The morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies of a new record Gymnothorax species in the coastal waters of China: Gymnothorax mucifer
摘要: 本研究于2020−2021年在福建省厦门市近海水产市场采集到4尾黏裸胸鳝样品,为中国大陆近海新记录种。此前,该物种仅在澳大利亚、夏威夷等地有分布记录,并被认为是蠕纹裸胸鳝同种异名。本研究对采集的黏裸胸鳝进行详细形态特征分析,结合DNA条形码COI基因进行分子鉴定及系统进化关系分析。黏裸胸鳝的主要鉴别特征:体为黄棕色,头部前端淡紫色,身体布满细长、稀疏、弥散的树枝状不规则棕色斑纹,斑纹颜色靠近尾部加深加粗,形成网格状;臀鳍边缘白色,近尾部变为一列连续白色斑点;全长为体长的1.01倍,为头长的8.00~8.39倍;上颌齿每侧8~10个,下颌齿每侧14~20个,中央齿细长,均为单行;总椎骨数为117~139,平均椎骨式为6-47-130。基于COI基因分析,黏裸胸鳝与蠕纹裸胸鳝的遗传距离为0.074,大于Herbert设定的2%(0.020)作为区分不同物种最小遗传距离,表明两者应为不同的物种。形态上,两种裸胸鳝也存在差异特征,如黏裸胸鳝的斑纹较细长、稀疏、不明显,头部前端偏淡紫色,臀鳍白色边缘近尾部断裂成系列连续白色斑点;蠕纹裸胸鳝的斑纹粗大明显、颜色较深,头部前端黄白色,臀鳍白色边缘连续至尾尖。研究结果可为我国裸胸鳝属鱼类的系统分类及物种名录的修订提供分类基础。Abstract: In this study, four samples of Gymnothorax mucifer were collected from the fishery market of Xiamen City, Fujian Province during the year 2020 to 2021, which were newly recorded in the coastal waters of China. Previously, the species had only been recorded in Australia and Hawaii, and was considered to be a synonym of Gymnothorax kidako. Detailed morphological characteristics of four G. mucifer species were analyzed, and the molecular identifications as well as phylogenetic constructions were also carried out basing on DNA barcode COI gene in this study. The main distinguishing characteristics of G. mucifer were as follow: the colour of the body was yellowish brown, the front of the head was slightly purple, the whole body was covered with slender, sparse, irregular branch-liked brown marking and the markings became darker and thicker near the tail, forming clear net-liked patterns; the margin on the anal fin was white, and became serial pale blotches on posterior part of the tail; total length was 1.01 times of standard length and 8.00−8.39 times of head length; the maxillary teeth were 8−10 and dentary teeth were 14−20 on each side, both teeth were uniserial; the median inter maxillary teeth were slender and uniserial; the total vertebrae were 117−139 and mean vertebral formula was 6-47-130. Basing on the COI gene analysis, the genetic distance between G. mucifer and G. kidako was 0.074, which was greater than the value 2% (0.020) suggested by Herbert as minimum genetic distance value to distinguishing different species, revealing that the two species might be two independent species. Morphologically, G. mucifer could also be distinguished from G. kidako by certain external characteristic: the body markings of G. mucifer were slender, sparse and inconspicuous, the front of the head was slightly purple, and the white margin of the anal fin broke into series of pale blotches on posterior part of the tail; the markings of G. kidako were obvious and thick with darker colour, the front of the head was yellow-white, the white margin on the anal fin continuous to the tip of the tail. The results of the study provided a taxonomic basis for the systematic classification and the species list revision of the Gymnothorax fish in our country.
Key words:
- Gymnothorax mucifer /
- new record species /
- morphological characters /
- DNA barcoding
图 2 对比种类
a. 蠕纹裸胸鳝(福建厦门);b. 雪花斑裸胸鳝(广东深圳);c. 云纹裸胸鳝(广东汕头);d. 埃玛氏裸胸鳝(福建漳州);e. 白斑裸胸鳝(福建厦门)
Fig. 2 Comparison species
a. Gymnothorax kidado (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) (Xiamen City, Fujian Province); b. Gymnothorax niphostigmus (Chen, Shao & Chen, 1996) (Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province); c. Gymnothorax chilospilus (Bleeker, 1864) (Shantou City, Guangdong Province); d. Gymnothorax emmae (Prokofiev, 2010) (Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province); e. Gymnothorax prionodon (Ogilby, 1895) (Xiamen City, Fujian Province)
图 3 黏裸胸鳝外部可量性状示意图
AL. 全长;AK. 体长;OP. 体高;AG. 头长;MN. 头高;AC. 吻长;AE. 上颌长;BE. 下颌长;CD. 眼径;DG. 眼后头长;AF. 背鳍前距;AJ. 臀鳍前距;FK. 背鳍基长;JK. 臀鳍基长;AH. 肛前体长;IK. 肛后体长;眼间距以实际测量数据为准,未在图中标注
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of external measurable traits of Gymnothorax mucifer
AL. Total length; AK. body length; OP. body depth; AG. head length; MN. head depth; AC. snout length; AE. upper jaw length; BE. lower jaw length; CD. eye diameter; DG. postorbital length; AF. predorsal length; AJ. preanal length; FK. base of the dorsal fin; JK. base of the anal fin; AH. distance from anus to snout; IK. distance from anus to cuadal tip; the interorbital width is subject to the actual measurement data and is not marked in the figure
表 1 本研究分析的裸胸鳝COI基因序列信息
Tab. 1 Information of the COI sequences of Gymnothorax species cited in this study
物种名 样品来源 样品编号 黏裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax mucifer福建厦门 GMFJXM1−GMFJXM4 GenBank MH400951−MH400958 GenBank HM422395 雪花斑裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax niphostigmus广东深圳 GDSZ GenBank MF774814−MF774816 蠕纹裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax kidako福建厦门 FJXM GenBank MH400959−MH400960 GenBank MF774817 白斑裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax prionodon福建厦门 FJXM GenBank KU885609 GenBank MF774818 埃玛氏裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax emmae福建漳州 FJZZ 广东深圳 GDSZ GenBank MK777089 云纹裸胸鳝
Gymnothorax chilospilus广东汕头 GDST1,GDST2 GenBank JQ431797 GenBank KU942754 GenBank JQ431795 GenBank MK658499 GenBank MK657751 GenBank KU942753 斑马裸海鳝
Gymnomuraena zebra海南三亚 HNSY1,HNSY2 表 2 黏裸胸鳝形态性状测量数据
Tab. 2 Morphometric measurement information of Gymnothorax mucifer
测量性状 本研究 模式
n=1全长/mm 537 617 515 600 715+ 246~666 体长/mm 534 610 512 596 − − 体高/mm 42 56 45 56 − 22~50 头长/mm 64 74 62 75 − 33~76 头高/mm 39 46 43 42 − − 吻长/mm 13 12 12 14 − − 上颌长/mm 35 34 34 40 − 17~40 下颌长/mm 38 40 37 45 − 18~42 眼径/mm 6 7 5 7 − 4~6 眼间距/mm 6 11 6 9 − 4~8 眼后头长/mm 44 56 46 53 − − 背鳍前距/mm 57 58 48 55 − 25~55 臀鳍前距/mm 255 286 245 285 − − 背鳍基长/mm 479 552 459 550 − − 臀鳍基长/mm 277 319 263 343 − − 肛前体长/mm 243 275 234 270 − 117~277 肛后体长/mm 286 332 275 325 − − 背鳍鳍
条数408 400 367 293 − − 臀鳍鳍
条数286 283 213 263 − − 背前脊椎
骨数7 8 4 6 5 4~6 肛门前
脊椎骨数56 43 43 44 53 51~55 总脊椎
骨数139 126 117 137 123+ 130~138 前颌齿1 6 6~8 4 5 6 5~7 中央齿1 3 3 2 4 3 2~3 犁骨齿1 6 9 3 6 10 5~14 上颌齿
外侧18~10 10 10 10 15~16 11~18 内侧1 4 4 0 0 − 1~4 下颌齿1 17~20 14~15 20 14~15 23~24 21~27 注:1仅表示牙齿单侧数据;“−”表示无数据;“+”表示原本存在但缺失的数据,数据较715 mm和123大。 表 3 黏裸胸鳝与相关近缘裸胸鳝形态特征比较
Tab. 3 Comparion analysis of morphological characteristics among Gymnothorax mucifer and related Gymnothorax species
黏裸胸鳝 蠕纹裸胸鳝 雪花斑裸胸鳝 埃玛氏裸胸鳝 云纹裸胸鳝 白斑裸胸鳝 身体颜色 黄棕色 黄色或棕色 红棕色 黄色或黄褐色 黄褐色至黑褐色 红褐色 身体斑纹 密布细小、稀疏的树
棕色斑块状或树枝状密布较大、模糊不规则白斑 头部斑纹 吻偏紫色,其后黄棕色,
不规则斑纹臀鳍边缘 白色,不延续至尾端 白色,延续至尾端 白色,延续至尾端 褐色 白色 红褐色,有白色斑点 分布范围 太平洋:中国、新喀
越南、日本等越南 印度−太平洋:中国、
印度、澳大利亚等西太平洋:中国、日本、澳大利亚等 表 4 基于COI基因序列6种裸胸鳝的种内及种间遗传距离
Tab. 4 Intra-specific and inter-specific genetic distance among 6 Gymnothorax species for COI sequences
种名 黏裸胸鳝 雪花斑裸胸鳝 蠕纹裸胸鳝 白斑裸胸鳝 埃玛氏裸胸鳝 云纹裸胸鳝 黏裸胸鳝 0.008 雪花斑裸胸鳝 0.051 0.006 蠕纹裸胸鳝 0.074 0.063 0.007 白斑裸胸鳝 0.095 0.093 0.086 0.019 埃玛氏裸胸鳝 0.110 0.106 0.087 0.111 0.007 云纹裸胸鳝 0.146 0.164 0.157 0.162 0.160 0.007 注:对角线数字表示种内遗传距离;对角线下表示种间遗传距离。 -
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