Coral lipids are an important energy source when their symbiotic zooxanthellae density decreases
摘要: 近年来珊瑚白化现象日益严峻。白化意味着珊瑚共生虫黄藻密度的降低,然而目前关于珊瑚体内的脂质在虫黄藻密度降低时对维持能量供给稳定的意义尚不清楚。本研究以2020年3月和6月在西沙群岛采集的帛琉蜂巢珊瑚(Favia palauensis)和澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)样品为材料,通过生理参数(虫黄藻密度、脂质含量)与地球化学指标(虫黄藻的稳定氮同位素δ15Nz值)相结合的方法,探讨了珊瑚脂质对虫黄藻密度及其光合作用强度变化的响应。结果显示,夏季两种珊瑚的虫黄藻密度和δ15Nz值均显著下降,意味着夏季虫黄藻密度降低导致了其光合作用强度的降低。与此同时,两种珊瑚的脂质含量也显著下降,并且脂质含量与虫黄藻密度、δ15Nz值之间均呈正相关关系,这说明珊瑚脂质含量与虫黄藻光合作用强度的变化之间存在耦合关系。当光合作用强度降低时,珊瑚可以通过消耗其自身储存的脂质更好地维持能量供给的稳定,这对提高环境胁迫的适应能力以及抗白化能力具有重要意义。Abstract: Coral bleaching has become increasingly severe in recent years. Bleaching means a decrease in the symbiotic zooxanthellae density in corals. However, the significance of lipids in corals to maintain the stability of energy supply when the zooxanthellae density decreases remains unclear. Favia palauensis and Porites lutea samples collected in the Xisha Islands in March and June 2020 as materials were used in this study. By combining physiological parameters (zooxanthellae density and lipid content) with geochemical indexes (stable nitrogen isotope δ15Nz value of zooxanthellae), the response of coral lipids to the changes in zooxanthellae density and photosynthetic intensity was investigated. The results showed that the zooxanthellae density and δ15Nz value of two genera of corals decreased significantly in summer, implying that the decrease in zooxanthellae density in summer resulted in a decrease in their photosynthetic intensity. At the same time, the lipid content of the two genera of corals also decreased significantly, and the lipid content was positively correlated with zooxanthellae density and δ15Nz value, indicating that there was a coupling relationship between the coral lipid content and the changes of the photosynthetic intensity of zooxanthellae. When photosynthesis intensity decreases, coral can better maintain the stability of energy supply by consuming their own stored lipids, which is of great significance to improve their adaptability to environmental stress and bleaching resilience.
Key words:
- coral /
- energy supply /
- zooxanthellae /
- lipids /
- nitrogen isotopes
1) ① 审图号为GS(2020)4618号。 -
图 1 本文研究区域①(a)和具体采样点(b)
Fig. 1 The study area (a) and specific locations of sampling (b) in this paper
图 2 两种珊瑚虫黄藻密度(a)、脂质含量(b)、δ15Nz值(c)的季节差异
Fig. 2 Seasonal differences in zooxanthellae density (a), lipid content (b) and δ15Nz value (c) of two genera of corals
The number on each bar chart represents the number of coral samples; the asterisks indicate significant seasonal differences in each parameter of two genera of corals (p<0.05)
表 1 两种珊瑚在3月和6月虫黄藻密度、脂质含量、δ15Nz值的属种差异
Tab. 1 Interspecific differences in zooxanthellae density, lipid content and δ15Nz value of two genera of corals in March and June
月份 样品数量 参数 差异值 3月 15 虫黄藻密度 t=0.91 p=0.38 脂质含量 t=−0.69 p=0.50 δ15Nz值 t=−1.04 p=0.32 6月 30 虫黄藻密度 t=1.17 p=0.25 脂质含量 t=0.45 p=0.65 δ15Nz值 t=0.19 p=0.85 表 2 两种珊瑚虫黄藻密度、脂质含量、δ15Nz的季节差异
Tab. 2 Seasonal differences in zooxanthellae density, lipid content and δ15Nz of two genera of corals
参数 属种 样品数量 差异值 虫黄藻密度 F. palauensis 27 t=2.53 p<0.05 P. lutea 18 t=2.13 p<0.05 脂质含量 F. palauensis 27 t=5.39 p<0.001 P. lutea 18 t=3.50 p<0.05 δ15Nz值 F. palauensis 27 t=2.71 p<0.05 P. lutea 18 t=3.73 p<0.05 -
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