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黄家辉 谢玲玲 李强 李敏

黄家辉,谢玲玲,李强,等. eSQG方法在南海垂向流速诊断中的应用研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):55–69 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022153
引用本文: 黄家辉,谢玲玲,李强,等. eSQG方法在南海垂向流速诊断中的应用研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):55–69 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022153
Huang Jiahui,Xie Lingling,Li Qiang, et al. Application of eSQG method in vertical velocity diagnosis in the South China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):55–69 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022153
Citation: Huang Jiahui,Xie Lingling,Li Qiang, et al. Application of eSQG method in vertical velocity diagnosis in the South China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):55–69 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022153


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022153
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42276019,41776034);广东省普通高校创新团队项目(2019KCXTF021);广东省高冲一流专项(080503032101,231420003)。




  • 中图分类号: P731.21

Application of eSQG method in vertical velocity diagnosis in the South China Sea

  • 摘要: 本文利用OFES模式0.1°×0.1°高分辨率温盐、流速和海面高度(SSH)数据,分析eSQG方法在南海垂向流速诊断中的适用性和南海垂向流速的时空变化特征。结果表明,基于SSH和eSQG的诊断垂向流速ωeSQG与OFES模拟“真值”垂向流速ωOFES整体量级基本相当,为O(10−5 m/s),空间上呈现北强南弱。深海盆(水深大于1 000 m)ωeSQGωOFES的水平空间分布的相关系数rs在次表层150 m左右达到最大,高于南海全海域的空间相关系数,表明eSQG在远离边界的深水区更有效。季节上,ωeSQG总体夏强冬弱,与ωOFES的相关系数rs冬季大、夏季小,表明eSQG更适用于冬季南海垂向流速的诊断。eSQG诊断垂向流速在台湾西南部和越南以东适用性更高,与ωOFES的时间相关系数rt超过0.6;海盆南部和西北部陆架区诊断效果较差,时间相关系数rt多小于0.2。同一区域ωeSQGωOFES空间相关系数存在18~55 d的周期变化。分析显示,海面高度与海面密度同相位分布时,ωeSQG与“真值”ωOFES更接近。时间分辨率对eSQG诊断效果几乎无影响,空间分辨率降低到0.25°时rs整体增大,说明eSQG在中尺度诊断效果更好。
  • 图  1  2012年3月29日黑潮延伸体400 m深度ωeSQG(a)和ωOFES(b)的水平分布,ωeSQGωOFES的空间相关系数rs的垂向时间序列(c)以及年平均结果(d)


    Fig.  1  Horizontal distribution of vertical velocity ωeSQG (a) and ωOFES (b) at 400 m in the Kuroshio Extension area on 29 March 2012, time series (c) and yearly average (d) of vertical profiles of spatial correlation coefficient rs between ωeSQG and ωOFES in the area

    The black line in panel c denotes the area-averaged mixed layer depth,the red line in panel d represents the yearly-mean mixed layer depth, and the cyan shading denotes the standard deviations

    图  2  单日(2012年5月16日,a−c)、年平均(d−f)、夏季(g−i)、冬季(j−l)南海100 m深度ωeSQGωOFES和二者差值的水平分布

    黑色线表示100 m和1 000 m等深线

    Fig.  2  Horizontal distribution of ωeSQG, ωOFES and their difference at 100 m in the South China Sea on 16 May 2012 (a−c), in the whole year (d−f), summer (g−i) and winter (j−l)

    Black lines denote the 100 m and 1 000 m isobath

    图  3  南海全域和深水区ωeSQGωOFES的空间相关系数$r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $(a−b)和$r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $(c−d)的垂向时间序列及其年平均


    Fig.  3  Time series and yearly average of vertical profiles of correlation coefficient $r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $ and $r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $ between ωeSQG and ωOFES in the whole South China Sea (a−b) and the deep basin (c−d)

    Black dashed lines denote the area-averaged mixed layer depth, cyan shadings denote the standard deviations

    图  4  南海50 m(a)和100 m(b)层各网格点上2012年3月至2013年2月ωeSQGωOFES的时间相关系数rt的水平分布

    黑色线表示100 m和1 000 m等深线

    Fig.  4  Horizontal distribution of temporal correlation rt between ωeSQG and ωOFES at 50 m (a) and 100 m (b) in the South China Sea from March 2012 to February 2013

    Black lines denote the 100 m and 1000 m isobath

    图  5  R1–R5区ωeSQGωOFES空间相关系数rs的垂向时间序列及其年平均和季节平均结果


    Fig.  5  Time series, yearly average and seasonal average of correlation rs between ωeSQG and ωOFES in regions from R1 to R5

    Black lines denote the box-averaged mixed layer depth, horizontal bars and cyan shadings denote the standard deviations

    图  6  R1–R5区ωeSQGωOFES空间相关系数rs的概率分布及其功率谱

    Fig.  6  Probability distribution and power spectra of correlation rs between ωeSQG and ωOFES in regions R1 to R5

    图  7  9 d时间分辨率南海ωeSQGωOFES的空间相关系数$r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $$r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $的垂向时间序列(a, d)及其年平均(b, e)和季节平均(c, f)

    黑色虚线表示平均混合层深度(a, d),横杠和阴影表示标准差(b–c, e–f)

    Fig.  7  Time series (a, d), yearly average (b, e) and seasonal average (c, f) of correlation $r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $ and $r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $ between ωeSQG and ωOFES in the South China Sea derived from data with temporal resolution of 9 days

    Black dashed lines denote the area-averaged mixed layer depth (a, d), horizontal bars and color shadings denote the standard deviations (b–c, e–f)

    图  8  0.25o空间分辨率南海ωeSQGωOFES的空间相关系数$r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $$r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $的垂向时间序列(a, d)及其年平均(b, e)和季节平均(c, f)

    黑色虚线表示平均混合层深度(a, d),横杠和阴影表示标准差(b–c, e–f)

    Fig.  8  Time series (a, d), yearly average (b, e) and seasonal average (c, f) of correlation $r^s_{{\rm{total}}} $ and $r^s_{{\rm{deep}}} $ between ωeSQG and ωOFES in the South China Sea derived from data with horizontal resolution of 0.25o

    Black dashed lines denote the area-averaged mixed layer depth (a, d), horizontal bars and color shadings denote the standard deviations (b–c, e–f)

    图  9  年平均、夏季和冬季南海100 m深度相对涡度的水平分布

    黑色线表示100 m等深线

    Fig.  9  Horizontal distribution of relative vorticity at 100 m in the South China Sea in the whole year, summer and winter

    Black line denotes 100 m isobath

    图  10  R1区海面高度(SSH)(a)、ωeSQG(b)和ωOFES(c)谱分析结果

    Fig.  10  Power spectra of sea surface height (SSH) (a), ωeSQG (b), and ωOFES (c) in the Region R1

    图  11  负相关期、低相关期和高相关期R1区海面高度(SSH)和海面密度(SSD)的水平分布

    Fig.  11  Horizontal distribution of sea surface height (SSH) and surface sea density (SSD) in the Region R1 during period of negative correlation, low correlation and high correlation

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