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郭一栋 林杭杰 于谦 樊一阳 罗科 王韫玮 高金耀 高抒

郭一栋,林杭杰,于谦,等. 基于无人机SfM摄影测量的海岸盐沼前缘形态变化研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):148–160 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022147
引用本文: 郭一栋,林杭杰,于谦,等. 基于无人机SfM摄影测量的海岸盐沼前缘形态变化研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(12):148–160 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022147
Guo Yidong,Lin Hangjie,Yu Qian, et al. Morphology of coastal salt marsh margins: a study using UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):148–160 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022147
Citation: Guo Yidong,Lin Hangjie,Yu Qian, et al. Morphology of coastal salt marsh margins: a study using UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(12):148–160 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022147


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022147
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41676077, 42076172);2021江苏省自然资源发展专项资金(海洋科技创新)项目(JSZRHYKJ202115)




  • 中图分类号: P737.1

Morphology of coastal salt marsh margins: a study using UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry

  • 摘要: 海岸盐沼前缘作为盐沼和光滩间的过渡带,在垂向剖面上呈现光滑、过渡、陡坎3种地貌类型,在平面岸线上也展现出不同的曲直特征。受到自然过程和人类活动的影响,盐沼前缘这一高度动态的生物地貌系统变化迅速,而高分辨率观测数据的缺乏使得这种变化难以得到充分认识。无人机SfM(Structure from Motion)摄影测量具有高分辨率、非侵入、可重复和低成本的优点,为解决上述问题提供可能。我们在江苏省盐城市大丰区海岸盐沼开展两次无人机调查,获取厘米级分辨率正射影像和地形数据。在高精度数据支持下,成功确定盐沼前缘位置,划分前缘类型,并定量刻画地形变化。研究发现:光滑和陡坎前缘占优势,形态稳定;光滑前缘平面轮廓复杂,后退速率小,过渡和陡坎前缘轮廓平直,后退明显;过渡前缘地形变化剧烈,向陡坎前缘转变。这项工作证明无人机SfM摄影测量适用于高效精准量化盐沼前缘形态,为认识盐沼前缘形态演化过程提供新视角。
  • 图  1  江苏省盐城市大丰区研究区位置(背景为2018年2月3日的Landsat-8卫星影像)(a)、航测调查区域和地面控制点及检查点分布情况(底图为2021年3月航测正射影像)(b)以及人工标志物照片(c,d)

    Fig.  1  Location of the study area at Dafeng, Jiangsu, China (satellite imagery from Landsat-8 data, acquired on February 3, 2018) (a), the area of aerial surveys and ground control points (GCPs) and check points (CPs) used for aerial surveys, (background is the orthomosaic from UAV, acquired on March 2021) (b) and examples of ground artificial markers (c, d)

    图  2  2020年9月(a)和2021年3月(b)航测获得的照片位置

    Fig.  2  Allocation of images acquired during September 2020 (a) and March 2021 (b)

    图  3  验证点分布情况(背景为2021年3月正射影像)(a)、RTK地面高程同地表高程模型对比(b−g)和S1–S5短剖面上验证点的详细分布(底图为2020年9月正射影像)(h−l)


    Fig.  3  Distribution of validation points (background is the March 2021 orthomosaic) (a), RTK elevation is compared with digital surface model (b−g) and the detailed distribution of validation points on the S1–S5 short profiles (background is the September 2020 orthomosaic) (h−l)

    Due to the dense distribution of validation points in S1−S5 short profiles, the yellow rectangle corresponds the position of the short profile

    图  4  不同类型盐沼前缘分布情况

    a. 2020年9月;b. 2021年3月,红色矩形为过渡前缘和陡坎前缘集中的区域,在两次观测期间形态变化剧烈,在图6图7中详细说明,白色十字形为光滑前缘转变为陡坎前缘的区域,航拍照片见图5;c. 光滑前缘航拍照片;d. 过渡前缘航拍照片;e. 陡坎前缘航拍照片

    Fig.  4  Distribution of the marginal classification of the salt marsh area

    a. September 2020; b. March 2021, the red rectangular boxes is the area where the transition margin and the cliff margin are concentrated, this area has a dramatic morphological change between the two surveys and is illustrated in detail in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the white cross is the area where the smooth margin transforms into the cliff margin, see Fig. 5 for aerial photos; c. photo of smooth margin; d. photo of the transition margin; e. photo of the cliff margin

    图  5  发生类型转换的盐沼前缘

    a. 2020年9月;b. 2021年3月,两图拍摄位置相同(图4白色十字形位置),分别表现出光滑前缘(a)和陡坎前缘(b)的特征

    Fig.  5  The salt marsh margins where the type conversion took place

    a. September 2020; b. March 2021, with the same shooting position (the position of white cross in Fig. 4), showed the characteristics of smooth margin (a) and cliff margin (b)

    图  6  2021年3月的正射影像(a)、2020年9月和2021年3月间红色矩形区域内前缘侵蚀速率的空间分布(b)和图b蓝色矩形区域的特写(c−e)


    Fig.  6  Orthomosaic in March 2021 (a), spatial distribution of erosion rates between September 2020 and March 2021 in the red rectangle area (b) and close-up views of the blue rectangular areas of the figure b (c−e)

    The red rectangle represents an area where the salt marsh margin is receding, the darker the color of the red circle, the greater the rate of erosion

    图  7  盐沼前缘位置明显后退的区域特写(a);区域1、区域2及区域3在2020年9月的坡度图(b,d,f);区域1、区域2及区域3在2021年3月的坡度图(c,e,g); A–A'、B–B'和C–C' 剖面在2020年9月到2021年3月的DSM高程变化(h−j)


    Fig.  7  The close-up view of an area where the salt marsh margin is receding (a); slope maps for areas 1, 2 and 3 in September 2020 (b, d, f); slope maps for areas 1, 2 and 3 in March 2021 (c, e, g); DSM elevation changes for A–A', B–B' and C–C' profiles between September 2020 and March 2021 (h−j)

    The yellow dashed wireframe represents the position of the sub-area, the blue arrow represents the passage between the Spartina alterniflora patches, the green rectangle represents the position of the transition margin and the gray rectangle represents the foot position of the ramp of the transition margin

    图  8  图7中星标位置的航拍照片,过渡前缘出现了陡坎前缘的雏形

    Fig.  8  The aerial photographs at the starred locations in Fig. 7, the transition margin appears to have the beginnings of the cliff margin

    表  1  SfM摄影测量建模质量及精度

    Tab.  1  Quality assessment and geometric accuracy of SfM photogrammetry

    航测时间地面控制点数点云密度/(pts·m–2正射影像分辨率/(cm·pix–1DSM 分辨率/(cm·pix–1水平精度/cm垂向精度/cm总体精度/cm
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  不同类型盐沼前缘的长度

    Tab.  2  Length of different types of salt marsh margins

    2020年9月2 227.86291.73419.81
    2021年3月1 997.10289.00647.67
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  不同类型盐沼前缘的分形维数

    Tab.  3  Fractal dimension of different types of salt marsh margins

    下载: 导出CSV
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