.07 18.7 25.2 567 3.10 623 597 27.1 20.7 189 62.5 0.41 15.9 0.09 注:Pd组(PPGE)=Rh+Pt+Pd+Au,Ir组(IPGE)=Os+Ir+Ru,δPt=$ {{{\rm{Pt}}}_{{\rm{N}}}} $/$ {\sqrt{{{\rm{Rh}}}_{{\rm{N}}}\cdot{{\rm{Pd}}}_{{\rm{N}}}} }$,δPd=$ {{{\rm{Pd}}}_{{\rm{N}}}} $/$ {\sqrt{{\rm{Pt}}_{{\rm{N}}}\cdot{\rm{Au}}_{{\rm{N}}}} }$,RhN、PtN、PdN、AuN均为C1球粒陨石标准化值;C1球粒陨石数据引自文献[29]。 表 4 富钴结壳与其他地质体铂族元素富集倍数
Tab. 4 The enrichment factors of platinum group elements (PGE) in cobalt-rich crusts and other geological bodies
富集倍数 Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd PGE 富钴结壳 0.34 8.07 18.7 25.2 567 3.10 1.77 洋壳 0.004 0.02 1.0 0.2 2.3 0.2 3.72 地壳 1 1 1 1 5 10 19 海山玄武岩 0.8 1.17 2.63 1.4 56.41 1.92 64.33 海水 6.8 0.1 2.5 79 49 59 196 热液硫化物 − 0.8 1.8 3.5 5.5 9.9 22 原始地幔 3.4 3.2 5 0.9 7.1 3.9 24 f(洋壳) 84 403 19 126 247 16 167 f(地壳) 0.3 8.1 19 25 113 0.31 33 f(海山玄武岩) 0.4 6.9 7.1 18 10 1.6 9.7 f(海水) 0.05 81 7.5 0.32 12 0.05 3.2 f(热液硫化物) − 10.1 10 7.2 103 0.31 28 f(原始地幔) 0.10 2.5 3.7 28 80 0.8 26 注:“−”表示无数据;海水铂族元素单位为fg/g,其他单位均为ng/g;富钴结壳数据为表3中平均值;地壳数据引自文献[5];原始地幔数据引自文献[29];洋壳数据引自文献[30];海山玄武岩数据引自文献[31];海水数据引自文献[32];热液硫化物数据引自文献[33]。 表 5 富钴结壳元素之间相关系数矩阵表
Tab. 5 Correlation matrix of elements in cobalt-rich crusts
元素 Mn Fe CaO P2O5 Al2O3 Na2O K2O MgO TiO2 Co Cu Ni Ba Sr Rh Pt PGE Mn 1 Fe 0.233 1 CaO –0.389 –0.927** 1 P2O5 –0.431 –0.917** 0.998** 1 Al2O3 –0.382 0.708** –0.659** –0.630** 1 Na2O 0.754** 0.562* –0.536* –0.556* –0.105 1 K2O –0.151 0.662** –0.736** –0.719** 0.924** –0.109 1 MgO 0.637** 0.722** –0.853** –0.874** 0.426 0.593* 0.605* 1 TiO2 0.374 0.288 –0.539* –0.553* 0.243 –0.056 0.554* 0.531* 1 Co 0.936** 0.447 –0.623** –0.653** –0.093 0.774** 0.136 0.805** 0.472 1 Cu –0.198 –0.718** 0.544* 0.525* –0.286 –0.742** –0.095 –0.317 0.275 –0.337 1 Ni 0.813** -0.266 0.077 0.021 –0.640** 0.366 –0.380 0.325 0.271 0.625** 0.332 1 Ba –0.058 –0.673** 0.493* 0.487* –0.388 –0.624** –0.162 –0.348 0.394 –0.172 0.844** 0.310 1 Sr 0.491* –0.474 0.513* 0.487* –0.893** 0.301 –0.840** –0.268 –0.293 0.238 0.038 0.598* 0.238 1 Rh –0.458 –0.771** 0.655** 0.658** –0.208 –0.874** –0.098 –0.534* 0.103 –0.535* 0.904** 0.026 0.847** 0.004 1 Pt –0.524* –0.748** 0.631** 0.640** –0.153 –0.910** –0.057 –0.558* 0.090 –0.590* 0.877** –0.066 0.823** –0.060 0.976** 1 PGE –0.520* –0.749** 0.632** 0.641** –0.157 –0.909** –0.059 –0.558* 0.093 –0.587* 0.879** –0.062 0.826** –0.056 0.978** 1.000** 1 注:相关系数为Pearson简单系数,n=17;**表示置信度P为99%;*表示置信度P为95%。 -
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