A numerical simulation study on the response of tidal asymmetry to estuarine morphologies
摘要: 河口地貌形态对潮汐不对称性的产生和发展有着至关重要的作用。本文根据英国Humber河口数据建立了概化模型,研究了在同一纳潮量情况下,主槽断面形态、平面形态和河口收缩率对河口潮汐不对称性的影响。结果表明,较深的主槽能使相位差峰值出现较晚且峰值更大,从而影响局部区域的涨潮流强弱,主槽越浅,最大落潮流速越小,落潮所需历时越长,河口更倾向于涨潮主导,窄潮滩倾向于涨潮主导型,宽潮滩倾向于落潮主导型;平面形态沿程收缩且长度较长的河口涨潮主导型最强,此外,河口宽度沿程缩窄会加大主槽的余流流速,减小潮滩的余流流速;随着河口平面收缩率的增强,主槽的余流流速减小,潮滩余流流速增大,潮滩更倾向于涨潮主导。本文进一步丰富了河口地形地貌变化对潮汐不对称性影响的认识,可为河口区工程建设和管理维护提供科学依据。Abstract: Estuarine morphologies play an important role on tidal asymmetry. A two-dimensional numerical model is established with the Humber Estuary, UK as a reference site. A series of simulations are designed to examine the effects of the estuary cross-section shape, planform and convergence on the development of tidal asymmetry, whilst maintaining the same tidal prism. Model results show that deeper channels result in the lag and enhancement of phase difference whilst shallower channels result in a decline in the maximum ebb-tide velocity and longer period of ebb tide, and the estuary tends to be flood-dominated; narrow tidal flat tends to favour ebb dominance while broad tidal flat tends to favour flood dominance. Flood dominance is strongest in the convergent and long estuary. In addition, narrowing the estuary width will enhance the residual flow velocity of the main channel but weaken the residual flow velocity of the tidal flat. With the increase in estuary convergence, the residual flow velocity of the main channel increases but decreases on the tidal flat, and strengthen the flood dominance of the tidal flat. This paper further improves the research on the influence of estuary landforms on tidal asymmetry, which has certain guiding significance for reclamation and coastal engineering.
表 1 潮汐不对称性类型
Tab. 1 The type of tidal asymmetry
类型 垂直向 水平向 涨潮主导型 0°<$2\theta_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \theta_{{\rm{M}}_4}$<180° −90°<$2\phi_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \phi_{{\rm{M}}_4}$<90° 落潮主导型 180°(−180°)<$2\theta_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \theta_{{\rm{M}}_4}$<360°(0°) 90°<$2\phi_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \phi_{{\rm{M}}_4}$<270° 平衡状态 $2\theta_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \theta_{{\rm{M}}_4}$=0°或180° $2\phi_{{\rm{M}}_2} - \phi_{{\rm{M}}_4}$=90°或270° 表 2 不同断面形态模型汇总
Tab. 2 The summary of different cross sections
序号 名称 高水位时潮滩
深度/ma 理论模型 17 10.5 16.5 b 简化模型 16 10.5 12.3 c 宽潮滩+基准深度 18.5 8 12.3 宽潮滩+较深主槽 18.5 8 17.7 宽潮滩+较浅主槽 18.5 8 7.7 d 窄潮滩+基准深度 14 12.5 12.3 窄潮滩+较深主槽 14 12.5 17.7 窄潮滩+较浅主槽 14 12.5 7.7 表 3 不同平面形态模型汇总
Tab. 3 The summary of different plan forms
序号 平面形态 长度/km 纳潮量/m3 收缩长度/km 备注 a 指数型收缩(强) 80 1.47×109 18.3 4种平面形态口门处的
断面保持相同b 线性变化 36 1.47×109 − c 矩形 18.6 1.47×109 − d 指数型收缩(弱) 80 − 60 注:− 代表不包含数据。 表 4 不同断面形态河口的沿程相位差均值
Tab. 4 The along-channel averaged relative tidal phases of estuaries with different cross sections
序号 断面形态 平均沿程相位差
$2{\theta }_{\mathrm{M}_2}-{\theta }_{\mathrm{M}_4}$/(°)潮滩宽度 主槽深度 a 基准宽度 基准深度 52.55 b 较宽 基准深度 50.10 c 较宽 较深 45.51 d 较宽 较浅 56.10 e 较窄 基准深度 58.76 f 较窄 较深 55.93 g 较窄 较浅 60.65 表 5 不同平面形态的沿程相位差均值
Tab. 5 The along-channel averaged relative tidal phases of estuaries with different plan forms
河口平面形态 平均沿程相位差$2{\theta }_{\mathrm{M}_2}-{\theta }_{\mathrm{M}_4}$/(°) 指数型收缩平面 32.73 线性变化平面 13.37 矩形平面 6.68 弱收缩平面(收缩长度60 km) 21.40 强收缩平面(收缩长度18.3 km) 32.73 -
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