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赵红军 王俊达 孔俊 陈国平

赵红军,王俊达,孔俊,等. 北部湾海浪季节变化和驱动因素的数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(10):10–19 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022184
引用本文: 赵红军,王俊达,孔俊,等. 北部湾海浪季节变化和驱动因素的数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(10):10–19 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022184
Zhao Hongjun,Wang Junda,Kong Jun, et al. Numerical investigations on seasonal variations and forcing factors to waves in the Beibu Gulf[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(10):10–19 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022184
Citation: Zhao Hongjun,Wang Junda,Kong Jun, et al. Numerical investigations on seasonal variations and forcing factors to waves in the Beibu Gulf[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(10):10–19 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022184


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022184
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2018B13314);国家自然科学基金(51979095);江苏高校青蓝工程项目(2020)。

    赵红军(1980-),男,天津市蓟县人,博士,副教授,主要从事水波动力学理论及其应用研究。E-mail: loyhg@hhu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P731.22

Numerical investigations on seasonal variations and forcing factors to waves in the Beibu Gulf

  • 摘要: 基于NCEP CFSV2再分析风场驱动SWAN模型,对南海至北部湾为期1年的海浪逐时过程进行了数值模拟,利用Jason-2卫星和近岸浮标整年观测数据检验了模拟效果。在此基础上,评估了模型空间网格尺度对北部湾内波浪模拟的影响,分析了波浪的季节变化特征,辨析了局地风和南海传入浪对海湾波浪的驱动贡献。研究显示:(1)较Jason-2卫星观测值,有效波高模拟值的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.4 m和0.2;较北部湾湾顶近岸浮标逐时观测值,有效波高的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.2 m和0.4,平均波周期的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.6 s和0.2,平均波向的均方根误差约为30°;(2)空间网格分辨率为12'×12'的模型对北部湾20 m以深开敞海域波浪的模拟效果良好,模拟值较2'×2'模型的平均相对偏差在10%以下;(3)北部湾冬季盛行东北向波,夏季盛行偏南向浪,季风转换期盛行东南向浪,全年波浪在季风期强于季风转换期,冬季最强、冬夏转换期最弱;(4)局地风对北部湾波浪的驱动贡献自湾口向湾内增强,季风期强于季风转换期;南海传入浪的驱动贡献自湾口向湾内减弱,季风转换期强于季风期;海湾中部和北部的波浪以局地风为主控因素,海南岛南部和东部水域以传入浪的影响为主,海南岛西南水域受局地风和传入浪的共同控制。
  • 图  1  南海波浪模型(a)和北部湾波浪模型(b)的模拟范围

    a. 红色实线是Jason-2卫星轨道路径,A1−A4、B1−B4、C1−C4是轨道路径交叉点;b. 站点BL是波浪近岸浮标观测点

    Fig.  1  Simulation range of the South China Sea wave model (a) and the Beibu Gulf wave model (b)

    a. The Jason-2 satellite ground tracks are drawn as red solid lines and the track intersections are numbered as points A1−A4, B1−B4 and C1−C4; b. the nearshore wave buoy location is labeled as Point BL

    图  2  有效波高模拟值Hs_mod与Jason-2卫星观测值Hs_Ja2的散点分布

    Fig.  2  Scatter diagrams for the results of significant wave height between model simulations Hs_mod and Jason-2 satellite observations Hs_Ja2

    图  3  近岸浮标BL站点有效波高Hs(a)、平均波周期Tm(b)和平均波向Dir(c)的时间变化过程

    Fig.  3  Time series of significant wave height Hs (a), mean wave period Tm (b) and mean wave direction Dir (c) at the nearshore buoy Point BL

    图  4  南海模型有效波高模拟值较北部湾模型的均方根偏差(RMSB)(a−c)和平均相对偏差(MRAB)(d−f)的分布

    Fig.  4  Distributions of RMSB (a−c) and MRAB (d−f) of significant wave height simulated by the South China Sea model compared with the Beibu Gulf model

    图  5  南海各月平均有效波高Hs和平均波向Dir(a−d)、谱峰周期Tp(e−h)以及风速Vw(i−l)的分布

    Fig.  5  Distributions of month averaged significant wave height Hs and mean wave direction Dir (a−d), spectral peak period Tp (e−h) and wind speed Vw (i−l) in the South China Sea

    图  6  北部湾各月平均有效波高Hs和平均波向Dir(a−d)以及谱峰周期Tp(e−h)的分布

    Fig.  6  Distributions of month averaged significant wave height Hs and mean wave direction Dir (a−d), and spectral peak period Tp (e−h) in the Beibu Gulf

    图  7  不同驱动因素模拟得到的月平均有效波高Hs(a−h)以及有效波高贡献比RLWD(i−l)和RIWV(m−p)

    Fig.  7  Distributions of month averaged significant wave height Hs (a−h) and contribution percentage RLWD (i−1) and RIWV (m−p) to Hs by different driving factors

    表  1  Jason-2卫星轨道交叉点附近的有效波高模拟值较卫星观测值的误差统计

    Tab.  1  Error statistics for the simulated significant wave height against the Jason-2 observations at the satellite ground track intersections

    A1−0.110.300.19 B1−0.090.320.21 C1−0.050.340.35
    A2−0.180.370.20 B2− C2−
    A3−0.260.380.23 B3−0.170.350.18 C30.010.440.21
    A4−0.160.350.24 B4−0.190.380.19 C4−0.070.520.23
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  近岸浮标BL站点有效波高Hs、平均波周期Tm和平均波向Dir模拟值较观测值的统计比较

    Tab.  2  Statistics and comparisons for the results of significant wave height Hs, mean wave period Tm and mean wave direction Dir between numerical simulations and in-situ observations at the nearshore buoy Point BL

    平均值 最大值MBRMSBSI
    Hs/m0.510.54 1.681.77−
    下载: 导出CSV
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