Seasonal and spatial changes in functional diversity of fish communities in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands
摘要: 为查明黄、渤海生态交错带长山列岛邻近海域鱼类功能多样性的时空变化,根据2016−2017年在长山列岛邻近海域开展的鱼类生物资源和环境因子的调查数据,结合食性、营养级、洄游类型、适温性、恢复力和鱼卵类型等13种功能性状,应用群落特征加权平均数指数、功能多样性指数和Spearman秩相关分析等方法,研究了该海域鱼类功能多样性的季节变化、空间格局及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,春、冬季的优势类群为端位或上位口、生长系数较低、脆弱性较高、恢复力较低、定居或短距离洄游的平扁形、暖温性底层鱼类,夏、秋季表现出更多的功能性状,例如长距离洄游、栖息位置处于中上层、体型为侧扁形和纺锤形等;夏、秋季的功能丰富度指数显著高于春、冬季,功能均匀度指数在春季最高,功能离散度指数在秋季最低且显著低于其他季节;春季功能均匀度指数和春、秋季功能离散度指数均表现出西高东低的分布趋势,夏、冬季的功能丰富度指数和秋季的功能均匀度指数均表现出东高西低的分布趋势;功能多样性指数与环境因子具有一定的相关性。长山列岛邻近海域作为黄、渤海生态交错带,鱼类洄游引起优势功能性状和功能多样性呈现出一定的季节变化,环境因子的变化使得功能多样性的空间格局表现出复杂性、异质性的特点。Abstract: In order to identify the functional diversity of the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands in the ecotone between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, based on the quarterly survey of fish biological resources and environment factors from October 2016 to August 2017, combined with 13 functional traits such as feeding habit, trophic level, migration type, thermophily, resilience and fish eggs type, the spatio-temporal pattern of functional diversity and its relationship with environmental factors were studied by using community weighted mean index (CWM), functional diversity index and Spearman rank correlation analysis. The results showed that the dominant species of fish community in spring and winter were depressiform, warm temperate and demersal species with the characteristics of anterior or upper mouth, low growth coefficient, high vulnerability, low resilience and non-migration or short distance migration. The dominant species in summer and autumn showed more functional traits, such as long distance migration, pelagic, fusiform and compressiform. FRic in summer and autumn was significantly higher than that in spring and winter, FEve was the highest in spring, and FDiv was the lowest in autumn and was significantly lower than other seasons. FEve in spring and season and FDiv in spring and autumn showed a trend of high in the west and low in the east, while FRic in summer and winter and FEve in autumn showed a trend of high in the east and low in the west. There was a certain correlation between environmental factors and functional diversity index. As an ecotone between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, the functional traits of the dominant species and functional diversity show seasonal variations made by the fish migration, and the spatial pattern of functional diversity shows complexity and heterogeneity made by environment changing in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands.
图 2 长山列岛邻近海域鱼类群落特征加权平均数指数(CWM)的季节变化
P. 浮游生物食性;B. 底栖生物食性;N. 游泳动物食性;1. 纺锤形;2. 侧扁形;3. 平扁形;4. 鳗形;SM. 近海洄游型;LM. 外海洄游型;Lo. 定居型;T. 暖温性;WW. 暖水性;De. 底层;Pe. 中上层;M. 中等恢复力;H. 高恢复力;L. 低恢复力;PE. 浮性卵;AE. 附着性卵;PAE. 黏着浮性卵;Sp. 春季;Su. 夏季;Au. 秋季;Wi. 冬季
Fig. 2 Seasonal variation of community weighted mean index (CWM) of fish community in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands
P. Planktivorous; B: benthivorous; N. nektivorous; 1. fusiform; 2. compressiform; 3. depressiform; 4. anguilliform; SM. offshore migration; LM. far-sea migration; Lo. local species; T. warm temperate; WW. warm water; De. demersal; Pe. pelagic; M. medium resilience; H. high resilience; L. low resilience; PE. pelagic eggs; AE. adhesive eggs; PAE. pelagic adhesive eggs; Sp. spring; Su. summer; Au. autumn; Wi. winter
图 3 长山列岛邻近海域鱼类群落功能多样性指数的季节变化
Sp. 春季;Su. 夏季;Au. 秋季;Wi. 冬季;不同字母表示差异显著(p<0.05);虚线代表真实值
Fig. 3 Seasonal variation of functional diversity indices of fish community in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands
Sp. Spring; Su. summer; Au. autumn; Wi. winter; different letters mean significant difference at p<0.05 level; dashed lines represent the true values
表 1 功能性状分类标准及其所含类型
Tab. 1 Classification criteria and types of functional traits
功能类型 功能性状 功能性状所含类型 摄食 食性 浮游生物食性、植食性、
底栖生物食性、游泳动物食性口的大小 小、较小、中等、较大、大 口的位置 腹面、下位、端位、上位 营养级 连续变量,范围:2.9~5.0 游泳 体型 纺锤形、侧扁形、平扁形、鳗形、
带形、前部宽扁形、后部侧扁形洄游类型 定居型、近海洄游型、远海洄游型 最大体长 连续变量,范围:9~250 cm 生态适应性 适温性 冷温性、暖温性、暖水性 栖息位置 底层、中上层 种群动态 生长系数 连续变量,范围:0.1~0.8 脆弱性 连续变量,范围:10~78 恢复力 低、中等、高 繁殖 鱼卵类型 浮性、沉性、附着性、
黏着浮性、黏着沉性、卵胎生表 2 长山列岛邻近海域鱼类群落功能多样性指数与环境因子的Spearman秩相关系数
Tab. 2 Spearman rank correlation coefficients between functional diversity indices and environmental factors in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands
季节 指数 水深 底层水温 表层水温 底层盐度 表层盐度 春季 FRic −0.300 0.104 −0.117 −0.232 −0.193 FEve −0.276 0.367* 0.212 −0.176 −0.129 FDiv −0.013 0.023 0.003 −0.080 −0.088 夏季 FRic 0.250 −0.491** −0.280 0.342 −0.212 FEve 0.224 −0.052 0.310 0.113 −0.172 FDiv 0.220 −0.328 −0.380* 0.010 0.154 秋季 FRic 0.166 −0.269 −0.197 0.060 0.071 FEve 0.033 0.033 −0.054 0.081 0.076 FDiv 0.092 −0.041 −0.121 0.156 0.141 冬季 FRic 0.568** 0.617** 0.639** 0.491** 0.487** FEve −0.131 −0.456** −0.440* −0.291 −0.288 FDiv 0.090 −0.040 −0.073 0.068 0.068 注:*代表p<0.05;**代表p<0.01。 -
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