The spatial distribution characteristics of dissolved rare earth elements in seawater of REY-enriched region in South Pacific Ocean
摘要: 深海富稀土沉积物因其资源潜力巨大,近年来备受关注。一般认为,沉积物中稀土元素和钇(总称REY)的主要来源为上覆海水,但针对富稀土海区上覆海水中REY的研究较少。本研究针对南太平洋富稀土海区采集的3个站位的全水深海水样品,测试出了15种溶解态REY,并对比了邻近海域已发表的数据,分析了该海区REY的空间分布特征。研究区表层水中溶解态REY浓度主要受风尘输入影响,而中层和深层水体中溶解态REY浓度主要受水团控制。经过澳大利亚后太古代页岩(PAAS)和北太平洋深层水(NPDW)归一化后的配分模式可确定REY间的分馏特征,分辨出不同水团。与其他大洋中报道的REY数据比较发现,表层水中REY浓度受风尘和河流输入影响导致差别较大,中层水中REY浓度与印度洋较为接近,深层水中REY浓度与不同大洋的水团年龄表现为正相关趋势,即REY浓度由小到大依次为大西洋、印度洋、南太平洋、北太平洋。Abstract: As potential mineral resources, rare earth elements and yttrium (REY)-rich sediments in deep-sea, have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. It is generally believed that the main source of REY should come from overlying seawater, but studies are in general lacking on the REY in overlying seawater in REY-enriched areas. In this paper, the dissolved concentrations and vertical distributions of 15 REY were studied in three stations located in the South Pacific Ocean, where enriched REY concentrations were found in sediments. Data obtained from this study were compared with data reported in adjacent waters and other ocean basins. The REY concentration in surface water of the study area was mainly controlled by wind-driven dust input, while the middle and deep waters were controlled by water masses. After the normalization of Post Achaean Australian Shale (PAAS) and North Pacific deep water (NPDW), the fractionation characteristics of REY can be clearly identified, and different water mass characteristics can be distinguished. When compared to data reported in other ocean basins and adjacent waters, more differences are found in surface waters due to dust and terrestrial inputs, while the REY concentrations in Indian Ocean are similar to the study region; the REY concentrations in deep water show a positive correlation with the age of water mass, i.e. the concentrations of REY from small to large are Atlantic, Indian Ocean, South Pacific, North Pacific.
图 1 南太平洋研究区站位及水团运移路径
STSW:亚热带表层水;SAAW:亚南极水;AAIW:南极中层水(由南向北);NPDW:北太平洋深层水(由北向南);LCDW:下环极深层水(由南向北);UCDW:上环极深层水;EUC:赤道潜流。水团分析参考自文献 [30-31];GeoB17018站位参考自文献[10];14站位参考自文献[13];EUC-Fe14站位参考自文献[30];SO225-53-4站位参考自文献[31];GYR站位参考自文献[32];9站位和66站位参考自文献[33]
Fig. 1 Station locations in South Pacific Ocean and water mass migration path in the study area
STSW: Subtropical Surface Water; SAAW: Subantarctic Water; AAIW: Antarctic Intermediate Water (from south to north); NPDW: North Pacific Deep Water (from north to south); LCDW: Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (from south to north); UCDW: Upper Circumpolar Deep Water; EUC: Equatorial Undercurrent. For the analysis of water masses, refer to references [30-31]; Station GeoB17018 refer to reference [10]; Station 14 refer to reference [13]; Station EUC-Fe 14 refer to reference [30]; Station SO225-53-4 refer to reference [31]; Station GYR refer to reference [32]; Station 9 and Station 66 refer to reference [33]
图 2 南太平洋研究区温度(a)和盐度(b)的剖面图
Fig. 2 Temperature (a) and salinity (b) section in South Pacific Ocean
The flow direction (the “circle” and the “cross mark” represent “from north to south” and “from south to north” respectively) of the main water masses are also shown by transparent arrows
图 8 本研究在南太平洋获得的海水中REY的平均值与前人在印度洋(CD1504站位)[50]、大西洋(13站位)[9]和北太平洋(Vertex IV 站位)[45]获得的海水中REY的平均值的垂向分布
Fig. 8 The vertical distribution of mean values of REY in seawater obtained in the South Pacific Ocean in this study and in the Indian Ocean (Station CD1504)[50], Atlantic Ocean (Station 13)[9] and North Pacific Ocean (Station Vertex IV)[45] in previous studies
表 1 海水中溶解态REY浓度实验方法平均空白值、检测限及回收率
Tab. 1 Average blank value, detection limits and recoveries of dissolved REY concentration in seawater
元素 空白值/(pmol·L−1)
(n=18)检测限/(pmol·L−1) 回收率/%
(n=28)Y 0.24±0.14 0.42 98±8 La 0.15±0.09 0.27 91±6 Ce 1.27±0.14 0.42 93±5 Pr 0.03±0.01 0.03 97±4 Nd 0.09±0.05 0.15 100±4 Sm 0.02±0.01 0.03 102±7 Eu 0.01±0.01 0.02 103±6 Gd 0.02±0.01 0.04 99±4 Tb 0.01±0 0.01 101±4 Dy 0.01±0.01 0.03 101±6 Ho 0.01±0 0.01 101±6 Er 0.01±0.01 0.02 102±6 Tm 0±0 0.01 102±7 Yb 0.01±0.01 0.02 103±8 Lu 0±0 0.01 101±7 注:n为样品数量。 表 2 标准海水(CASS-5和NASS-6)中REY浓度的分析结果与前人结果的比较(单位:pmol/L)
Tab. 2 The analyzed REY concentrations of certified seawater samples (CASS-5 and NASS-6), compared with the reported values in literature (unit: pmol/L)
元素 CASS-5 NASS-6 本文 报道值a 本文 报道值b Y 191.2±2.3 − 216.2±1.1 229.0±23.0 La 65.8±7.6 56.5±1.3 72.8±1.1 74.4±4.3 Ce 26.4±0 24.1±2.2 27.3±0.1 30.0±3.8 Pr 9.2±1.0 7.8±1.1 10.5±0.1 11.4±1.1 Nd 38.3±2.3 34.8±1.6 44.9±0.3 46.3±1.4 Sm 8.6±0.3 8.2±0.4 7.4±0.2 8.4±1.2 Eu 1.5±0 1.3±0.1 1.6±0.1 1.7±0.2 Gd 8.3±0 7.8±1.0 9.9±0.1 8.9±1.3 Tb 1.2±0 1.2±0.3 1.4±0.0 1.5±0.1 Dy 7.9±0.1 7.8±0.5 10.0±0.1 10.0±0.5 Ho 2.1±0 2.0±0.1 2.5±0.1 2.4±0.2 Er 6.6±0.1 6.4±0.2 8.0±0 8.0±0.4 Tm 1.0±0 0.9±0 1.1±0 1.1±0.1 Yb 6.5±0 6.3±0.2 7.8±0.1 7.7±0.4 Lu 1.1±0 1.1±0 1.3±0 1.2±0.1 注:数据为平均值±标准偏差;a. 基于文献[36−37]的数据计算的CASS-5中REY浓度的平均值;b. 基于文献[37−39]的数据计算的NASS-6中REY浓度的平均值。 -
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