Researches on regulatory mechanism of algal bloom size structure in eutrophic estuarine water
摘要: 为探究富营养河口水体藻华粒级结构的调控机制,本研究利用枯水期珠江口上游河水、下游海水及其等比例混合水进行培养实验,跟踪监测水体中叶绿素a和营养盐的浓度变化,并利用稀释实验估算藻类生长速率(μ)和小型浮游动物的摄食速率(m),以阐明上行控制(营养盐刺激)和下行控制(摄食影响)对藻类粒级结构的影响。结果显示:营养加富能增加藻类的生物量,藻类群落的优势粒级由超微型和微型转换为小型;加富河水中μ维持2~3 d高值后下降,速率为(1.13±0.37)d−1,加富海水中μ逐步增加,速率为(1.06±0.16)d−1,加富混合水中μ轻微波动,速率为(0.58±0.14)d−1,总体上小型藻类μ最大。3组加富水体中m总体均先增大后下降,粒级差异不明显。藻类被小型浮游动物摄食率(m/μ)随粒级增大而减小,说明富营养刺激大粒级的生长,大粒级面临的被摄食压力较小。m/μ随藻类每日的比生长速率(µChl a)降低而增加,说明藻华前期由上行控制主导,后期下行控制作用相对加强。本研究表明,富营养化不仅能够改变藻华的生物量,而且能影响其粒级结构,初步阐明了富营养河口水体中藻华粒级结构的调控机制。Abstract: In order to examine the regulatory mechanism of size structure of algal blooms in eutrophic estuarine waters, we used river water, sea water and their mixed water in Zhujiang River Estuary during dry season and conducted incubation experiments to examine changes of nutrients and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations. Algal growth rate (μ) and microzooplankton grazing rate (m) were estimated by dilution experiments to examine the effects of bottom-up (nutrients stimulation) and top-down control (microzooplankton grazing) on size structure of algal blooms. We found that nutrient additions increased the peak of Chl a concentration, and phytoplankton community dominance changed from picophytoplankton and nanophytoplankton to microphytoplankton. Generally, μ kept high in the first 2 to 3 days and then declined (1.13±0.37) per day in nutrient added river water; μ kept increasing (1.06±0.16) per day in nutrient added sea water and slightly fluctuated (0.58±0.14) per day in nutrient added mixed water with microphytoplankton having the highest μ. In contrast, m increased in the first 2 days or 3 days and then decreased, and there were no size differences in all treatments. The microzooplankton grazing vs algal growth (m/μ) increased from microphytoplankton, nanophytoplankton, to picophytoplankton, indicating that larger size phytoplankton were under less top-down control. In addition, m/μ increased as daily algal specific growth rate decreased, indicating that bottom-up control played a stimulating role at early stage, and the top-down control played a more important role in the late stage of algal blooms. This study suggests that eutrophication can make a difference in both the magnitudes and size structure of algal blooms in estuarine waters.
Key words:
- algal blooms /
- size structure /
- bottom-up control /
- top-down control /
- eutrophic estuary
图 3 培养实验中营养加富的海水、混合水和河水中3种粒级藻类和总体的生长速率(µ)、小型浮游动物的摄食速率(m)以及藻类被小型浮游动物的摄食率(m/μ)
Fig. 3 Microzooplankton grazing rates (m), algal growth rates (µ) and the consumption ratios of phytoplankton by microzooplankton (m/µ) for three size fractionation phytoplankton and total phytoplankton during the incubation in nutrient added sea water, mixed water and river water
The error bars indicate standard deviation
图 4 在营养加富的海水、混合水和河水中小型浮游动物的摄食速率(m)和藻类的生长速率(µ)关系
Fig. 4 Relationships between microzooplankton grazing rates (m) and algal growth rates (µ) in nutrient added sea water, mixed water and river water
The solid line indicates a significant regression (p<0.05), the regressions are not significant in both nutrient added mixed water and river water, but significant in nutrient added sea water (R2=0.389) and the total three-salinity water (black line) (R2=0.137)
图 5 在营养加富的海水、混合水和河水中3种粒级的藻类被小型浮游动物摄食率(m/µ)(A)及3种粒级藻类叶绿素a浓度在培养初始和结束时各自占比(B)
Fig. 5 Ratios of three size fractionation phytoplankton consumed by microzooplankton (m/µ) (A) and percentages of three size fractionation Chl a concentration to total Chl a concentration in the initial and end incubation (B) in the nutrient added sea water, mixed water and river water
The error bars indicate standard deviation; different letters indicate significant differences
图 6 在营养加富的海水、混合水和河水中藻类的比生长速率(µChl a)和其被小型浮游动物摄食率(m/µ)的关系
Fig. 6 Relationships between algal specific growth rates (µChl a) and their ratios consumed by microzooplankton (m/µ) in the nutrient added sea water, mixed water and river water
The solid line indicates a significant regression (p<0.05) and R2=0.385
表 1 培养实验中自然和营养加富的河水、混合水和海水的总无机氮(TIN)、磷酸盐(P)的浓度变化(平均值±标准偏差,单位:µmol/kg)
Tab. 1 The concentrations (mean±SD, unit: µmol/kg) of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and phosphate (P) during the incubation in natural and nutrient added river water, mixed water and sea water
培养时间/d 河水 加富河水 混合水 加富混合水 海水 加富海水 总无机氮(TIN) 0 150.32±2.53 200.18±3.12 90.66±1.85 206.95±3.51 26.36±2.52 144.89±3.60 1 124.31±3.18 169.01±1.04 89.64±0.08 178.95±6.10 20.49±1.69 131.06±0.41 2 84.63±1.30 144.69±1.14 72.05±7.12 141.77±0.66 15.68±0.53 116.64±2.49 3 72.24±1.37 123.19±1.62 68.49±2.56 113.16±1.01 12.19±1.11 108.28±0.57 4 48.21±2.45 113.38±9.48 66.49±5.05 107.85±1.88 11.37±1.09 104.78±2.17 5 47.05±4.65 103.14±0.49 48.45±3.65 89.55±2.41 1.25±0.05 86.10±1.23 磷酸盐(P) 0 0.80±0.11 7.01±0.12 0.57±0.04 6.83±0.24 0.38±0.02 6.56±0.20 1 0.26±0.01 6.68±0.62 0.31±0.01 6.64±0.13 0.28±0.02 6.38±0.41 2 0.12±0.01 6.02±0.48 0.29±0.01 4.85±0.22 0.34±0.01 6.01±0.34 3 0.12±0.01 3.51±0.29 0.26±0.01 4.55±0.05 0.33±0.03 5.87±0.17 4 0.15±0.02 1.19±0.10 0.28±0.01 3.30±0.05 0.34±0.01 5.60±0.06 5 0.18±0.02 0.56±0.02 0.31±0.01 1.14±0.21 0.30±0.02 5.08±0.05 -
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