Effect of environmental factors on fish distribution based on GAM and GWR model : A case study of Sillago sihama in the Shandong coastal waters
摘要: 多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)是山东近海重要的渔业种类之一。本研究根据2016年秋季(10月)在山东近海开展渔业资源底拖网调查取得的数据,分析该海域多鳞鱚的空间分布特征,并运用广义可加模型(GAM)和地理加权回归(GWR)模型探究影响其分布的因素及其与环境因子的非线性和空间非平稳性关系。GAM拟合结果显示,影响秋季多鳞鱚分布的环境因子主要有水深、底层水温和底层盐度,水深的偏差解释率最大,为23.50%。GWR模型拟合结果显示,多鳞鱚分布与水深和底层水温之间存在空间非平稳性关系。水深与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈负相关关系,底层水温与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈正相关关系。赤池信息准则和决定系数(R2)指标对比结果显示,GWR模型的表现优于GAM,在渔业生态数据分析中表现出较好的发展潜力。本研究为今后开展渔业生物空间分布提供了一种新的方法。Abstract: Sillago sihama is an important fishery species in China and plays an important role in the marine ecosystem of the Yellow Sea. Species distribution models can be used to predict its distribution by establishing the relationships between its abundance and environmental factors. However, due to high mobility of the marine animals, the relationship between their distribution and environmental factors is often nonlinear and variable with spatial locations. Based on data collected from bottom trawl survey in the Shandong coastal waters in autumn of 2016, both generalized additive model (GAM) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model were used to analyze nonlinear and spatial nonstationary relationships between distribution of the species and environmental factors, and results from the two models were compared. Results from the GAM indicated that the main environmental factors were depth, sea bottom temperature and salinity, and depth had the largest deviance explained (23.50%). GWR model results showed that there were spatial non-stationary relationships between distribution of the species and depth and sea bottom temperature. GWR model results indicated a negative correlation between depth and biomass of the species, and a positive correlation between sea bottom temperature and biomass of species. Regarding performance of the models, GWR model showed advantages over GAM in identifying influencing factors and predicting distribution, and GWR model was recommended for use in similar applications.
图 5 GWR模型中水深(a)、底层海水温度(b)局部回归系数值的空间分布
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of regression coefficient values for depth (a) and sea bottom temperature (b) in the GWR model
Small open circles indicate absence of Sillago sihama; blue filled circles indicate a negative correlation with the environmental variables; red filled circles indicate a positive correlation with the environmental variables
表 1 GAM变量筛选及影响因子的参数分析
Tab. 1 The variable screening process for GAM and parameters analysis
模型因子 AIC值 偏差解释率/% R2 Depth 177.058 23.50 0.222 SBS 201.342 11.00 0.096 SBT 199.252 13.10 0.113 Depth+SBS 170.596 28.70 0.264 Depth+SBT 169.368 29.80 0.272 Depth+SBT+SBS 168.113 31.87 0.285 表 2 多鳞鱚空间分布的环境影响因子的GWR模型筛选过程
Tab. 2 Forward-selection procedure of GWR model for environmental influencing factors on spatial distribution of Sillago sihama
模型 AIC值 R 2 带宽 Depth 126.478 0.446 0.099 SBS 139.011 0.387 0.154 SBT 135.911 0.405 0.104 Depth+SBS 130.291 0.426 0.167 Depth+SBT 126.296 0.449 0.113 SBS+ SBT 137.733 0.398 0.163 Depth+SBS+SBT 129.613 0.436 0.167 表 3 最优GWR模型局部参数估计汇总统计
Tab. 3 Summary statistics of the local parameter estimates for the optimal GWR model
变量 最小值 1/4分位数 中位数 3/4分位数 最大值 p 正相关/% 负相关/% 截距 −13.722 −3.901 1.265 1.814 7.805 <0.01 32.8 67.2 底层海水温度 −0.349 −0.066 −0.039 0.249 0.755 <0.01 68.8 31.2 水深 −0.028 −0.015 −0.009 −0.005 0.029 <0.01 23.4 76.6 -
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