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徐瑶瑶 屈科 黄竞萱 蓝港芸 刘铁威 温博浩

徐瑶瑶,屈科,黄竞萱,等. 聚焦波作用下透水潜堤消波特性数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):121–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022127
引用本文: 徐瑶瑶,屈科,黄竞萱,等. 聚焦波作用下透水潜堤消波特性数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):121–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022127
Xu Yaoyao,Qu Ke,Huang Jingxuan, et al. Numerical simulation of wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater under focused wave[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):121–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022127
Citation: Xu Yaoyao,Qu Ke,Huang Jingxuan, et al. Numerical simulation of wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater under focused wave[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):121–132 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022127


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022127
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51839002);湖南省自然科学优秀青年基金(2021JJ20043);湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目(2019A024)



    屈科,副教授,主要从事波浪水动力数值模拟研究。E-mail: kqu@csust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TV139.2+5

Numerical simulation of wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater under focused wave

  • 摘要: 基于非静压数值计算模型,本文系统研究了聚焦波作用下透水潜堤的消波特性,通过设置合理的计算工况,详细分析了波高、堤顶水深、谱峰周期、孔隙率以及堤顶宽度5种因素对透水潜堤消波特性的影响。与此同时,本文将透水潜堤的计算结果同不透水潜堤的计算结果进行了对比分析。计算结果表明:透水潜堤对聚焦波的消减作用要强于不透水潜堤,从而说明,透水潜堤能更有效地降低畸形波对海岸基础设施的影响;波高和堤顶水深是影响潜堤消波特性的重要因素,随入射波高增加、堤顶水深减小,透水潜堤对波浪的消减作用逐渐增强。透水潜堤对长周期波浪的消波效果较差。在本文考虑的孔隙率范围内,孔隙率越大,透水潜堤消波效果越好;当孔隙率为0.4,堤顶宽度为0.612 5 m时,透水潜堤可消减54%的入射波能,比不透水潜堤对入射波能的消减增加36.1%。本文研究结果可为进一步认识透水潜堤的消波特性和海岸防护工程设计提供相应的参考。
  • 图  1  聚焦波与不透水潜堤作用数值计算布置

    Fig.  1  Computational layout of focused wave impacting impermeable breakwater

    图  2  聚焦波作用下不同水位测点自由液面时程曲线图

    Fig.  2  Time series of water elevation recorded at different wave gauges under focused wave

    图  3  规则波与透水潜堤作用数值计算布置

    Fig.  3  Computational layout of regular wave impacting permeable breakwater

    图  4  规则波作用下不同水位测点自由液面时程曲线图

    Fig.  4  Time series of water elevation recorded at different wave gauges under regular wave

    图  5  聚焦波与透水潜堤作用数值计算布置

    Fig.  5  Computation layout of focused wave impacting permeable breakwater

    图  6  不同水位测点自由液面时程曲线

    Fig.  6  Time series of water elevation recorded at different wave gauges

    图  7  不同时刻流场速度分布云图

    a, c:不透水潜堤;b, d:透水潜堤

    Fig.  7  Snapshots of water body velocity distribution at different time instances

    a, c: Impermeable breakwater; b, d: permeable breakwater

    图  8  聚焦波与潜堤作用最大波幅变化

    Fig.  8  Variations of the largest wave amplitude of focused wave along the breakwater

    图  9  水体动能(a)、势能(b)、总能量(c)时程曲线

    Fig.  9  Time series of kinetic energies (a), potential energies (b), total wave energies (c) of the whole water body

    图  10  不同波高条件下最大波幅衰减系数(DA)(a)和总能量耗散系数(DE)(b)变化

    Fig.  10  Variations of maximum amplitude attenuation coefficient (DA) (a) and total energy dissipation coefficient (DE) (b) under different wave height

    图  11  不同堤顶水深条件下最大波幅衰减系数(DA)(a)和总能量耗散系数(DE)(b)变化

    Fig.  11  Variations of maximum amplitude attenuation coefficient (DA) (a) and total energy dissipation coefficient (DE) (b) under different water depth above the submerged breakwater

    图  12  不同谱峰周期条件下最大波幅衰减系数(DA)(a) 和总能量耗散系数(DE)(b)变化

    Fig.  12  Variations of maximum amplitude attenuation coefficient (DA) (a) and total energy dissipation coefficient (DE) (b) under different spectral peak period

    图  13  不同孔隙率条件下最大波幅衰减系数(DA)(a)和总能量耗散系数(DE)(b)变化

    Fig.  13  Variations of maximum amplitude attenuation coefficient (DA) (a) and total energy dissipation coefficient (DE) (b) under different porosity

    图  14  不同堤顶宽度条件下最大波幅衰减系数(DA)(a)和总能量耗散系数(DE)(b)变化

    Fig.  14  Variations of maximum amplitude attenuation coefficient (DA) (a) and total energy dissipation coefficient (DE) (b) under different crest width of submerged breakwater

    表  1  验证工况参数

    Tab.  1  Parameter setup of verification conditions

    围$f{\text{/} }{ {\rm{H} }{\rm{z} } }$
    率${f_c}{\text{/} }{ {\rm{H} }{\rm{z} } }$
    $ {k_c}A $
    10.53, 1.130.830.030.0920.83, 2.60
    20.53, 1.130.830.060.1840.83, 2.60
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