Occurrence mechanism of redox sensitive elements in columnar sediments in South Central Okinawa Trough and their environmental implications
摘要: 沉积物中氧化还原敏感元素(Redox Sensitive Element,RSE)含量变化是上覆水体氧化还原环境良好的替代指标。本文通过冲绳海槽中南部两个柱状沉积物(深度:30 cm)粒度、总有机碳、总氮及其同位素含量和氧化还原敏感元素含量等指标,探究复杂环境背景下冲绳海槽柱状沉积物中RSE的赋存机理与环境指示意义。研究发现,柱状沉积物中除了Cr亏损,其他RSE均显示有不同程度的富集。“粒控效应”对冲绳海槽柱状沉积物的RSE含量影响较小;分析可知,海水表层生产力是影响沉积物氧化还原环境的主要因素,通过Mn(氢)氧化物的吸附或解吸附作用实现RSE的富集与亏损。δCe、V/Cr、Ni/Co和V/(V+Ni)等指标指示沉积物整体处于氧化−弱氧化环境。沉积物中Mn元素通过还原作用以Mn2+形式向上扩散,在25~30 cm处被含氧间隙水氧化富集形成锰峰,指示柱状沉积物0~25 cm处为氧化环境,25~30 cm处为弱氧化环境。Abstract: Changes in the content of redox sensitive elements (RSE) in sediments are good surrogate indicators for the redox environment of the overlying water. The RSE in the columnar sediments under complex environmental backgrounds through the grain size, total organic carbon and total nitrogen and its isotopes contents, and redox sensitive elements contents of the two columnar sediments (30 cm) in South Central Okinawa Trough are explored in this paper. And to explore the occurrence mechanism and environmental indication significance. The study found that in addition to the depletion of Cr in the columnar sediments, other RSEs showed different degrees of enrichment. The “grain size effect” has little effect on the RSE content of columnar sediments in the Okinawa Trough; analysis and judgment show that seawater surface productivity is the main factor affecting the redox environment of sediments, and RSE is achieved through the adsorption or desorption of Mn (hydrogen) oxides enrichment and loss. Indicators such as δCe, V/(V+Ni), Ni/Co and V/Cr indicate that the sediment is in an oxic-dysoxic water environment. The Mn element in the sediment diffuses upward in the form of Mn2+ through reduction, and is oxidized and enriched by oxygen-containing interstitial water at 25−30 cm to form a manganese peak. The 0−25 cm columnar sediment is in an oxic water column, and 25−30 cm is in a dysoxic water column.
表 1 冲绳海槽中南部不同钻孔沉积物的AMS14C测年数据对比
Tab. 1 Comparison of AMS14C dating data of sediments from different drillings in the South Central Okinawa Trough
样品编号 纬度 经度 水深/m 深度/cm 距今平均校正年龄/(cal a) 参考文献 DYBB27 26.196 9°N 125.233 8°E 1 323 29~30 140 本研究 DYB228 26.866 3°N 125.955 0°E 1 277 29~30 67.5 本研究 MD012404 26.656 7°N 125.820 8°E 1 397 14.5 749 文献[39] OKT-3 26.018 0°N 125.282 0°E 1 792 28 1 090 文献[40] OKI-151 26.110 0°N 125.520 0°E 2 013 30 1 135 文献[41] A7 27.817 2°N 126.968 6°E 1 264 32~36 2 690 文献[42] C14 28.659 7°N 127.320 0°E 1 100 35~37.5 673 文献[43] Oki02 26.073 6°N 125.200 7°E 1 612 52~54 2 891 文献[44] OKT12-2 26.050 0°N 125.340 0°E 1 924.53 57 3 147.5 文献[45] 表 2 DYBB27和DYB228柱状沉积物RSE/Al比值与粒径的相关性分析
Tab. 2 Correlation analysis of RSE/Al ratio and particle size in the columnar sediments of DYBB27 and DYB228
样品 指标 U/Al V/Al Cr/Al Ni/Al Co/Al Cu/Al Fe/Al Mn/Al DYBB27 平均粒径 −0.177 −0.283 0.067 −0.092 0.285 −0.114 0.140 −0.079 砂粒径 0.442* 0.281 −0.037 0.036 −0.393* −0.005 −0.384* −0.018 粉砂粒径 −0.607** −0.196 −0.053 0.034 0.369* 0.198 0.539** 0.129 黏土粒径 0.175 −0.125 0.114 −0.089 0.058 −0.240 −0.166 −0.137 DYB228 平均粒径 0.554** −0.198 −0.416* −0.245 −0.069 −0.216 −0.335 −0.056 砂粒径 −0.100 0.128 0.016 −0.203 −0.240 −0.193 0.034 −0.259 粉粒粒径 −0.440* 0.042 0.424* 0.517** 0.375* 0.508** 0.340 0.390* 黏土粒径 0.748** −0.197 −0.635** −0.538** −0.291 −0.027 −0.532** −0.293 注:**表示在0.01级别(双尾),相关性显著;*表示在0.05级别(双尾),相关性显著。 表 3 DYBB27和DYB228柱状沉积物RSE/Al比值与TOC和Babio的相关性分析
Tab. 3 Correlation analysis of RSE/Al ratios with TOC and BaBio in the columnar sediments of DYBB27 and DYB228
样品 指标 Babio含量/10−6 U/Al V/Al Cr/Al Ni/Al Co/Al Cu/Al DYBB27 TOC含量/% 0.147 −0.093 −0.014 −0.053 0.100 0.182 −0.036 Babio含量/10−6 1 −0.017 0.686** 0387* 0.844** 0.749** 0.248 DYB228 TOC含量/% 0.206 −0.427* 0.501** 0.195 0.039 0.360 0.447* Babio含量/10−6 1 −0.282 −0.312 0.068 0.759** 0.858** 0.383* 注:**表示在0.01级别(双尾),相关性显著;*表示在0.05级别(双尾),相关性显著。 表 4 DYBB27和DYB228柱状沉积物RSE/Al比值与Fe/Al和Mn/Al比值的相关性分析
Tab. 4 Correlation analysis of RSE/Al ratios with Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios in the columnar sediments of DYBB27 and DYB228
站位 指标 U/Al V/Al Cr/Al Ni/Al Co/Al Cu/Al DYBB27 Fe/Al −0.677** −0.181 −0.006 −0.126 0.032 0.053 Mn/Al −0.248 0.666** 0.274 0.972** 0.821** 0.361 DYB228 Fe/Al −0.672** 0.391* 0.442* 0.153 −0.139 0.299 Mn/Al −0.333 −0.229 0.089 0.896** 0.901** 0.529** 注:**表示在0.01级别(双尾),相关性显著;*表示在0.05级别(双尾),相关性显著。 -
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