Source and sedimentary process of 239+240Pu in the eastern China seas
摘要: 本文对东海及毗邻海域中239+240Pu比活度、240Pu/239Pu原子比值和239+240Pu累积通量或沉积通量数据进行整理,首次从大气沉降、海水中、生物体中、沉积物捕获器中以及沉积物中的239+240Pu 5个方面阐述了东海及毗邻海域中239+240Pu的地球化学行为。研究结果表明,全球大气沉降和太平洋核试验场输入的239+240Pu是东海海水和沉积物中239+240Pu的两个主要来源;在长江径流、浙闽沿岸流、台湾暖流、黑潮与上升流等水团的混合作用以及清除作用的影响下,东海近岸海水中239+240Pu浓度在时间上呈现被清除而减少的趋势,相应近岸浅水区沉积物中239+240Pu的埋藏深度高于远岸深水海域。在黑潮入侵和上升流的作用下,冲绳海槽区尤其是台湾岛东北部,沉积物中的239+240Pu比活度与沉积通量显著增大。同时,利用东海表层沉积物中239+240Pu比活度和240Pu/239Pu原子比值的相关关系证实了台湾东北部黑潮底层分支流的存在,并指示出台湾暖流与黑潮底层分支流可能交汇的海域位置。
- 239+240Pu /
- 240Pu/239Pu /
- 东海 /
- 沉积物 /
- 海水
Abstract: This study compiled the data of 239+240Pu specific activity, 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio and 239+240Pu flux or inventory in the East China Sea and adjacent waters. Based on the 239+240Pu concentration in atmospheric fallout, 239+240Pu in seawater, 239+240Pu in organisms, 239+240Pu in sediment trap and 239+240Pu in sediment, the geochemical behavior of 239+240Pu were explained in the East China Sea and adjacent waters. The results showed that global fallout and Pacific proving grounds close-in fallout were the two major sources of 239+240Pu. Under the influence of water masses such as the Changjing River diluted water, Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current, Taiwan Warm Current, Kuroshio Current and upwelling current, mixing effect and removal effect, the concentration of 239+240Pu in coastal waters of the East China Sea showed a trend of removal over time, the burial depth of 239+240Pu in the near shore sediments was deeper than that in the far sea area. In the northeast of Taiwan Island of China, the 239+240Pu specific activity and 239+240Pu inventory in Okinawa Trough increased significantly under the influence of Kuroshio current intrusion and upwelling current. At the same time, this study found that the relationship between 239+240Pu specific activity and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in surface sediments of the East China Sea, and confirmed the existence of a tributary of the Kuroshio bottom in northeastern Taiwan, and indicated the location where the Taiwan Warm Current and a tributary of the Kuroshio bottom may intersect.-
Key words:
- 239+240Pu /
- 240Pu/239Pu /
- East China Sea /
- sediment /
- seawater
表 1 东海及毗邻区239+240Pu样品的数据信息
Tab. 1 Data information about 239+240Pu samples in the East China Sea and adjacent waters
序号 239+240Pu样品类型 个数 测定方法 标样验证 采样时间 参考资料 1 海水(表层) 10* α能谱 n.a. 1981年 文献[6] 2 沉积物(表层)+海水(表层) 31 α能谱 n.a. 1971–1996年 MARIS 3 海水(柱样)+沉积物(柱样) 10 α能谱 n.a. 1987年前后 文献[7−8] 4 沉积物(柱样) 22 α能谱 IAEA-SD-N-1 1998年之前 文献[2] 5 悬浮颗粒物+沉积物(柱样) 5 α能谱 n.a. 1991年11月 文献[9] 6 沉积物(柱样) 34 α能谱 IAEA-SD-N-1 1996–1999年 文献[10] 7 生物体(中华哲水蚤) 1 α能谱 n.a. 1993–1996年 文献[11] 8 海水(表层) 22 α能谱 n.a. 1993–1996年 文献[1] 9 海水(柱样) 3 α能谱 n.a. 1993年10月 文献[12] 10 海水(表层) 16 α能谱 n.a. 1993–1994年 文献[13] 11 沉积物(柱样) 6 ICP-MS IAEA-133A,327,375 2000–2003年 文献[14] 12 沉积物(柱样) 6 ICP-MS IAEA-368 1992–1995年 文献[15] 13 沉积物(柱样) 1 AMS colAMS 2006年4月 文献[16] 14 沉积物(表层样+柱样) 21 SF-ICP-MS IAEA-368 2006年4月 文献[17] 15 沉积物(表层样+柱样) 29 ICP-MS X-II IAEA-376 2013年8月 文献[18] 16 海水(表层) 7 ICP-MS IAEA-384,395,443 2011年,2014–2015年 文献[19] 17 沉积物(表层样+柱样) 48 SF-ICP-MS IAEA-368 2013–2015年 文献[20] 18 沉积物(表层样) 8 SF-ICP-MS IAEA-368 2019年之前 文献[21] 注:*表示每个站位有2个平行样取平均值;n.a.表示从原文中无法获得;( )内表示具体的样品类型;MARIS表示海洋放射性核素信息系统(Marine Radioactivity Information System),参见。 -
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