Niche and interspecific association of juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus in the Beibu Gulf
摘要: 中华鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)属于国家二级重点保护野生动物,近年来数量锐减已成为濒危物种。该研究基于北部湾沿岸滨海湿地中华鲎种群调查,利用中华鲎幼鲎栖息地主要大型底栖动物资源数据,采用生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数分析探讨中华鲎幼鲎对资源利用情况及其与各物种之间竞争强弱,进一步采用种间联结性探究中华鲎幼鲎与各物种竞争情况。结果表明:(1)中华鲎幼鲎在底栖群落中属于广生态位物种,其生态位宽度最大(4.252 2);(2)中华鲎幼鲎与各底栖生物均有一定程度生态位重叠,其中与短指和尚蟹(Mictyris brevidactylus)生态位重叠高达0.837 5;(3)中华鲎幼鲎与短指和尚蟹种群动态模拟结果显示,二者种群规模在西背岭和三娘湾地区呈此消彼长状态,自然补充量减少是限制种群增长的重要因素。生态位分析表明,中华鲎幼鲎可作为滨海湿地生态系统健康程度指示物种,建议以中华鲎为旗舰物种开展滨海湿地生物多样性保护和管理宣传。Abstract: Tachypleus tridentatus has been upgraded to the State Key Protection Wildlife GradeⅡ in China in 2021. The population of T. tridentatus decreased sharply in recent years. T. tridentatus has become an endangered species. Based on the investigation of coastal wetlands along the Beibu Gulf coast, the resource data of major benthic species of each habitat is added, and niche width and niche overlap index analysis are used to explore the resource utilization of juvenile T. tridentatus and inter-species competition in this study, so as to further explore the competition between juvenile T. tridentatus and various species by using interspecific connectivity. The results show that: (1) juvenile T. tridentatus belongs to a wide niche species in the benthic community, and its niche width is the largest (4.252 2); (2) the niches of juvenile T. tridentatus and various benthos are ecologically partitioned with partial overlap, among which the niche overlap with Mictyris brevidactylus is as high as 0.8375; (3) the population dynamics simulation result of juvenile T. tridentatus and Mictyris brevidactylus shows that the population size displays an opposite trend between the two species in Xibeiling area and Sanniangwan area, and the reduction of natural supplement is an important factor that limits the population growth. The research shows that the juvenile T. tridentatus can be used as the indicator species to characterize the health of coastal wetland ecosystem. It is suggested to take juvenile T. tridentatus as the flagship species to carry out biodiversity conservation, management and publicity in coastal wetland.
Key words:
- Tachypleus tridentatus /
- niche /
- interspecific association /
- coastal wetland /
- habitat protection
图 2 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种种间联结系数(AC)半矩阵图
1. 中阿曼吉虫;2. 南海毛满月蛤;3. 熊本牡蛎;4. 欧努菲虫;5. 丝异须虫;6. 丽文蛤;7. 短指和尚蟹;8. 黑荞麦蛤;9. 纹藤壶;10. 小翼拟蟹守螺;11. 䗉螺;12. 突畸心蛤;13. 韦氏毛带蟹;14. 中华鲎幼鲎
Fig. 2 Semi-matrix diagram of association coefficient (AC) of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
1. Armandia intermedia; 2. Pillucina vietnamica; 3. Crassostrea sikamea; 4. Onuphis eremita; 5. Heteromastus filiformis; 6. Meretrix lusoria; 7. Mictyris brevidactylus; 8. Xenostrobus atratus; 9. Amphibalanus amphitrite; 10. Pirenella microptera; 11. Umbonium vestiarium; 12. Cryptonema producta; 13. Dotilla wichmanni; 14. juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus
图 3 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种Ochiai指数(OI)半矩阵图
1. 中阿曼吉虫;2. 南海毛满月蛤;3. 熊本牡蛎;4. 欧努菲虫;5. 丝异须虫;6. 丽文蛤;7. 短指和尚蟹;8. 黑荞麦蛤;9. 纹藤壶;10. 小翼拟蟹守螺;11. 䗉螺;12. 突畸心蛤;13. 韦氏毛带蟹;14. 中华鲎幼鲎
Fig. 3 Semi-matrix diagram of Ochiai index (OI) of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
1. Armandia intermedia; 2. Pillucina vietnamica; 3. Crassostrea sikamea; 4. Onuphis eremita; 5. Heteromastus filiformis; 6. Meretrix lusoria; 7. Mictyris brevidactylus; 8. Xenostrobus atratus; 9. Amphibalanus amphitrite; 10. Pirenella microptera; 11. Umbonium vestiarium; 12. Cryptonema producta; 13. Dotilla wichmanni; 14. juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus
图 4 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种Dice指数(DI)半矩阵图
1. 中阿曼吉虫;2. 南海毛满月蛤;3. 熊本牡蛎;4. 欧努菲虫;5. 丝异须虫;6. 丽文蛤;7. 短指和尚蟹;8. 黑荞麦蛤;9. 纹藤壶;10. 小翼拟蟹守螺;11. 䗉螺;12. 突畸心蛤;13. 韦氏毛带蟹;14. 中华鲎幼鲎
Fig. 4 Semi-matrix diagram of Dice index (DI) of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
1. Armandia intermedia; 2. Pillucina vietnamica; 3. Crassostrea sikamea; 4. Onuphis eremita; 5. Heteromastus filiformis; 6. Meretrix lusoria; 7. Mictyris brevidactylus; 8. Xenostrobus atratus; 9. Amphibalanus amphitrite; 10. Pirenella microptera; 11. Umbonium vestiarium; 12. Cryptonema producta; 13. Dotilla wichmanni; 14. juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus
图 5 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种Pearson相关系数(rik1)半矩阵图
1. 中阿曼吉虫;2. 南海毛满月蛤;3. 熊本牡蛎;4. 欧努菲虫;5. 丝异须虫;6. 丽文蛤;7. 短指和尚蟹;8. 黑荞麦蛤;9. 纹藤壶;10. 小翼拟蟹守螺;11. 中华鲎幼鲎
Fig. 5 Semi-matrix diagram of Pearson correlation coefficient (rik1) of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
1. Armandia intermedia; 2. Pillucina vietnamica; 3. Crassostrea sikamea; 4. Onuphis eremita; 5. Heteromastus filiformis; 6. Meretrix lusoria; 7. Mictyris brevidactylus; 8. Xenostrobus atratus; 9. Amphibalanus amphitrite; 10. Pirenella microptera; 11. juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus
图 6 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种Spearman秩相关系数(rik2)半矩阵图
1. 中阿曼吉虫;2. 南海毛满月蛤;3. 熊本牡蛎;4. 欧努菲虫;5. 丝异须虫;6. 丽文蛤;7. 短指和尚蟹;8. 黑荞麦蛤;9. 纹藤壶;10. 小翼拟蟹守螺;11. 中华鲎幼鲎
Fig. 6 Semi-matrix diagram of Spearman rank correlation coefficient (rik2) of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
1. Armandia intermedia; 2. Pillucina vietnamica; 3. Crassostrea sikamea; 4. Onuphis eremita; 5. Heteromastus filiformis; 6. Meretrix lusoria; 7. Mictyris brevidactylus; 8. Xenostrobus atratus; 9. Amphibalanus amphitrite; 10. Pirenella microptera; 11. juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus
图 7 不同采样地点中华鲎幼鲎与短指和尚蟹种间关系
红色线条和蓝色曲线分别为中华鲎幼鲎与短指和尚蟹种群数量变化;a. 西背岭地区;b. 竹林盐场地区;c. 三娘湾地区
Fig. 7 Interspecific relationship between juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus and Mictyris brevidactylus in various sampling location
The red line and blue curves show the population changes of juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus and Mictyris brevidactylus, respectively; a. Xibeiling area; b. Zhulinyanchang area; c. Sanniangwan area
表 1 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种生态位宽度、出现频率及优势度
Tab. 1 Niche width, occurrence frequency and dominance of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
编号 种名 生态位宽度 出现频率 优势度 1 中阿曼吉虫 Armandia intermedia 1.022 8 0.212 1 0.068 6 2 南海毛满月蛤 Pillucina vietnamica 2.289 0 0.363 6 0.013 9 3 熊本牡蛎 Crassostrea sikamea 1.135 0 0.121 2 0.008 5 4 欧努菲虫 Onuphis eremita 2.710 8 0.333 3 0.007 8 5 丝异须虫 Heteromastus filiformis 3.252 3 0.333 3 0.005 7 6 丽文蛤 Meretrix lusoria 4.213 9 0.424 2 0.006 6 7 短指和尚蟹 Mictyris brevidactylus 3.892 6 0.333 3 0.005 8 8 黑荞麦蛤 Xenostrobus atratus 1.1509 0.100 0 0.005 0 9 纹藤壶 Amphibalanus amphitrite 2.000 0 0.121 2 0.004 0 10 小翼拟蟹守螺 Pirenella microptera 1.000 0 0.151 5 0.003 6 11 䗉螺 Umbonium vestiarium 1.684 2 0.100 0 0.000 1 12 突畸心蛤 Cryptonema producta 2.133 3 0.121 2 0.000 4 13 韦氏毛带蟹 Dotilla wichmanni 1.820 2 0.212 1 0.001 2 14 中华鲎幼鲎 juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus 4.252 2 0.084 9 0.149 5 表 2 中华鲎幼鲎生境主要优势种生态位重叠指数
Tab. 2 Niche overlap index of dominant species in juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus nursery habitat
编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 0.311 1 3 0 0.002 7 4 0.000 4 0.476 9 0.212 6 5 0.001 0 0.516 5 0.335 7 0.837 0 6 0.302 4 0.396 9 0.278 2 0.287 8 0.4755 7 0.003 6 0.131 1 0.265 6 0.315 2 0.453 8 0.715 0 8 0 0.003 0.993 0.503 9 0.954 6 >0.999 0.911 6 9 0 0.021 5 0.567 5 0.271 1 0.513 5 0.624 3 0.950 5 0.575 4 10 0.010 2 0.143 1 0 0 0.171 2 >0.999 >0.999 0 0 11 0.127 7 0.137 7 0.054 0 0.021 4 0.409 7 0.916 6 0.060 9 0.75 0.125 12 0.129 0.150 2 0.045 0 0.042 8 0.526 7 0.961 8 0.050 7 0.625 0.25 0.868 4 13 0.001 1 0.024 6 0.775 7 0.461 8 0.808 3 0.936 4 0.940 5 0.781 6 0.833 3 0.111 1 0.163 7 0.207 4 14 0.089 4 0.262 6 0.051 2 0.331 3 0.352 3 0.585 6 0.837 5 0.054 2 0.337 2 0.298 4 0.472 5 0.595 3 0.176 8 注:该表物种编号同表1。 表 3 各取样地中华鲎幼鲎与短指和尚蟹种间竞争模型参数
Tab. 3 Parameters of interspecific competition model between juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus and Mictyris brevidactylus in various sampling location
西背岭 竹林盐场 三娘湾 中华鲎幼鲎 短指和尚蟹 中华鲎幼鲎 短指和尚蟹 中华鲎幼鲎 短指和尚蟹 起始容量 19 6 23 6 34 1 固有增长率 −0.894 7 2.333 3 −0.739 1 −0.833 3 0.411 8 72 最大容量 102 38 80 17 57 72 竞争系数 0.117 4 8.520 1 0.339 8 2.942 6 0.339 8 2.942 6 -
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