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高温白化事件可提高涠洲岛澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)的耐热性

蒙林庆 黄雯 阳恩广 王永刚 许莉佳 余克服

蒙林庆,黄雯,阳恩广,等. 高温白化事件可提高涠洲岛澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)的耐热性[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(8):87–96 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022126
引用本文: 蒙林庆,黄雯,阳恩广,等. 高温白化事件可提高涠洲岛澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)的耐热性[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(8):87–96 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022126
Meng Linqing,Huang Wen,Yang Enguang, et al. High temperature bleaching events can increase thermal tolerance of Porites lutea in the Weizhou Island[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(8):87–96 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022126
Citation: Meng Linqing,Huang Wen,Yang Enguang, et al. High temperature bleaching events can increase thermal tolerance of Porites lutea in the Weizhou Island[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(8):87–96 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022126

高温白化事件可提高涠洲岛澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)的耐热性

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022126
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41866006,42090041);广西重大专项(桂科 AA17204074);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(PM-zx703-202002-034,PM-zx703-202004-143)。




  • 中图分类号: Q178.53

High temperature bleaching events can increase thermal tolerance of Porites lutea in the Weizhou Island

  • 摘要: 近年来,全球气候变暖引起的海水表层温度上升导致大规模珊瑚白化事件频繁发生,严重损害了珊瑚礁的生态健康。为了揭示白化事件对澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)耐热性的影响,进一步探索滨珊瑚对高温的生理响应,本研究对广西涠洲岛2020年夏季极端高温白化事件前、后的澄黄滨珊瑚进行了高温胁迫对比实验,并进行了生理生化指标分析。结果显示:(1)两组澄黄滨珊瑚对高温胁迫的响应模式一致,均表现为珊瑚触手收缩,虫黄藻密度、最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)和叶绿素a含量明显降低,抗氧化物(总超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶、还原型谷胱甘肽)和铵同化酶(谷氨酰胺合成酶)活性(含量)先升后降;(2)经历高温白化事件后的澄黄滨珊瑚生理指标表现更佳,其抗氧化物和铵同化酶都始终保持高的活性及灵敏的响应。这意味着涠洲岛的澄黄滨珊瑚经历高温白化事件后,可以通过提高抗氧化物和铵同化酶活性来提升耐热性,是其应对全球变暖的策略之一。本研究还揭示了涠洲岛澄黄滨珊瑚应对极端高温的生理响应模式,为珊瑚礁保护和生态修复提供了理论支持。
  • 图  1  采样区域和实验方法

    a. 红色星形为具体采样海域;b. 2020年涠洲岛海水日均温度由HOBO水下温度计实测记录,放置水深为4~6 m,红色箭头指2020年4月底和2020年9月底采样时间;c. 高温胁迫实验设计方法

    Fig.  1  Sampling locations and experimental method

    a. The red star is the sampling area;b. the average daily seawater temperature of Weizhou Island in 2020 was recorded by HOBO underwater thermometer (4−6 m), the red arrows indicate the sampling time at the end of April and the end of September 2020; c. method of high temperature stress experiment

    图  2  两组澄黄滨珊瑚在高温胁迫过程中的形态变化

    a1−a3. 未经白化事件;b1−b3. 经历白化事件

    Fig.  2  Morphological changes of the two groups of Porites lutea under high temperature stress

    a1−a3. Non-experiencing the bleaching event; b1−b3 experiencing the bleaching event

    图  3  两组澄黄滨珊瑚温度胁迫过程中生理指标的变化


    Fig.  3  Changes of physiological indexes of two groups of Porites lutea under temperature stress

    The error line is the standard error of the mean value of multiple repetitions, different letter annotations indicate significant differences by single-factor ANOVA analysis (p<0.05)

    图  4  两组澄黄滨珊瑚温度胁迫过程中抗氧化物活性(含量)的变化


    Fig.  4  Changes of antioxidant activity (content) of two groups of Porites lutea under temperature stress

    The error line is the standard error of the mean value of multiple repetitions, different letter annotations indicate significant differences by single-factor ANOVA analysis (p<0.05)

    图  5  两组澄黄滨珊瑚温度胁迫过程中铵同化酶(GS)活性的变化


    Fig.  5  Changes of ammonium assimilation enzyme (GS) activities of two groups of Porites lutea under temperature stress

    The error line is the standard error of the mean value of multiple repetitions, different letter annotations indicate significant differences by single-factor ANOVA analysis (p<0.05)

    图  6  澄黄滨珊瑚对高温的响应模式


    Fig.  6  Response pattern of Porites lutea to high temperature

    The orange and red arrows represent the changes of corresponding indexs on the third day at 30℃ and 34℃ respectively, and the arrow directions represent the ascending and descending trend

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