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卢陈 吴尧 杨裕桂 袁菲

卢陈,吴尧,杨裕桂,等. 珠江磨刀门河口环流结构动力特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):9–18 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022165
引用本文: 卢陈,吴尧,杨裕桂,等. 珠江磨刀门河口环流结构动力特征分析[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):9–18 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022165
Lu Chen,Wu Yao,Yang Yugui, et al. Characterizing the circulation flow structure in the Modaomen Estuary of the Zhujiang River[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):9–18 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022165
Citation: Lu Chen,Wu Yao,Yang Yugui, et al. Characterizing the circulation flow structure in the Modaomen Estuary of the Zhujiang River[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):9–18 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022165


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022165
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(42006157);水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室“一带一路”水与可持续发展科技基金(2020492111)




  • 中图分类号: P343.5;P731.21

Characterizing the circulation flow structure in the Modaomen Estuary of the Zhujiang River

  • 摘要: 河口环流结构关系到物质输运、泥沙沉积和地貌变化等物理过程。根据2019年磨刀门河口原型观测平台洪枯季连续观测分层潮流资料,统计洪枯季、大小潮河口东、西汊的涨落潮流及历时变化特征,利用理论方法解析河口东西汊平面环流和重力环流结构,进一步引入混合参数研究河口纵向环流中的潮汐应变环流。研究发现枯季东、西汊在转潮时刻存在东涨西落的平面环流结构,洪季平面环流特征较不明显;枯季重力环流强度整体略大于洪季,西汊重力环流强于东汊,表层向海环流流速可达0.2~0.25 m/s,而底层向陆环流流速相对较小。洪季大潮期由潮不对称性驱动的潮汐应变环流相对较大,进而增强了纵向环流的强度。河口垂向余流结构同样表现洪枯季、大小潮的变化规律。洪季余流整体较大,西汊在小潮期表层余流流速超过0.6 m/s,而东汊余流则明显呈现表层向海、底层向陆的分布特征,枯季余流整体较小,表明其对物质输运和河口地形塑造作用较弱。
  • 图  1  珠江口和磨刀门河口位置

    Fig.  1  The location of the Zhujiang River and Modaomen Estuary

    图  2  珠江河口原型观测平台站点位置

    Fig.  2  The location of the prototype observation platform in the Zhujiang River Estuary

    图  3  2019年6月(洪季)(a)和10月(枯季)(b)东、西汊流速流向和潮位特征

    Fig.  3  The characteristic of flow velocity, direction and tidal level at east and west branches in June (flood season) (a) and October (dry season) (b) 2019

    图  4  洪枯季涨落潮流速、历时差异

    Fig.  4  The flood and ebb tide flow, duration difference at wet and dry seasons

    图  5  平面环流的时空分布特征

    Fig.  5  Temporal and spatial distribution characteristic of the plane circulation

    图  6  重力环流时空变化特征

    Fig.  6  Temporal and spatial variations characterisitic of gravity circulation

    图  7  垂向河口余流的时空变化特征

    Fig.  7  Temporal and spatial variations characteristic of vertical residual flow

    表  1  测站位置表

    Tab.  1  The field measured sites

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    表  2  珠江口原型观测站磨刀门水域测站平均流速和流向

    Tab.  2  The statistical data of average flow velocity and direction at Modaomen based on the prototype observation platform in Zhujiang River Estuary

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