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陈宜展 曹永港 罗士浩 廖世智 邓丹 刘愉强 马媛

陈宜展,曹永港,罗士浩,等. 粤西阳江海域春夏季沿岸激流现象及机理分析[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022115
引用本文: 陈宜展,曹永港,罗士浩,等. 粤西阳江海域春夏季沿岸激流现象及机理分析[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(11):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022115
Chen Yizhan,Cao Yonggang,Luo Shihao, et al. Mechanism analysis of alongshore shock current phenomenon in Yangjiang sea area along the coast of western Guangdong in spring and summer[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022115
Citation: Chen Yizhan,Cao Yonggang,Luo Shihao, et al. Mechanism analysis of alongshore shock current phenomenon in Yangjiang sea area along the coast of western Guangdong in spring and summer[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(11):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022115


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022115
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42174013);广东省海洋经济发展(海洋六大产业)专项(粤自然资合[2021]38号)

    陈宜展(1984-),男,广东省阳江市人,高级工程师,主要从事近岸海洋动力和物理海洋方面研究。E-mail: chenyizhan@smst.gz.cn


    曹永港(1984-),高级工程师,主要从事海洋水文动力环境调查与分析及数值模拟研究。E-mail: caoyonggang@smst.gz.cn

  • 中图分类号: P731.21

Mechanism analysis of alongshore shock current phenomenon in Yangjiang sea area along the coast of western Guangdong in spring and summer

  • 摘要: 通过分析2018–2019年粤西阳江沿岸流海域多站点周年观测水文气象实测资料,发现2019年春季和夏季阳江沿岸流海域存在激流现象。研究结果表明:(1)2019年5月5日凌晨6时,观测站点2 m水深处流速达到164.7 cm/s,9 m水深处流速达到127.6 cm/s。2019年8月1日凌晨4时至5时,阳江沙扒海域2 m水深处流速达到161.8 cm/s,9 m水深处流速达到156.6 cm/s。(2)粤西沿岸流阳江20~30 m水深海域春夏季突发性强流具有典型的激流特征。激流在涨急时刻发生在海洋表层,持续2~4 h。(3)在西南风与东北风转换期间,粤西沿岸海域容易形成海水幅聚带,近岸海域海平面上升,外海海域海平面下降,强劲的自岸向外水平压强梯度力导致近岸海水加强向西运动,从而产生激流。
  • 图  1  阳江海域长周期观测站位置


    Fig.  1  Location map of long-term observation stations in Yangjiang sea area

    S1 Station is a wind observation station, and the observation time is from October 2018 to February 2020; T1 Station is a current, tide and wave observation station, and the observation time is from October 2018 to September 2019; T2 Station is a current observation station, and the observation time is from March 2019 to February 2020. The dotted line in the figure is the water depth (unit: m)

    图  2  T1站2018年10月至2019年9月观测期间每月最大流速

    Fig.  2  Maximum monthly current velocity of T1 Station during observation period from October 2018 to September 2019

    图  3  2019年5月S1站风矢量图(a)和T1站(b)、T2站(c)不同水深海流矢量变化过程

    Fig.  3  Wind vector diagram of Station S1 (a) and current vector change process of different water depth at Station T1 (b) and Station T2 (c) in May, 2019

    图  4  2019年8月S1站(a)风矢量和T1站(b)、T2站(c)不同水深海流矢量变化过程

    Fig.  4  Variation process of wind vector at Station S1 (a) and current vector at different water depths at Station T1 (b) and Station T2 (c) in August 2019

    图  5  T1站 2019年5月4日17:00至5月5日18:00海流矢量图

    Fig.  5  Current vector diagram of T1 Station from 17:00 on May 4 to 18:00 on May 5, 2019

    图  6  T1站 2019年7月31日17:00至8月1日18:00海流矢量图

    Fig.  6  Current vector diagram of T1 Station from 17:00 on July 31 to 18:00 on August 1, 2019

    图  7  2019年5月1日至10日激流期间S1站风速和T1站流速、潮高、平均波高变化过程

    Fig.  7  Variation process of wind speed at Station S1 and flow velocity, tide height and average wave height at Station T1 during shock current period from May 1 to 10, 2019

    图  8  2019年8月1日至10日激流期间S1站风速和T1站流速、潮高、平均波高变化过程

    Fig.  8  Variation process of wind speed at Station S1 and flow velocity, tide height and average wave height at Station T1 during shock current period from August 1 to 10, 2019

    图  9  2019年春季南海北部海表面温度和T1、T2站余流分布


    Fig.  9  Distribution of sea surface temperature and residual current at stations T1 and T2 in the northern South China Sea in the spring of 2019

    The left figures show the GHRSST remote sensing sea surface temperature, and the right figures show the surface residual current and bottom residual current at stations T1 and T2 on the same day (the area in the right figure is the area in the red box in the left figure)

    图  10  2019年春季南海北部激流期间AVISO表面高度异常和海表地转流

    Fig.  10  AVISO surface level anomaly and surface geostrophic current during the torrent in the northern South China Sea in spring 2019

    图  11  2019年夏季南海北部海表面温度和T1、T2站余流分布


    Fig.  11  Distribution of sea surface temperature and residual current at stations T1 and T2 in the northern South China Sea in the summer of 2019

    The left figures show the GHRSST remote sensing sea surface temperature, and the right figures show the surface residual current and bottom residual current at stations T1 and T2 on the same day (the area in the right figure is the area in the red box in the left figure)

    图  12  2019年夏季南海北部激流期间AVISO表面高度异常和海表地转流

    Fig.  12  AVISO surface level anomaly and surface geostrophic current during the torrent in the northern South China Sea in summer 2019

    表  1  观测站位经纬度、水深及观测要素

    Tab.  1  Longitude and latitude water depth and observation elements of observation stations

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    表  2  2019年5月和8月典型激流流况

    Tab.  2  Typical shock current conditions in May and August, 2019

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